
增加 62 位元組 、 2021年1月1日 (五) 16:23
第381行: 第381行:  
|id="Island Ingredients"|Island Ingredients
|id="Island Ingredients"| 岛屿食材
|I want to experiment with tropical cooking, but it's hard to find any ingredients. If someone could ship 100 Toro Roots, it might help!
| 我想尝试烹饪热带菜肴,但是寻找食材真的很困难。如果有人能售出 100 份(芋头/姜/菠萝), 应该能帮上忙!
|[[File:Caroline Icon.png|24px|link=卡洛琳]] [[卡洛琳]]
|[[File:Caroline Icon.png|24px|link=卡洛琳]] [[卡洛琳]]
第392行: 第392行:  
* {{name|Solar Panel|size=24}} 配方
* {{name|Solar Panel|size=24}} 配方
|id="Cave Patrol"|Cave Patrol
|id="Cave Patrol"| 洞穴巡查
|The number of [Monster] in the local caves have made mining dangerous... for other people, not me! There's good money for anyone willing to slay 50 of them. -Clint
| 当地洞穴中的[ 怪物] 数量已经导致我……不对,是其他人——其他人采矿变得十分危险。凡是愿意杀死 50 只怪物的人都能得到一笔可观的报酬。——克林特
|[[File:Clint Icon.png|24px|link=克林特]] [[克林特]]
|[[File:Clint Icon.png|24px|link=克林特]] [[克林特]]
第401行: 第401行:  
* {{name|Geode Crusher|size=24}} 配方
* {{name|Geode Crusher|size=24}} 配方
|id="Aquatic Overpopulation"|水 生物 過多
|id="Aquatic Overpopulation"|水生物 泛滥
|For unknown reasons, the local population of [ ] has grown to an unsustainable level. 我需要一名 釣魚翁 减少 数量
| 本地的[ ] 数量泛滥成灾,具体原因不明。 我需要一名 的垂钓者帮忙 减少 鱼群 数量
|[[File:Demetrius Icon.png|24px|link=德米特里厄斯]] [[德米特里厄斯]]
|[[File:Demetrius Icon.png|24px|link=德米特里厄斯]] [[德米特里厄斯]]
第428行: 第428行:  
* {{name|Farm Computer|size=24}} 配方
* {{name|Farm Computer|size=24}} 配方
|id="Biome Balance"|Biome Balance
|id="Biome Balance"| 生态平衡
|For unknown reasons, the local population of [Fish] has grown to an unsustainable level. I need a local angler to help reduce their numbers.
| 本地的[ ] 数量泛滥成灾,具体原因不明。我需要一名本地的垂钓者帮忙减少鱼群数量。
|[[File:Demetrius Icon.png|24px|link=德米特里厄斯]] [[德米特里厄斯]]
|[[File:Demetrius Icon.png|24px|link=德米特里厄斯]] [[德米特里厄斯]]
第440行: 第440行:  
* {{name|Farm Computer|size=24}} 配方
* {{name|Farm Computer|size=24}} 配方
|id="Rock Rejuvenation"|Rock Rejuvenation
|id="Rock Rejuvenation"| 宝石能量
|Hey! I'm going to invite some friends over to do a "rock rejuvenation" ceremony, but I'll need some crystals to channel the right energies. Do you think you could lend me a hand?
| 嘿!我打算邀请一些朋友过来,办一个“宝石能量”仪式,但我需要一些水晶才能聚集相应的能量。你能帮把手吗?
|[[File:Emily Icon.png|24px|link=艾米丽]] [[艾米丽]]
|[[File:Emily Icon.png|24px|link=艾米丽]] [[艾米丽]]
第455行: 第455行:  
* "Rock Rejuvenation" ceremony cutscene at [[2 Willow Lane|Emily's House]]
* "Rock Rejuvenation" ceremony cutscene at [[2 Willow Lane|Emily's House]]
|id="Gifts for George"|Gifts for George
|id="Gifts for George"| 给乔治的礼物
|George thinks no one in town cares about him. I'd like to prove him wrong! A dozen leeks should do the trick... they're his favorite. -Evelyn
| 乔治认为镇子上没人在乎他,我想要证明他是错的!一打韭葱应该就足够了……他最喜欢韭葱了。——艾芙琳
|[[File:Evelyn Icon.png|24px|link=艾芙琳]] [[艾芙琳]]
|[[File:Evelyn Icon.png|24px|link=艾芙琳]] [[艾芙琳]]
第464行: 第464行:  
* {{name|Coffee Maker|size=24}}
* {{name|Coffee Maker|size=24}}
|id="Fragments of the past"|Fragments of the past
|id="Fragments of the past"| 历史的碎片
|Calling all amateur paleontologists! I need 100 pieces of bone for my studies. Please drop them off at the museum counter! -Gunther
| 全体古生物爱好者们!我的研究需要 100 块骨头。请把它们放在博物馆柜台!——冈瑟
|[[File:Gunther Icon.png|24px|link=冈瑟]] [[冈瑟]]
|[[File:Gunther Icon.png|24px|link=冈瑟]] [[冈瑟]]
第474行: 第474行:  
*{{name|Bone Mill|size=24}}
*{{name|Bone Mill|size=24}}
|id="Gus' Famous Omelet"|Gus' Famous Omelet
|id="Gus' Famous Omelet"| 格斯的著名煎蛋卷
|I've got the urge to make my famous giant omelet... but I'll need two dozen eggs. Any takers?
| 我想要做一份我出了名的巨型煎蛋卷/我想要再做一份巨型煎蛋卷……我需要 24 个蛋。有人帮忙吗?——格斯
|[[File:Gus Icon.png|24px|link=格斯]] [[格斯]]
|[[File:Gus Icon.png|24px|link=格斯]] [[格斯]]
第484行: 第484行:  
* "Giant Omelet" cutscene at [[The Stardrop Saloon]]
* "Giant Omelet" cutscene at [[The Stardrop Saloon]]
|id="Crop Order"|Crop Order
|id="Crop Order"| 农作物订单
|[Crop] are in high demand this year. Anyone who ships 100 [Crop] by the end of the season will earn a substantial reward from the Pelican Town Agricultural Fund.
| 州长正在举行宴会,他的厨师订购了大量的[ 农作物] 。所有在本季度结束前售出 100 [ 农作物] 的人都将获得一份由鹈鹕镇农业基金提供的丰厚奖励。
|[[File:Lewis Icon.png|24px|link=刘易斯]] [[刘易斯]]
|[[File:Lewis Icon.png|24px|link=刘易斯]] [[刘易斯]]
第491行: 第491行:  
|id="Community Cleanup"|Community Cleanup
|id="Community Cleanup"| 社区清理
|I have an idea. There's a lot of trash in the water. Why don't we fish some out to make the valley more beautiful? -Linus
| 我有个主意。水里有很多垃圾,我们为什么不钓一些出来,使山谷更美丽呢?——莱纳斯
|[[File:Linus Icon.png|24px|link=莱纳斯]] [[莱纳斯]]
|[[File:Linus Icon.png|24px|link=莱纳斯]] [[莱纳斯]]
第500行: 第500行:  
* Cutscene at the [[The Mountain|Lake]]
* Cutscene at the [[The Mountain|Lake]]
|id="The Strong Stuff"|The Strong Stuff
|id="The Strong Stuff"| 烈酒
|Heard there's a spirit made out of potatoes that really packs a whallop, if you know what I mean. Mind dropping a few taters into a keg and bringing me a batch or two?
| 我听说有一种用土豆做的烈酒,超级猛——你懂的。可以帮我在小桶里放一点土豆,然后给我送来几桶吗?
|[[File:Pam Icon.png|24px|link=潘姆]] [[潘姆]]
|[[File:Pam Icon.png|24px|link=潘姆]] [[潘姆]]
第509行: 第509行:  
|id="Pierre's Prime Produce"|Pierre's Prime Produce
|id="Pierre's Prime Produce"| 皮埃尔优选
|Hello there. For an upcoming promotion, I'm thinking of offering some high-quality vegetables at a slight premium...Know where a thrifty shopkeep might find 25 gold-star vegetables?
| 你好。为了即将到来的促销活动,我打算售卖一些价格稍高的高品质蔬菜……考虑到我是节俭的店主,有谁知道哪里可以找到 25 份金星品质的蔬菜吗?
|[[File:Pierre Icon.png|24px|link=皮埃尔]] [[皮埃尔]]
|[[File:Pierre Icon.png|24px|link=皮埃尔]] [[皮埃尔]]
第519行: 第519行:  
* {{name|Mini-Shipping Bin|size=24}} per mail the day after the cutscene
* {{name|Mini-Shipping Bin|size=24}} per mail the day after the cutscene
|id="Robin's Project"|Robin's Project
|id="Robin's Project"| 罗宾的项目
|Hey! I have an idea for a new style of bed, but I'll need 80 hardwood to make it happen. Can anyone help? -Robin
| 嗨!我构思了一种新造型的床,但我需要 80 块硬木才能做出来。有人能帮把手吗?——罗宾
|[[File:Robin Icon.png|24px|link=罗宾]] [[罗宾]]
|[[File:Robin Icon.png|24px|link=罗宾]] [[罗宾]]
第529行: 第529行:  
*{{name|Deluxe Red Double Bed|size=24}} can be purchased from Robin
*{{name|Deluxe Red Double Bed|size=24}} can be purchased from Robin
|id="Robin's Resource Rush"|Robin's Resource Rush
|id="Robin's Resource Rush"| 罗宾的资源活动
|I'm putting on a little promotion, just for fun. If anyone can collect 1000 pieces of [Resource] in a week, they'll earn a reward. And you can keep the [Resource]! -Robin
| 我想搞一次小小的促销活动,当然只是为了娱乐。如果有人能在一周内收集到 1000 [ 资源] ,就能获得一份奖赏。而且你可以留着收集到的[ 资源] !——罗宾
|[[File:Robin Icon.png|24px|link=罗宾]] [[罗宾]]
|[[File:Robin Icon.png|24px|link=罗宾]] [[罗宾]]
第541行: 第541行:  
*{{name|Stone Chest|size=24}} 配方
*{{name|Stone Chest|size=24}} 配方
|id="Juicy Bugs Wanted"|Juicy Bugs Wanted!
|id="Juicy Bugs Wanted"| 需要多汁的虫子!
|Hey there, I'm looking for a big wad o' bug guts. The juicier the better... at least that's what the crabs seem to like... 100 pieces should do the trick.
| 你好啊,我需要大量的虫子内脏。越多汁越好……至少,螃蟹似乎喜欢多汁的虫子……100 块应该就够用了。
|[[File:Willy Icon.png|24px|link=威利]] [[威利]]
|[[File:Willy Icon.png|24px|link=威利]] [[威利]]
第551行: 第551行:  
* Cutscene outside of [[Fish Shop]] 
* Cutscene outside of [[Fish Shop]] 
|id="Tropical Fish"|Tropical Fish
|id="Tropical Fish"| 热带鱼
|There's nothin' like tropical fishing... To keep the art alive, I'm offering a reward for whoever can bring in a good island haul.
| 在热带地区钓鱼的体验是无与伦比的……为了让这项技艺得到传承,所有带来大量岛屿渔获的人都能得到我的奖励。
|[[File:Willy Icon.png|24px|link=威利]] [[威利]]
|[[File:Willy Icon.png|24px|link=威利]] [[威利]]
第558行: 第558行:  
|id="A Curious Substance"|A Curious Substance
|id="A Curious Substance"| 奇特物质
|I seek an extremely rare and powerful goop, known as 'ectoplasm'. It can be found in the remains of slain ghosts. -M. Rasmodius
| 我在寻找一种极为罕见的粘液,即所谓的“灵外质”,它有很强的力量,可以在杀死的鬼魂的遗骸中找到。
|[[File:Wizard Icon.png|24px|link=法师]] [[法师]]
|[[File:Wizard Icon.png|24px|link=法师]] [[法师]]
第568行: 第568行:  
* Quality Bobber 配方 或 {{name|Mini-Obelisk|size=24}} 配方
* Quality Bobber 配方 或 {{name|Mini-Obelisk|size=24}} 配方
|id="Prismatic Jelly"|Prismatic Jelly
|id="Prismatic Jelly"| 五彩胶冻
|I require assistance in tracking down the rare and dangerous prismatic slime, within the local caves. Bring me a jar of its prismatic jelly and you will be duly rewarded. -M. Rasmodius
| 我需要人手协助追查当地洞穴内罕见而危险的五彩史莱姆。给我拿一罐它的五彩胶冻来,你会得到应有的奖励的。——M·拉斯莫迪斯
|[[File:Wizard Icon.png|24px|link=法师]] [[法师]]
|[[File:Wizard Icon.png|24px|link=法师]] [[法师]]
