
添加542字节 、 2023年6月16日 (五) 17:35
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第1行: 第1行:  
{| style="background:black;float:right;margin-left:16px"
{| style="background:black;float:right;margin-left:16px"
|[[File:JOPK logo ZH.png|300px]]
|[[File:JOPK logo ZH.png|300px]]
'''草原王者大冒险''' 是一 个SmashTV 风格的迷你游戏,可以在[[星之果实餐吧]]的街机上游玩通关 游戏将为您提供 一个街机 可以放入您 房子,让您也可以在那里玩游戏 。[[阿比盖尔]]也拥有游戏的主机版本, 一旦 提升了[[友谊]] 级别(2 ,她将在事件中与你一起玩。游戏的随机元素不受[[运气]]的影响。
'''草原王者大冒险'''是一 个Smash TV 风格的迷你游戏,可以在[[星之果实餐吧]]的街机上游玩 。玩家如果达成游戏 通关 ,则在第二天会收到 一个 带有[[草原之王 街机 系统]] 邮件 。[[阿比盖尔]]也拥有 游戏的主机版本, 如果 同阿比盖尔的[[友谊]] 达到了2 并触发了她的2心事件 ,她将在 事件中与你一起玩。游戏的随机元素不受[[运气]]的影响<ref name="CAquote" />
* 草原之王
* 草原之王之旅
* 草原王者大冒险
* 草原大王的旅行
* 草原之王的冒险之旅
'''草原王者大冒险'''是一个俯视视角的射击游戏,类似于[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smash_TV Smash TV]这样的[[wikipedia:zh:清版射击游戏|清版射击游戏]]。 {{Key|W}}{{Key|A}}{{Key|S}}{{Key|D}}四个键用于移动角色,{{Key|&uarr;}}{{Key|&larr;}}{{Key|&darr;}}{{Key|&rarr;}} 四个键控制角色朝四个不同的方向射击。 玩家可以通过同时组合使用按键让角色完成往斜对角线移动或者射击。(例如一起按{{Key|&uarr;}}{{Key|&larr;}}让角色朝左上角沿对角线移动。).
'''草原王者大冒险'''是一个俯视视角的射击游戏,类似于[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smash_TV Smash TV]这样的[[wikipedia:zh:清版射击游戏|清版射击游戏]]。 {{Key|W}}{{Key|A}}{{Key|S}}{{Key|D}}四个键用于移动角色,{{Key|&uarr;}}{{Key|&larr;}}{{Key|&darr;}}{{Key|&rarr;}} 四个键控制角色朝四个不同的方向射击。 玩家可以通过同时组合使用按键让角色完成往斜对角线移动或者射击。(例如一起按{{Key|&uarr;}}{{Key|&larr;}}让角色朝左上角 方向, 沿对角线 射击。)
在此游戏的 移动 端版本,游戏界面上有两个红色透明圆圈供玩家以触控的方式游玩游戏。左边的圆圈用于控制角色移动,右边的圆圈用于瞄准
You start off with four lives (shown as "x3" in the upper left), and your character is instantly killed if he is touched by an enemy or projectile.  Losing your last life (when the counter changes from "x0" to "x-1") results in a Game Over.  In each level, a timer bar counts down at the top of the screen while waves of [[#Enemies|enemies]] appear from the edges of the screen and move towards you.  Enemies stop spawning when the timer bar has counted down all the way, and the level is completed when all enemies are defeated, allowing you to move to the next area.
游戏开始时,你有四条生命( 游戏屏幕的左上角会显示“x3”) ,如果你控制的角色触碰到敌人或者敌人的抛射物就会直接死亡。当你失去最后一条生命的时候( 也就是当“x0”变为“x-1 ”的时候) ,游戏就结束了。在每个关卡中,屏幕上方的计时器栏会倒计时,而一波波的敌人从屏幕边缘出现并向你移动。当计时器条停止倒计(计时器清零)时,敌人就会停止产生。当所有的敌人都被击败后,本关卡就完成了,你可以进入下一个区域。
Enemies will sometimes drop [[#Powerups|powerups]], coins and extra lives upon being killed. You can hold one powerup at a time, stored in a slot in the top-left, and you can activate this powerup at any time by pressing {{Key|Space}}.  If you pick up another powerup while holding onto one, the new powerup is consumed immediately.  Powerups last only for a short time.
  敌人有时候会掉落一些道具、硬币和额外生命。你可以每次持有一个道具,它存放在左上方的插槽中,你可以在任何时候按{{key| 空格键}} 激活这个道具。如果你在持有一个道具的时候再捡起来另一个道具,那么这个新的道具会立即生效。道具效果只能维持短暂的一段时间。
Each stage ends in a [[#Bosses|boss fight]], where the boss has a large amount of health and shoots bullets at you.
==敌人 掉落 ==
==敌人掉落 的道具==
{| class="wikitable"
! 图片
! 名称
! 描述
|1 Coin
|1 Coin
|增 加你的 硬币数量 1
|增 加1个 硬币数量。
|5 Coin
|5 Coin
|增 加你的 硬币数量 5 非常稀有
|增 加5个 硬币数量, 该道具掉落几率低于1 Coin
第42行: 第52行:  
| 清屏 核弹
| 你可以一 开火方向 呈锥状 射出三枚子弹。稍微降低开火速率。
| 射击会朝 开火方向射出三枚 方向呈锥状分散的 子弹。稍微降低开火速率。
第55行: 第65行:  
| 增加 开火速率 ,增加 移动速率,并使你 锥状射击。有效地将机枪、霰弹枪和咖啡组合 个方便且致命的pickup。 但开火速率及移动速率略低於咖啡/机枪。在靴子和枪升到满级的情况下,这个物品的 加成 极小。
| 提高 开火速率 移动速率,并使你 能像使用霰弹枪那样 锥状射击。 该道具 有效地将 机枪、霰弹枪和咖啡 的功能 组合 起, 但开火速率及移动速率略低於咖啡/机枪。在靴子和枪升到满级的情况下,这个物品的 增益效果 极小。
| 墓碑
|一道闪电击中你的角色,在一定时间内将你转变成僵尸。你获得移动速率并且能以接触击杀敌人,敌人会逃离你 播放一段音乐,这个形态持续到音乐结束。你仍可以像往常一样在这个形态下射击。(注: 这个强化不 使你免 疫头目 的子弹。)
|一道闪电击中你的角色,在一定时间内将你转变成僵尸。你获得 更高的 移动速率并且能以接触击杀敌人,敌人会逃离你 。使用道具后游戏会 播放一段 特殊的 音乐,这个形态 持续到音乐结束。 此后, 你仍可以像往常一样在这个形态下射击。(注: 这个强化 道具 使你免 疫boss射出 的子弹。)
第66行: 第76行:  
== 升级==
A Vendor appears after you complete certain levels and will present you with three upgrades that you can purchase with coins dropped by enemies (see above). You can only purchase one item per visit, and the items in each slot are always presented in the same order, requiring you to purchase the first item in that slot before the next one is shown in a later level, etc.  (For example, you must first purchase both boots upgrades before you can purchase an extra life from the first slot.)
The Vendor appears at the end of every second level: 1-2, 1-4, 2-1, 2-3, 3-1 and 3-3.
每结束两关时,供应商就会出现。供应商出现的关卡: 1-2 、1-4 、2-1 、2-3 、3-1 和3-3
{| class="wikitable"
!Vendor Slot
! 供应商卡槽位
! 图片
! 名称
!Purchase Price
! 售价
! 描述
| rowspan=3 style="text-align:center" | <big>'''1'''</big>
| rowspan="3" style="text-align: center;" | '''1'''
| rowspan=2 | Boots
| rowspan="2" | 靴子
| {{Price|8|JOPK}}
| {{Price|8|JOPK}}
| rowspan=2 | Upgrades movement speed.
| rowspan="2" | 提高移动速度。
第88行: 第98行:  
| Extra Life
| 额外生命
| {{Price|10|JOPK}}
| {{Price|10|JOPK}}
| Get an Extra Life. Can be purchased again at the next vendor.
| 获得额外一条生命,当供应商下一次出现的时候,可以再次购买。
| rowspan=5 style="text-align:center" | <big>'''2'''</big>
| rowspan="5" style="text-align: center;" | '''2'''
| rowspan=3 | Gun
| rowspan="3" |
| {{Price|10|JOPK}}
| {{Price|10|JOPK}}
| rowspan=3 | Increases shooting speed.
| rowspan="3" | 提高射击速度。
第105行: 第115行:  
| Super-Gun
| - 加强版
| {{Price|99|JOPK}}
| {{Price|99|JOPK}}
|You will get the Shotgun spread permanently without the fire-rate debuff. Will also be shown as a 4th icon on the left, on top of the other 3.
| 永久应用霰弹枪力量升级的效果,没有降低射击速度的减益效果。它会作为左边的第4个图标,显示在其他3个图标之上。拾取具有力量加成的霰弹枪不会增加子弹的飞行速度,但仍然会降低开火速度。这个升级只有在[[草原王者大冒险#困难模式|困难模式]]下才有。需要购买其他所有枪支和弹药升级后才会出现。
| Sheriff Badge
| 治安官徽章
| {{Price|10|JOPK}}
| {{Price|10|JOPK}}
| Get a Sheriff Badge. Can be purchased again at the next vendor.
| 获得一枚治安官徽章,当供应商下一次出现的时候,可以再次购买。
| rowspan=4 style="text-align:center" | <big>'''3'''</big>
| rowspan="4" style="text-align: center;" | '''3'''
| rowspan=3 | Ammo
| rowspan="3" | 弹药
| {{Price|15|JOPK}}
| {{Price|15|JOPK}}
| rowspan=3 | Increases bullet damage to 2 / 3 / 4. Bullets gain penetration, such that if a bullet destroys an enemy with damage left over, it will keep going until its damage is depleted, allowing you to kill at least two weak enemies with one bullet.
| rowspan="3" | 把子弹的杀伤值提高到2/3/4 。子弹具有穿透性,例如一发子弹在打穿敌人以后还有剩余的伤害,它会一直飞,直到杀伤值为,相当于你能使用一枚子弹干掉至少两名敌人。
| [[File:JOPK_Ammo2.png]]
| [[File:JOPK_Ammo2.png]]
第127行: 第137行:  
| Sheriff Badge
| 治安官徽章
| {{Price|10|JOPK}}
| {{Price|10|JOPK}}
| Get a Sheriff Badge. Can be purchased again at the next vendor.
| 获得一枚治安官徽章,当供应商下一次出现的时候,可以再次购买。
== 敌人==
{| class="wikitable"
! 图片
! 名称
! 描述
!Appears in
! 出现于
|The weakest enemy. Walks slowly towards the player, often spawning in large numbers.
| 该游戏最弱的敌人,会大量生成,并朝着玩家慢慢走来。
|Stage 1 (areas 1-4)
| 阶段 1 ( 区域 1-4)
|2 while active, 6 while deployed
| 活动的时候为2,部署的时候是6
|Enters the area, walks to a random location, and deploys into an armored spikeball. While they can kill the player, whether deployed or undeployed, it can be beneficial to leave some around for crowd control, as they block enemy movement. If time has run out and the only remaining enemies are spikeballs, they will die in one hit.
|Spikeball进入区域,走到随机位置,然后部署成装甲尖球。不管是已部署的还是未部署, 它们都可以杀死玩家,并在周围形成一些障碍物,它们可以阻挡玩家的行动(同时也会阻碍敌人的活动,算是一个益处)。如果时间已经耗尽,只剩下Spikeball这一种敌人,玩家就可以将它们一击毙命。
|Stage 1 (areas 2-4)
| 阶段 1 ( 区域 2-4)
|Moves slowly, but soaks up damage. Destroys spikeballs on contact.
| 移动速度慢,但能吸收伤害。会破坏接触到的Spikeball。
|Stage 1 (areas 3-4), Stage 2 (areas 1-3)
| 阶段 1 ( 区域 3-4), 阶段 2 ( 区域 1-3)
|Moves quickly, running as fast as a player without speed upgrades.
| 可以快速移动,移动速度和速度没有升级的角色的移动速度一样快。
|Stage 2 (areas 1-3)
| 阶段 2 ( 区域 1-3)
|The first flying enemy. Can spawn anywhere on the perimeter and fly towards the player.  Can also fly over obstacles.
| 第一种可以飞行的敌人。可以在任何地方生成,并飞去攻击玩家。可以飞越障碍物。
|Stage 2 (areas 1-3)
| 阶段 2 ( 区域 1-3)
|Moves slowly and soaks up a lot of damage. Spawns in large hordes.
| 移动速度慢,可以吸收大量伤害,并成群生成。
|Stage 3 (areas 1-3)
| 阶段 3 ( 区域 1-3)
|A flying enemy that can spawn anywhere on the perimeter, seeking the player.  Can fly over obstacles and is not distracted by the Gopher or deterred by the Tombstone powerup.
| 一种飞行的敌人,可以在周边任何地方产生,寻找并攻击玩家。可以飞越障碍物,不会被Gopher分心,也不会被墓碑道具的力量所阻挡。
|Stage 3 (areas 1-3)
| 阶段 3 ( 区域 1-3)
== 友军==
{| class="wikitable"
! 图片
! 名称
! 描述
!Appears in
! 出现于
|Distracts enemies, drawing them towards it and killing them on impact. Does not harm the player and cannot be killed by the player. Disappears after it has fully crossed the screen.
| 分散敌人的注意力,将敌人引向它,然后将其击杀。不伤害玩家,也不能被玩家杀死。它完全越过屏幕后会消失。
If you are nice enough to them, they might carry you on a parade float upon your victory against a boss.
| 随机
{| class="wikitable"
! 图片
! 名称
! 描述
!Appears in
! 出现于
| 牛仔
|Both fights with the cowboy take place in open fields with little cover. The player and cowboy are separated by a ravine/river, which can only be crossed with a lucky smoke bomb. Although the cowboy can take quite a few bullets, you can still only take one before dying, requiring proficient evasion. The cowboy will run out of cover and shoot a volley of bullets upwards (sometimes matching your movements) before retreating back to cover. He often pauses behind cover, and sometimes outside of cover, allowing you to get some easy shots in.  Upon dying, the boss drops an extra life, a bridge appears crossing the river, and a pickup appears allowing you to travel to the next stage.
| 与牛仔的战斗都发生在开阔的田野上,几乎没有什么遮挡物。玩家和牛仔之间被一条峡谷/ 河流隔开,玩家只能用烟雾弹的随机位置生成功能穿越这条峡谷/河流。牛仔会跑出掩体,朝玩家射出一连串的子弹(有时会配合你的动作),然后再退回掩体。他经常会在掩体后停顿,有时也会在掩体外停顿,让你可以轻松的射中一些子弹。死亡后,boss会掉落一条额外的生命,出现一座横跨河流的桥,并出现一个装载着橡皮艇的皮卡车让你前往下一阶段。
|Stage 1 (area 5), Stage 2 (area 4)
| 阶段 1 ( 区域 5), 阶段 2 ( 区域 4)
|Fector is the final boss and is significantly more difficult than the Cowboy. You can move anywhere on the screen in this stage, but Fector also moves around freely and can fire directly at you, as well as firing in eight directions (as with the Wheel powerup). As his health decreases, he starts summoning enemies to attack you and shield himself. Beating Fector finishes the Journey of the Prairie King game.
|Fector 是最后的boss,难度明显高于牛仔。 在这个阶段,你可以在屏幕上的任何地方移动,但Fector也可以自由移动,并且可以直接向你开火,也可以向八个方向开火(和道具轮子的功能一样)。 当他的HP下降时,他开始召唤敌人来攻击你,并护住自己。 打败Fector就可以完成草原王者大冒险的通关。
|Stage 3 (area 4)
| 阶段 3 ( 区域 4)
== 关卡==
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
{|class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
!<big>Screenshots of each level</big>
!style="text-align: left;"|每关地形截图&nbsp;
{| class="wikitable"
! 阶段
!Area 1
! 区域 1
!Area 2
! 区域 2
!Area 3
! 区域 3
!Area 4
! 区域 4
|<big>'''Stage 1 - Prairie'''</big>
|''' 阶段 1 - 草原'''
第243行: 第252行:  
|<big>'''Stage 2 - Forest'''</big>
|''' 阶段 2 - 森林'''
|style="text-align:center"| -
|style="text-align: center;"| -
|<big>'''Stage 3 - Graveyard'''</big>
|''' 阶段 3 - 墓园'''
|style="text-align:center"| -
|style="text-align: center;"| -
==Hard Mode==
== 困难模式==
As of {{version|1.1|version 1.1}}, once you have beaten ''Journey of the Prairie King'', you have the option to start over in a harder mode. You keep all of your upgrades and coins from before, but lives reset to the default "x3".  Enemies spawn in greater numbers, some of them move faster, and they each have at least one extra hit point. Additionally, Imps now attack you in every level except boss stages, and extra lives drop far less often.
{{version|1.1|1.1}} 版本开始,一旦你击败了草原王者大冒险,你就可以选择以困难模式重新开始。你会保留之前所有的升级和金币,但生命会重置为默认的 "x3" 。敌人的数量更多了,有些敌人的移动速度更快,而且他们每个人都有至少一个额外的命中点。此外,Imp现在在每个关卡中都会攻击你,除了boss阶段,额外的生命掉落的频率大大降低。
*[https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Options#Graphics 缩放级别]会影响街机游戏所占的屏幕比例。
*这个游戏的标题很有可能是指[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_River_King_video_games “River King”游戏](Natsume开发的一系列钓鱼RPG游戏,他们还开发了“the Harvest Moon”系列游戏),具体来说,就是在美国以“Legend of the River King”为名发售的Game Boy游戏。
* 如果在第一场boss战中使用清屏核弹,敌人会从屏幕上消失,但阶段不会结束,导致软锁。在对Fector使用墓碑时也会出现这种情况。
== 参考==
* Once the player finds enough [[Lost Books|lost books]], a book will be available in the northern end of the [[Museum|library]] that reads, <blockquote>''"Journey of the Prairie King -- The Smash Hit Video Game! Did you know? Anyone who beats ' Journey of the Prairie King' is automatically entered into a drawing for a special prize! Did you know? The developer has stated that the protagonist is based on a real-life character... A true cowboy hero from a prairie-island in the Gem Sea!"''</blockquote>
* There is a bug in the game that prevents player progression under certain circumstances: If the nuke power-up is used during the first boss fight, the enemy will vanish from the screen but the stage will not end. Also occurs with the Tombstone power up and the last boss. This situation can be escaped from by hitting esc, which will close the game and return you to [[The Stardrop Saloon|The Saloon]].
<ref name="CAquote">https://twitter.com/concernedape/status/1094755018945703937</ref>
* Having both the wheel and shotgun powerup at the same time will result in you shooting a wheel of shotgun rounds (24 directions), which usually shreds everything in sight very quickly.
* [[Options#Graphics|Zoom level]] also influences the portion of screen the arcade game takes up. Be sure to check this setting before playing.
* The title of the game is most likely a reference to the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_River_King_video_games River King games] (a series of fishing RPGs made by Natsume, who also made the Harvest Moon series), specifically the Game Boy title released in the US as ''Legend of the River King''.
== 历史==
{{History|1.0| 加入了草原王者大冒险}}
{{history|1.1|After beating the game, the player can play in Hard Mode.}}
{{History|1.1| 在通关了以后,玩家可以游玩草原王者大冒险的困难模式。}}
[[Category: 迷你游戏]]
[[de:Reise des Prärie-Königs]]
[[de:Reise des Prärie-Königs]]
[[en:Journey of the Prairie King]]
[[en:Journey of the Prairie King]]
[[es:Viaje del Rey de la Pradera]]
[[es:Viaje del Rey de la Pradera]]
[[fr:Aventures du Roi de la Prairie]]
[[it:Viaggio del Re della Prateria]]
[[ko:대초원의 왕의 모험]]
[[hu:Journey Of The Prairie King]]
[[pt:Jornada do Rei da Pradaria]]
[[pt:Jornada do Rei da Pradaria]]
[[ru:Путешествие Короля Прерий]]
[[ru:Путешествие Короля Прерий]]
[[tr:Çayır Kralı'nın Yolculuğu]]
