
添加328字节 、 2023年2月28日 (二) 08:54
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第420行: 第420行:  
{|class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
{|class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! style="text-align: left;" | ''' 对话&nbsp;'''
! style="text-align: left;" | ''' 常&nbsp;'''
{{Quote|你好!我是格斯,星 实餐 吧的老板兼主厨。需要提神的话可以光临我的店。 这里有的是热咖啡和冰啤酒。}}
{{Quote|你好!我是格斯,星果 '''(原文如此)''' 的老板兼主厨。需要提神的话可以光临我的店。 这里有的是热咖啡和冰啤酒。}}
第438行: 第445行:     
{{Quote| 在这样的日子里,没有什么比一杯干红酒更棒的了,对吧?我热爱我的工作。嘿}}
{{Quote|There's nothing like a glass of dry red wine on a day like this, huh? I love my job. Hehehe.}}
第469行: 第476行:  
{|class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
{|class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
! style="text-align: left;" | '''节日 &nbsp;'''
! style="text-align: left;" | '''节日&nbsp;'''
{{Quote| 我希望每个人都喜欢食物... 我已经做了好几天的饭,把一切都准备好了。煎蛋、水煮蛋、荷包蛋、魔鬼蛋、炒鸡蛋、巧克力蛋... 你的名字}}
{{Quote|I hope everyone's enjoying the food... I've been cooking for days to get everything ready. Fried eggs, boiled eggs, poached eggs, deviled eggs, scrambled eggs, chocolate eggs... you name it!}}
{{Quote| 青蛙季节真的开始回暖了}}
{{Quote|Frog season is really starting to pick up.}}
{{Quote| 这些大群的沙蝇不断落在食物上}}
{{Quote|These blasted sand-flies keep landing on the food!}}
{{Quote| 月光水母的... 我想知道它们的味道如何?当然,我永远不会尝试}}
{{Quote|Moonlight Jellies'... I wonder how they taste? I would never try it, of course!}}
{{Quote| 想吃多少就吃多少!今天全部免费... 刘易斯市长的赞美。哦!一定要在那里滴一些我的秘诀}}
{{Quote|Eat as much as you like! It's all free today... compliments of Mayor Lewis. Oh! Make sure to dribble some of my secret sauce on there.}}
{{Quote| 用南瓜做饭很有趣。如此有趣的水果}}
{{Quote|It's a lot of fun to cook with pumpkin. Such an interesting fruit.}}
{{Quote| 对不起,没有食物。就等到冬日星盛宴吧。你会大吃好几天}}
{{Quote|Sorry there's no food. Just wait until the Feast of the Winter Star. You'll be stuffed for days.}}
{{Quote| 这是一门艺术,制作糖果手杖。你真的必须四处寻找最好的食材。这些天来之不易!我通常使用蕨类植物岛环果作为我的主要手杖,你知道的。你无法击败那种鲜红色... 这一切都是自然的!哦,你想知道我的豪华双手杖的秘密吗?好吧,但你必须保证绝对保密。* 耳语* 这是白糖中的一滴香草,以补充樱桃味。当然,薄荷糖手杖是标准,我也总是制作一批健康的手杖。
{{Quote|It's a fine art, making candy canes. You've really got to search far and wide for the best ingredients. They aren't easy to come by these days! I usually use Fern Island Ringfruit for my premier canes, you know. You can't beat that bright red coloring... And it's all natural! Oh, you want to know the secret to my deluxe double-canes? Okay, but you've got to promise absolute secrecy. *whisper* It's a drop of vanilla in the white candy to complement the cherry flavor. Of course, peppermint candy canes are the standard, and I always make a healthy batch of those as well.
Hey, you look like you're falling asleep. Are you okay?}}
