
增加 22,793 位元組 、 2024年6月12日 (星期三)
行 1: 行 1: −
:''对 鱼类及其位置的列表,请查看[[鱼]]。''
{{Stub|参考、历史的 翻译 仍需要校对、润色}}
:'' 为收集全部的鱼,请查看[[收集#鱼|收集]]。''
{{TOC right}}
:'' 抓住所有的鱼的指南,请查看[[钓鱼攻略]]。''
: 关于 的种 类及其位置的列表,请查看[[鱼]]。
:'' 另请参阅:[[ 器械]]、[[鱼饵]]''
:为收集全部的鱼,请查看[[收集 #鱼|收集]]。
:另请参阅:[[ 渔具]]、[[鱼饵]]
[[File:FishZone.png|100px|thumb|right|水面 气泡]]
'''钓鱼'''是一种使用[[ 工具#钓鱼竿| 钓鱼竿]]或[[蟹笼]]捕捉[[鱼]] [[技能]]
'''钓鱼'''是在''[[Stardew Valley|星露谷物语]]''中一种使用[[钓鱼竿]]或[[蟹笼]]捕捉[[鱼]]的[[技能]]。
 钓鱼竿 是甩入水中来钓鱼。把鱼钩甩 在水中 冒泡的地方, 的速度会更快 。按住鼠标左键 会出现一个 进度条) 施放 抛出。 施放时进度条 多少决定了 钓鱼竿 能被 远。 通过 按方向键 或{{key|W}}{{key|A}}{{key|S}}{{key|D}}来稍微 改变 钓鱼的 位置 这可以 帮助改变 合适 水面冒 的位置。当 咬钩的时候,单击鼠标左键触发迷你游戏
  玩家可以使用 钓鱼竿在水中 进行 钓鱼。按住 使用键(PC端默认为C键和 鼠标左键[[File:Left-Click.png|24px]], Xbox为[[File:360 X.png|24px]], Playstation为[[File:PS4 Square.png|24px]], Switch为[[File:Switch Y.png|24px]])抛钩,这时 会出现一个 量表指示把鱼钩抛多远 松开使用键即可 抛出 鱼钩 提高钓鱼技能等级或使用更好 的钓鱼竿 可以把鱼钩 的更 远。 在鱼钩抛出后且未入水时, 方向键 可以 改变 落点 位置 一技巧 可以 用于在更好的[[钓鱼#钓鱼区|钓鱼区]]和 易达到 [[钓鱼#气泡|气 ]]处钓鱼(详见“[[钓 #倾斜抛竿|倾斜抛竿]]”)
  钓鱼的迷你游戏的目标是让小鱼保持在长方形钓 条的覆盖区域内 直到右边的进度条 升到顶端为止 长按或连续 点击 鼠标来使矩形 鱼条增长。 钓鱼 技能等级和好的钓鱼竿能增强长方形钓鱼条。较高的钓鱼技能等级和好的钓鱼竿也能使鱼的不规则运动减少
  咬钩时 玩家头 出现黄色感叹号,并伴随音效 再次 点击 起[[垃圾]],或者提示“上钩了!”并开始 钓鱼 迷你游戏
  立即 点击 提高可 以将鱼保持在 钓鱼 条的上 但会有 个轻微的延迟时下降。如果 图标 高于或低于钓鱼 条,进度条会 减少 减到没有时 便会 逃走。当玩家一 直把鱼控制在 钓鱼 条区域内 钓上以后 完美 的字样。
  迷你游戏的主体是左侧的小鱼图标、绿条和右侧的进度条。绿条在玩家 点击 使用键时会具有向上的加速度,否则具有向下的加速度。钓鱼迷你游戏的目标是控制绿条位置 以将 图标 保持在 绿 中,让右侧 进度条进度 直到完全填满。 旦小 鱼图标 在绿 之外 ,进度条会 下降;进度条清空时游戏失败 ,鱼逃走 。进度条填满后,触发收杆动画并显示鱼的种类及尺寸。玩家可以在[[收集品#鱼|收集]]查看每种鱼捕获的数量、最大捕获尺寸和基础价格 。当玩家 到每种特定种类的 ,会 出现提示 第一次钓到!
  一个水池会冒泡 那个冒泡点 你的点击量。当它开始冒泡 时, 你将知道你该抛到正确的池塘点
  玩家可以通过快速连续按使用键保持绿条基本悬停,长 间松开使用键使绿条下降 或者按住使用键使绿条快速上升。绿条在掉 底部时 发生反弹;由于玩家直接控制的是绿条的 速度,因此绿条还具有惯性,例如在快速下降 时, 玩家即使长按使用键也不会使绿条立刻变为上升
== 钓鱼具体因素==
  当使用Xbox控制器 时, 首先 需要 准备好钓竿 点击并长按[[File:360_X.png|25px]] 放线 松开 即可。鱼钩入水后, 再次按住[[File:360_X.png|25px]] 一旦接到 钩的 警告 玩家 顶会 个! 伴随着 提示 ), 然后松开[[File:360_X.png|25px]]键 迷你 游戏。 /长按/松开或快点[[File:360_A.png|25px]] 键来 进行钓鱼。
* [[季节]]
* [[天气]](晴天、雨天、任何)
* 水域类型
另外 [[鱼#传说鱼类|传说鱼类]]还 需要 在水域的特定范围内才能捕获
绿条运动的蓝色区域长568个像素。钓鱼技能等级越高 绿条尺寸越大。钓鱼等级为0 ,绿条长96个像素;每升一级增加8个像素, 在钓鱼10级绿条长176个像素。绿条尺寸还 以通过装备[[软木塞浮标]]和[[高级鱼饵]]、进一步提高钓鱼等级([[锻造#工具的附魔|附魔]]、食物增益,可以超过10级的上限)来增大,最长可达308个像素(钓鱼基础10级、使用精通附魔的[[高级铱金鱼竿]]、装备两个[[软木塞浮标]]和[[高级鱼饵]]、食用金星[[海泡布丁]]以及[[沙漠节]]的虾料理)。而在沙漠节之外,绿条最长为284个像素,恰为运动区域的一半。
实际抛竿距离取决于抛竿指示条进度和最大抛竿距离。实际抛竿距离达到最大抛竿距离的99%以上时会提示"Max"<ref name="max_cast" />,不过没有特殊的奖励。
上钩时间指从鱼钩入水到鱼咬钩所需时间。基础上钩时间为0.6秒~30秒之间的随机值。每级钓鱼等级将30秒的最大上钩时间减少0.25秒 。鱼钩入水后, 鱼第一次咬钩的时间还将缩短25%。
[[鱼饵]]、[[磁铁]]和[[魔法鱼饵]]减少50% 钩时间;[[万能鱼饵]]和[[ 挑战鱼饵]]减少62.5%上钩时间;[[高级鱼饵]] 减少66.7%上钩时间。在气泡处钓鱼,鱼上钩速度变为四倍
综合以上因素后, 的上 时间不短于0.5秒。
{{Stub|在beta1.6版本中钓鱼区调整为7个等级;需要确定1.6版本的最终代码。另外“钓鱼区”需要改名为“距陆地 距离”}}
  水域的每个格子都按照离 最近)岸边的距离被划分为钓鱼区0、1、2、3或5<ref name="fishing_zone" /> ,距离越远,数字越大,等级越高,钓鱼收获越好。钓鱼区等级在距离大于等于5时设为5,否则设为距离减去1。游戏将陆地、码 、石桥都视为岸,木桥除外。钓鱼区分布请查看[[钓鱼攻略#距离图片|距离图片]]。
* 些[[鱼#传说鱼类|传说鱼类]]上钩对钓鱼区有要求。
注意,水的颜色如看上去的“深水区”, 不能完全准确的指示钓鱼区等级。
如果钓鱼时小鱼图标始终没有离开绿条就达成完美钓鱼,钓鱼游戏结束时会 提示"完美!" 。完美钓鱼给予两个奖励:
鱼的尺寸主要受钓鱼区等级、钓鱼技能等级和完美钓鱼影响。但使用[[训练用鱼竿]]时 必定钓上普通品质的鱼。
! 基础品质
! 1个优质浮标
! 2个优质浮标
! 仅完美钓鱼
! 完美钓鱼 + 1个优质浮标
! 完美钓鱼 + 2个优质浮标
| 普通
| 银星
| 金星
| 普通
| 金星
| 铱星
| 银星
| 金星
| 铱星
| 金星
| 铱星
| 铱星
| 金星
| 铱星
| 铱星
| 铱星
| 铱星
| 铱星
下表是根据钓鱼区和钓鱼等级不同,列出获得鱼基础品质的几率和尺寸。请注意,基础品质不涉及完美钓鱼或优质浮标带来的品质提高,上表描述了如何进行这些调整。关于详细的fFishSize和尺寸说明<ref name="fish_quality" />参见[[https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Fishing#Fish_Size_.26_Quality 英文wiki]]。
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! rowspan="2" | 钓鱼区
! rowspan="2" data-sort-type=number | 钓鱼等级
! colspan="2" | fFishSize
! colspan="3" | 鱼的基础品质 (%)
! colspan="2" | 鱼的完美尺寸 (英寸)
! 最小
! 最大
! 普通
! 银星
! 金星
! data-sort-type=number | 沙丁鱼
! data-sort-type=number | 鲱鱼
| 1   || 0-1    || 0.04   || 0.22   || 100    || 0     || 0     ||  2 - 4  ||  9 - 11
| 1   || 2-3    || 0.07   || 0.22   || 100    || 0     || 0     ||  2 - 4  ||  9 - 11
| 1   || 4-5    || 0.11   || 0.22   || 100    || 0     || 0     ||  3 - 4  || 10 - 11
| 1   || 6-7    || 0.14   || 0.22   || 100    || 0     || 0     ||  3 - 4  || 10 - 11
| 1   || 8-9    || 0.18   || 0.22   || 100    || 0     || 0     ||  3 - 4  || 11
| 1   || 10-11   || 0.22   || 0.26   || 100    || 0     || 0     ||  4    || 11 - 12
| 1   || 12-13   || 0.25   || 0.31   || 100    || 0     || 0     ||  4 - 5  || 12
| 1   || 14-15   || 0.29   || 0.35   || 67    || 33    || 0     ||  5    || 12 - 13
| 1   || 16-17   || 0.32   || 0.40   || 10    || 90    || 0     ||  5 - 6  || 12 - 13
| 2   || 0-1    || 0.07   || 0.44   || 73    || 27    || 0     ||  2 - 6  ||  9 - 14
| 2   || 2-3    || 0.14   || 0.44   || 67    || 33    || 0     ||  3 - 6  || 10 - 14
| 2   || 4-5    || 0.22   || 0.44   || 56    || 44    || 0     ||  4 - 6  || 11 - 14
| 2   || 6-7    || 0.29   || 0.44   || 33    || 67    || 0     ||  5 - 6  || 12 - 14
| 2   || 8-9    || 0.36   || 0.44   || 0     || 100    || 0     ||  5 - 6  || 13 - 14
| 2   || 10-11   || 0.43   || 0.53   || 0     || 100    || 0     ||  6 - 7  || 14 - 15
| 2   || 12-13   || 0.50   || 0.62   || 0     || 100    || 0     ||  7 - 8  || 15 - 16
| 2   || 14-15   || 0.58   || 0.70   || 0     || 67    || 33    ||  8 - 9  || 15 - 17
| 2   || 16-17   || 0.65   || 0.79   || 0     || 10    || 90    ||  9 - 10 || 16 - 18
| 3   || 0-1    || 0.11   || 0.66   || 42    || 57    || 1     ||  3 - 9  || 10 - 16
| 3   || 2-3    || 0.22   || 0.66   || 27    || 71    || 1     ||  4 - 9  || 11 - 16
| 3   || 4-5    || 0.32   || 0.66   || 3     || 95    || 2     ||  5 - 9  || 12 - 16
| 3   || 6-7    || 0.43   || 0.66   || 0     || 98    || 2     ||  6 - 9  || 14 - 16
| 3   || 8-9    || 0.54   || 0.66   || 0     || 95    || 5     ||  7 - 9  || 15 - 16
| 3   || 10-11   || 0.65   || 0.79   || 0     || 10    || 90    ||  9 - 10 || 16 - 18
| 3   || 12-13   || 0.76   || 0.92   || 0     || 0     || 100    || 10 - 12 || 18 - 20
| 3   || 14-15   || 0.86   || 1.00   || 0     || 0     || 100    || 11 - 13 || 19 - 21
| 3   || 16-17   || 0.97   || 1.00   || 0     || 0     || 100    || 13    || 21
| 3   || 18-19   || 1.00   || 1.00   || 0     || 0     || 100    || 13    || 21
| 5   || 0-1    || 0.18   || 1.00   || 20    || 39    || 41    ||  3 - 13 || 11 - 21
| 5   || 2-3    || 0.36   || 1.00   || 0     || 49    || 51    ||  5 - 13 || 13 - 21
| 5   || 4-5    || 0.54   || 1.00   || 0     || 32    || 68    ||  7 - 13 || 15 - 21
| 5   || 6-7    || 0.72   || 1.00   || 0     || 0     || 100    ||  9 - 13 || 17 - 21
| 5   || 8-9    || 0.90   || 1.00   || 0     || 0     || 100    || 11 - 13 || 19 - 21
| 5   || 10-11   || 1.00   || 1.00   || 0     || 0     || 100    || 13    || 21
| 5   || 12-13   || 1.00   || 1.00   || 0     || 0     || 100    || 13    || 21
| 5   || 14-15   || 1.00   || 1.00   || 0     || 0     || 100    || 13    || 21
| 5   || 16-17   || 1.00   || 1.00   || 0     || 0     || 100    || 13    || 21
| 5   || 18-19   || 1.00   || 1.00   || 0     || 0     || 100    || 13    || 21
有时水中会出现一团气泡,把鱼钩甩入气泡位置会使鱼更快咬钩。如果水中有蓝色闪光,说明玩家恰好甩竿到了气泡位置。在气泡处钓鱼有两个奖励<ref name="bubbles" />:
* 鱼上钩速度变为四倍。
* 钓鱼区等级提高一级。
** 此时的钓鱼区等级提高对鱼的尺寸和基础品质没有影响,对宝箱奖励也没有影响。
每个地点同时至多存在一处气泡。有时气泡可能会出现在鱼竿不可及的位置。此外,气泡不会出现在农场内,除非选择了[[农场地图|河边农场]]<ref name="performtenminuteupdate" />。
除默认的上下左右四个方向可以钓鱼之外,在抛竿的过程中(即从鱼钩甩出到入水之间的空中阶段),玩家可以按移动 (WASD)微调鱼钩入水的位置,从而更好地控制抛竿角度,实现倾斜抛竿。倾斜抛竿在两​​种情况下很有用:
1. 在一些形状不规则的钓鱼区,需要通过倾斜抛竿才能钓到深水区的鱼。
2. 部分气泡生成的位置需要调整抛竿角度才能使鱼钩落 气泡中。
*多人 游戏 时,时间不会暂停
*如果玩家受到攻击(例如在秘密森林钓鱼被史莱姆攻击),即使时间暂停,敌人仍在攻 并伤害玩家。
*在[[星露谷展览会]]和[[ 冰雪节]] 的钓鱼项目中 进行钓鱼 游戏时,比赛计时不会暂停
<section begin="钓鱼竿" />
|[[File:Training Rod.png|center]]
|[[File:Bamboo Pole.png|center]]
|[[任务#To The Beach|“前往沙滩”]]任务的过场动画<p>从威利的[[鱼店]]购买</p>
|[[File:Fiberglass Rod.png|center]]
|[[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]]钓鱼2级<p>(到达2级后隔天玩家会收到一封信)</p>
|[[File:Iridium Rod.png|center]]
|[[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]]钓鱼6级<p>(到达6级后隔天玩家会收到一封信)</p>
|[[File:Advanced Iridium Rod.png|center]]
|[[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] [[精通山洞#精通|钓鱼精通]]
|}<section end="钓鱼竿" />
==[[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|32px|link=]] 钓鱼技能==
捕获一条鱼获得的基础经验XP如下<ref name="fishexp" />:
XP=(鱼的品质+ 1)* 3 + 难度 / 3
鱼的品质:普通-0,银星-1,金星-2,铱星-4。完美钓鱼按原品质计算这一数值。举个例子,一条普通品质的沙丁鱼(困难度30)会给玩家带来(0+1)*3+30/3 = 13点经验。
==[[File:Fishing_Skill_Icon.png|32px|link=]]钓 技能==
种类不同难 数值也不同 范围为5-110
<p>每升一级钓鱼竿的[[技能#熟练 |熟练度]]+1 增大最小的鱼的大小(英寸/厘米)和浮标的高度,减少鱼咬钩前的等待时间。钓鱼技能也会增强钓的鱼的品质(银星或金星) </p>
! 技能等级
! 经验值
! 需要钓沙丁鱼数(无星)
! 需要钓金星传说之鱼
! 需要收获蟹笼次数
! 1
| 100
| 8
| 1
| 20
! 2
| 380
| 30
| 2
| 76
! 3
| 770
| 60
| 4
| 154
! 4
| 1300
| 100
| 6
| 260
! 5
| 2150
| 166
| 10
| 430
! 6
| 3300
| 254
| 15
| 660
! 7
| 4800
| 370
| 22
| 960
! 8
| 6900
| 531
| 31
| 1380
! 9
| 10000
| 770
| 45
| 2000
! 10
| 15000
| 1154
| 67
| 3000
 一些[[烹饪| 菜肴]]会 时增加钓鱼 等级
  食用 一些[[烹饪| 食物]]会 在一段 间内 增加 玩家 钓鱼等级 。[[烹饪#齐氏调味料|齐氏调味料]]可以增强食物的增益效果。
 在钓鱼迷你游戏时,一个宝箱偶尔会出现在竖条上。宝箱有 自己 的进 条,保持 绿色的进度条在 宝箱 图标 的后面[[File:Fishing Treasure Chest.png|24px|class=inline]]。如果获得了宝箱,玩家将在钓到鱼后随机获得一 战利品。失去鱼的 也会 失去 宝箱。
 在钓鱼迷你游戏时,一个宝箱偶尔会出现在竖条上。宝箱有 独立 的进 条, 通过 保持宝箱图标[[File:Fishing Treasure Chest.png|24px|class=inline]] 在绿条的后面来增长进度条 。如果获得了宝箱,玩家将在钓到鱼后随机获得 战利品。如果鱼逃走,已获得的宝箱也会失去。
物品栏已满时钓上宝箱,钓到的鱼会出现在宝箱的第 格,并不参与宝箱 战利品 的判定 关闭宝箱界面会 失去 其中的所有东西。
发现箱子的基础几率为15%。几率可以通过[[磁铁]](+15%)、[[寻宝者]](+5%)和[[#钓 技能|海盗职业]](+15%)增加,总共达到50%。每日[[运气]] 数值/2 也会 影响几率,即-5%到+5%。[[特殊的魅力]]增加1.25%几率。食物提供的每一点临时运气增加0.5%几率<ref name="treasure_chance" />。运气也会略微提高宝箱内战利品的数量和质量。
宝箱 出现的基础几率为25%,[[运气#每日运气|每日运气]]可提供10%的最大增益/减益,即25%±10%;若玩家拥有[[特殊的魅力]],则额外增加2.5%<ref name="treasure_chance" />
1. 书籍类:[[鱼饵和浮漂]]、[[战斗季刊]]、[[采矿月刊]]、[[星露谷年历]]、[[樵夫周刊]]
The base chance of finding a chest is 15%. The probability can be increased with the [[Magnet]] (+15%), the [[Treasure Hunter]] (+5%) and the [[#Fishing Skill|Pirate profession]] (+15%) for a total of 50% chance. It is further increased by daily [[Luck]] + (Luck / 2.0)% and a hidden Luck level + (LuckLevel &times; 0.005)%.
2. 渔具类:[[ 精装旋式鱼饵]] [[ 挑战鱼饵]] [[ 磁铁]] [[ 声纳浮漂]]
The following is a list of all items that can be found inside Treasure Chests.
3. 种子类:[[胡萝卜种子]]、[[金皮西葫芦种子]]、[[西蓝花种子]]、[[霜瓜种子]]
4. 菜肴类:[[鱼肉卷]]、[[虾鸡尾酒]]、[[烩鱼汤]]
5. 其他:[[铱锭]]、[[星之果茶]]、[[仙尘]]、[[珍珠]]
以下是可以在宝箱中找到的所有物品的列表。<ref name="treasure" /> “概率”栏表示在满足该物品所有要求的前提下,每个宝箱(普通宝箱和黄金宝箱)中至少出现一次该物品的几率。
<!--The items are listed in the order when they first appear in the game code. Please DO NOT rearrange them. -->
<!--下列物品是按照它们第一次出现在游戏代码中的顺序列出的。请不要重新排序。 -->
{|class="wikitable sortable roundedborder"
{| class="wikitable sortable" id="roundedborder" style="width: 70%; min-width: 500px;"
!class="unsortable" style="width: 48px;" | Image
|{{name|Rice Shoot}}
!style="width: 40%; | Description
!Number<br />in<br />Chest
!style="width: 35%;" | Requirements
|{{name|Wild Bait}}
|必须学会万能鱼饵的配方。<br />
|data-sort-value=9|8-9%, 64-65%
|data-sort-value=6|5-6%, 69%
|{{name|Qi Bean}}
|1-4 ||
|{{name|Mystery Box}}
|1 ||
|需要阅览齐先生的过场动画并且没有获得[[精通山洞#精通|采集精通]]<br />
|{{name|Golden Mystery Box}}
|1 ||
|需要[[精通山洞#精通|采集精通]]<br />
|[[File:Treasure Chest.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Golden Animal Cracker}}
|[[Treasure Chest]]
|1 ||
|Wow, it's loaded with treasure! This is sure to fetch a good price.
| 需要[[ 精通山洞#精通|耕种精通]]
|1||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|[[File:Iridium Ore.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Iridium Bar}}
|[[Iridium Ore]]
|1-5 ||
|An exotic ore with many curious properties. Can be smelted into bars.
|1-2||Must cast Max Distance
|[[File:Gold Ore.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Bait And Bobber}}
|[[Gold Ore]]
|A precious ore that can be smelted into bars.
| 必须开启过至少三个其他的钓鱼宝箱之后才会出现
|1-24||Must cast Max Distance or one tile less than Max Distance
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Iron Ore.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Mining Monthly}}
|[[Iron Ore]]
|1  ||
|A fairly common ore that can be smelted into bars.
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Combat Quarterly}}
|1  ||
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Stardew Valley Almanac}}
|1  ||
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Woodcutter's Weekly}}
|1  ||
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Carrot Seeds}}
|2-8 ||
|只能在[[ 冬季]]第二十一天到[[春季]]第二十三天获得
|{{name|Summer Squash Seeds}}
|2-8 ||
|{{name|Broccoli Seeds}}
|2-8 ||
|{{name|Powdermelon Seeds}}
|2-8 ||
| 只能在[[秋季]]第二十一天到[[冬季]] 第二十天获得
|{{name|Fish Taco}}
|1 ||
|{{name|Fairy Dust}}
|3-5 ||
|{{name|Dressed Spinner}}
|1  ||6+
|{{name|Challenge Bait}}
|3-5 ||
|3-5 ||
|{{name|Stardrop Tea}}
|1 ||
|1 ||
|{{name|Shrimp Cocktail}}
|1 ||
|{{name|Fish Stew}}
|1 ||
|{{name|Sonar Bobber}}
|{{name|Iridium Ore}}
|1-2 ||
|[[#钓鱼区|钓鱼区]] 必须为5级
|{{name|Gold Ore}}
|{{name|Iron Ore}}
|[[File:Copper Ore.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Copper Ore}}
|[[Copper Ore]]
|A common ore that can be smelted into bars.
|A sturdy, yet flexible plant material with a wide variety of uses.
|A common material with many uses in crafting and building.
|A combustible rock that is useful for crafting and smelting.
|[[File:Dressed Spinner.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Deluxe Bait}}
|[[Dressed Spinner]]
|The metal tab and colorful streamers create an enticing spectacle for fish. Increases the bite-rate when fishing.
| 如果未获得万能鱼饵配方,概率将会提高
|1||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 6+<br />Must cast Max Distance or one tile less than Max Distance
|[[Bait (item)|Bait]]
|Causes fish to bite faster. Must first be attached to a fishing rod.
|在钓鱼等级6级后,出现概率大幅降低<br />
|{{name|Lost Book}}
|1  ||
|[[File:Lost Book.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Skeletal Tail}}
|[[Lost Books|Lost Book]]
|Writings from a wide variety of time periods.
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|2.8-3.1%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|Only if you've already found 1+ Lost Books,<br />and the [[Museum]]'s Library collection is not complete
|1.7-1.9%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|[[File:Skeletal Tail.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Nautilus Fossil}}
|[[Skeletal Tail]]
|It's pretty short for a tail.
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|2.8-3.1%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|1.7-1.9%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|[[File:Nautilus Fossil.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Amphibian Fossil}}
|[[Nautilus Fossil]]
|This must've washed up ages ago from an ancient coral reef.
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|2.8-3.1%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|1.7-1.9%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|[[File:Amphibian Fossil.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Ancient Doll}}
|[[Amphibian Fossil]]
|The relatively short hind legs suggest some kind of primordial toad.
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|[[File:Ancient Doll.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Elvish Jewelry}}
|[[Ancient Doll]]
|An ancient doll covered in grime. This doll may have been used as a toy, a decoration, or a prop in some kind of ritual.
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|[[File:Elvish Jewelry.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Chewing Stick}}
|[[Elvish Jewelry]]
|Dirty but still beautiful. On the side is a flowing script thought by some to be the ancient language of the elves. No Elvish bones have ever been found.
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|[[File:Chewing Stick.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Ornamental Fan}}
|[[Chewing Stick]]
|Ancient people chewed on these to keep their teeth clean.
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|[[File:Ornamental Fan.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Dinosaur Egg}}
|[[Ornamental Fan]]
|This exquisute fan most likely belonged to a noblewoman. Historians believe that the valley was a popular sixth-era vacation spot for the wealthy.
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|[[File:Dinosaur Egg.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Rare Disc}}
|[[Dinosaur Egg]]
|A giant dino egg... The entire shell is still intact!
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|[[File:Rare Disc.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Ancient Sword}}
|[[Rare Disc]]
|A heavy black disc studded with peculiar red stones. When you hold it, you're overwhelmed with a feeling of dread.
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|[[File:Ancient Sword.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Rusty Spoon}}
|[[Ancient Sword]]
|It's the remains of an ancient sword. Most of the blade has turned to rust, but the hilt is very finely crafted.
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|[[File:Rusty Spoon.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Rusty Spur}}
|[[Rusty Spoon]]
|A plain old spoon, probably ten years old. Not very interesting.
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|[[File:Rusty Spur.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Rusty Cog}}
|[[Rusty Spur]]
|An old spur that was once attached to a cowboy's boot. People must have been raising animals in this area for many generations.
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|[[File:Rusty Cog.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Chicken Statue}}
|[[Rusty Cog]]
|A well preserved cog that must have been part of some ancient machine. This could be dwarven technology.
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|[[File:Chicken Statue.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Ancient Seed}}
|[[Chicken Statue]]
|It's a statue of a chicken on a bronze base. The ancient people of this area must have been very fond of chickens.
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|[[File:Ancient Seed.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Prehistoric Tool}}
|[[Ancient Seed]]
|It's a dry old seed from some ancient plant. By all appearances it's long since dead...
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|[[File:Prehistoric Tool.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Dried Starfish}}
|[[Prehistoric Tool]]
|Some kind of gnarly old digging tool.
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|[[File:Dried Starfish.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[Dried Starfish]]
|A starfish from the primordial ocean. It's an unusually pristine specimen!
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|{{name|Glass Shards}}
|It may have belonged to ancient pirates.
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|[[File:Glass Shards.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Bone Flute}}
|[[Glass Shards]]
|A mixture of glass shards smoothed by centuries of ocean surf. These could have belonged to an ancient mosaic or necklace.
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|[[File:Bone Flute.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[Bone Flute]]
|1-6 ||
|It's a prehistoric wind instrument carved from an animal's bone. It produces an eerie tone.
| [[#钓鱼区|钓鱼区]] 等级更低时概率更高
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|[[File:Strange Doll (yellow).png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Magma Geode}}
|[[Strange Doll (yellow)|Strange Doll]]
|1-6 ||
|[[#钓鱼区| 钓鱼区]] 必须为5级
|1||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|[[File:Strange Doll (green).png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Frozen Geode}}
|[[Strange Doll (green)|Strange Doll]]
|1-6 ||
|[[#钓鱼区| 钓鱼区]] 必须为3或5级,在3级时的概率更高
|1||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|{{name|Fire Quartz}}
|1-4 ||2+
|A blacksmith can break this open for you.
|[[#钓鱼区|钓鱼区]] 必须为5级
|[[File:Frozen Geode.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[Frozen Geode]]
|1-4 ||2+
|A blacksmith can break this open for you.
|[[#钓鱼区|钓鱼区]] 必须为5级
|[[File:Magma Geode.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[Magma Geode]]
|1-4 ||2+
|A blacksmith can break this open for you.
|[[#钓鱼区|钓鱼区]] 必须为5级
|1-6||Must cast Max Distance or one tile less than Max Distance
|[[File:Fire Quartz.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Frozen Tear}}
|[[Fire Quartz]]
|1-4 ||2+
|A glowing red crystal commonly found near hot lava.
|[[#钓鱼区|钓鱼区]] 必须为3级
|1-4||Must cast Max Distance or one tile less than Max Distance<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|1-4 ||2+
|A precious stone that is sought after for its rich color and beautiful luster.
|[[#钓鱼区|钓鱼区]] 必须为3级
|1-4||Must cast Max Distance or one tile less than Max Distance<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|1-4 ||2+
|A precious stone with a brilliant green color.
|[[#钓鱼区|钓鱼区]] 必须为3级
|1-4||Must cast Max Distance or one tile less than Max Distance<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|[[File:Frozen Tear.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Earth Crystal}}
|[[Frozen Tear]]
|1-4 ||2+
|A crystal fabled to be the frozen tears of a yeti.
|[[#钓鱼区|钓鱼区]] 必须为2级或更低
|1-4||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|1-4 ||2+
|A pale green ornamental stone.
|[[#钓鱼区|钓鱼区]] 必须为2级或更低
|1-4||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|1-4 ||2+
|A shimmery blue-green gem.
|[[#钓鱼区|钓鱼区]] 必须为2级或更低
|1-4||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|[[File:Earth Crystal.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[Earth Crystal]]
|1-2 ||2+
|A resinous substance found near the surface.
|[[#钓鱼区|钓鱼区]] 等级更高时概率更高
|1-4||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|{{name|Mixed Seeds}}
|1-3 ||<2
|A purple variant of quartz.
|1-4||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|{{name|Neptune's Glaive}}
|Fairly common but still prized for its beauty.
|1-4||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.6|≈0.6%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.4| ≈0.4%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Broken Trident}}
|A rare and valuable gem.
|1-2||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.6|≈0.6%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.4| ≈0.4%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Prismatic Shard.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Small Glow Ring}}
|[[Prismatic Shard]]
|A very rare and powerful substance with unknown origins.
|1||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 6+
|data-sort-value=0.29|≈0.29%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.18| ≈0.18%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Mixed Seeds.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Glow Ring}}
|[[Mixed Seeds]]
|There's a little bit of everything here. Plant them and see what grows!
| 需要[[ 增益效果#基础数值提升|运气]] 增益,增益更高时概率更高
|data-sort-value=0.03|≈0.03-0.09%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.02| ≈0.02-0.06%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Neptune's Glaive.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Small Magnet Ring}}
|[[Neptune's Glaive]]
|An heirloom from beyond the Gem Sea.
|1||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.29|≈0.29%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.18| ≈0.18%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Broken Trident.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Magnet Ring}}
|[[Broken Trident]]
|It came from the sea, but it's still sharp.
| 需要[[ 增益效果#基础数值提升|运气]] 增益,增益更高时概率更高
|1||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.03|≈0.03-0.09%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.02| ≈0.02-0.06%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Small Glow Ring.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Amethyst Ring}}
|[[Small Glow Ring]]
|Emits a small, constant light.
|1||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.05|≈0.05%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.03| ≈0.03%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Small Magnet Ring.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Topaz Ring}}
|[[Small Magnet Ring]]
|Slightly increases your radius for collecting items.
|1||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.05|≈0.05%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.03| ≈0.03%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Amethyst Ring.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Aquamarine Ring}}
|[[Amethyst Ring]]
|Increases knockback by 10%.
|1||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.05|≈0.05%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.03| ≈0.03%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Topaz Ring.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Jade Ring}}
|[[Topaz Ring]]
|Increases weapon precision by 10%.
|1||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.05|≈0.05%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.03| ≈0.03%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Aquamarine Ring.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Emerald Ring}}
|[[Aquamarine Ring]]
|Increases critical strike chance by 10%.
|1||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.05|≈0.05%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.03| ≈0.03%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Jade Ring.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Ruby Ring}}
|[[Jade Ring]]
|Increases critical strike power by 10%.
|1||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.05|≈0.05%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.03| ≈0.03%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Emerald Ring.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Treasure Chest}}
|[[Emerald Ring]]
|Increases weapon speed by 10%.
|1||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.24|≈0.24%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.16| ≈0.16%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Ruby Ring.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Prismatic Shard}}
|[[Ruby Ring]]
|Increases attack by 10%.
|1||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.008| ≈0.008%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Iridium Band.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Strange Doll (yellow)}}
|[[Iridium Band]]
|Glows, attracts items, and increases attack damage by 10%.
| 没有找到过[[ 古物]] 时也有可能出现
|1||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.08| ≈0.08%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Strange Doll (green)}}
|A little flimsy... but fashionable!
| 没有找到过[[ 古物]] 时也有可能出现
|1 pair||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.08| ≈0.08%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Rubber Boots.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Iridium Band}}
|[[Rubber Boots]]
|Protection from the elements.
|1 pair||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.08| ≈0.08%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Leather Boots.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[Leather Boots]]
|The leather is very supple.
|1 pair||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.008| ≈0.008%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Work Boots.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Rubber Boots}}
|[[Work Boots]]
|Steel-toed for extra protection.
|1 pair||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.008| ≈0.008%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Combat Boots.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Leather Boots}}
|[[Combat Boots]]
|Reinforced with iron mesh.
|1 pair||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.008| ≈0.008%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Tundra Boots.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Work Boots}}
|[[Tundra Boots]]
|The fuzzy lining keeps your ankles so warm.
|1 pair||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.008| ≈0.008%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Thermal Boots.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Combat Boots}}
|[[Thermal Boots]]
|Designed with extreme weather in mind.
|1 pair||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.008| ≈0.008%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Dark Boots.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Tundra Boots}}
|[[Dark Boots]]
|Made from thick black leather.
|1 pair||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.008| ≈0.008%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Firewalker Boots.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Thermal Boots}}
|[[Firewalker Boots]]
|It's said these can withstand the hottest magma.
|1 pair||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.008| ≈0.008%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Genie Shoes.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Dark Boots}}
|[[Genie Shoes]]
|A curious energy permeates the fabric.
|1 pair||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.008|≈0.008%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Firewalker Boots}}
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.008|≈0.008%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Genie Shoes}}
|data-sort-value=0.012| ≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.008| ≈0.008%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Golden Egg}}
|1  ||
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.08|≈0.08%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Golden Bobber}}
|1 ||
|仅在[[沙漠节]]期间且已经接取威利的[[ 沙漠节#钓鱼任务|金浮漂]] 任务、物品栏中没有金浮漂时可以获得。<br />
|1-6 ||
|需要获得[[ 海之宝石]]书中的力量,提供与捕获的鱼相同的鱼籽<br />
|{{name|Jewels Of The Sea}}
|1  ||5+
|必须已经打开过至少两次钓鱼宝箱,在没有找到过时概率更高<br />
|data-sort-value=2|>=2%<ref name="roe_book" />
|data-sort-value=2|>=2%<ref name="roe_book" />
|{{name|Golden Tag}}
|1  ||
|只能在[[鳟鱼大赛]]期间获得,且只能在钓到[[虹鳟鱼]] 时获得<br />
There are 4 [[Achievements]] related to Fishing.
*Fisherman (Catch 10 different [[fish]])
*Ol' Mariner (Catch 24 different [[fish]])
*Master Angler (Catch every [[fish]])
*Mother Catch (Catch 100 [[fish]])
{|class="wikitable sortable roundedborder"
!class="unsortable" style="width: 48px;" | 图片
|[[File:Decorative Trash Can.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[File:Foliage Print.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[File:Frog Hat.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[File:Gourmand Statue.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[File:Iridium Krobus.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[File:'Physics 101'.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[File:Pyramid Decal.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[File:Squirrel Figurine.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[File:Wall Basket.png|48px|center|link=]]
<ref name="max_cast"> 参见游戏代码中的<samp>Tools/FishingRod::doStartCasting</samp>部分。</ref>
<ref name="fishing_zone">钓鱼区由<samp>FishingRod::distanceToLand</samp>函数计算;值将会被赋给变量<samp>clearWaterDistance</samp>.</ref>
<ref name="fish_quality">鱼的大小和基础品质由函数<samp>FishingRod::startMinigameEndFunction</samp>,<samp>BobberBar::BobberBar</samp>,<samp>BobberBar::update</samp>,和<samp>FishingRod::doPullFishFromWater</samp>决定。</ref>
<ref name="bubbles">气泡对钓鱼咬钩时间的影响由函数<samp>FishingRod::DoFunction</samp>处理,尤其是在<samp>if (location.fishSplashPoint != null)</samp>中。气泡对于鱼类型的影响也出现在函数<samp>FishingRod::doFunction</samp>中对<samp>location.getFish</samp>的调用,其中参数<samp>waterDepth</samp>为<samp>clearWaterDistance + (splashPoint ? 1 : 0)</samp>.</ref>
<ref name="fishexp">参见游戏代码中<samp>Tools/FishingRod::doPullFishFromWater</samp>部分。</ref>
<ref name="treasure_chance">参见游戏代码中<samp>Tools/FishingRod::startMinigameEndFunction</samp>部分。</ref>
<ref name="treasure">钓鱼宝箱中的奖励由函数<samp>FishingRod::openTreasureMenuEndFunction</samp>决定。</ref>
<ref name="treasure_artifact">当[[遗失之书]]不可能出现时,宝箱中出现古物的概率会更高。''例如,''玩家已经完成了博物馆中书的收集。</ref>
<ref name="treasure_special">特殊物品出现在宝箱中的几率由<samp>LuckModifier</samp>调整,会被设置为<samp>(1+DailyLuck)*FishingZone/5</samp]。这段参数表明钓鱼区将是最重要的影响因素,因为在钓鱼区5中获得特殊物品的概率将是在钓鱼区1中的5倍。特殊物品在每日运气最大时(0.125)相比最小时(-0.1)仅有1.25倍的概率。例如,找到残破的三叉戟的概率范围是0.075%(DailyLuck=-0.1, FishingZone=1)到0.469% (DailyLuck=0.125, FishingZone=5)。本页列表的特殊物品概率均为中性运气(0.000)与钓鱼区5。</ref>
<ref name="roe_book">如果玩家还没有获得过[[海之宝石]],则该书出现的概率是<samp>0.02+0.001*X</samp>,其中的<samp>X</samp>是玩家开启过的宝箱的总数。如果玩家已经获得过该书,则概率为<samp>0.02</samp>.</ref>
<ref name="performtenminuteupdate">气泡,或者叫做'fishSplashPoint'参数在<samp>GameLocation::performTenMinuteUpdate</samp>中。</ref>
[[Category: 成就]]
[[Category: 钓鱼]]
[[ru:Рыбная ловля]]
