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== 求助任务==
*Seaweed may be randomly requested during any season at the [[Quests#Help Wanted Quests|"Help Wanted" board]] outside [[Pierre's General Store]] for a reward of {{Price|60}} and 150 [[Friendship]] points.
* 海草会在任意季节,出现在[[ 皮埃尔的杂货店]] 外边的布告栏上的随机求助任务之中。奖励为 {{Price|60}} 和150 [[ 友谊]] 点。
*1-2 Seaweed may be requested by several ocean fish in a [[Fish Pond#Quests|Fish Pond quest]] to increase the capacity of the pond from 3 to 5.
* [[ 鱼塘]] 的养殖数量从3提高到5的时候,有些种类的鱼会要求玩家提供1~2个海草。
