
移除 5 位元組 、 2020年2月26日 (三) 16:55
行 615: 行 615:  
{{heart event
{{heart event
  |hearts = 3
  |hearts = 3
  |trigger = Enter Kent's home while he and [[乔迪]] are both there.
  |trigger = 当肯特和[[乔迪]] 都在家时,进入肯特的家。
  |details = When the player enters Jodi and Kent's house, a cut scene begins and player walks into the kitchen and Jodi says, "Hi, Player! I'm just making some popcorn." Kent screams and runs into the kitchen exclaiming "That sound... You should've known that sound would remind me of the war!" Jodi stops the popcorn, and Kent goes on to lament the loss of his friends. Jodi says, "But, dear... popcorn was always your favorite before you left." Kent responds with, "...Things have changed." Jodi then quietly asks the player's character if they can say something to Kent. There are three choices:
  |details = 当玩家进入乔迪和肯特的家,动画就会开始。玩家走进厨房,此时乔迪说:“嗨!我正在做爆米花。”接着,肯特叫起来并跑进厨房喊道,“那个声音......你本该知道那个声音会让我回想起战争!”乔迪停止做爆米花 ,肯特开始为他朋友的去世而感到难过。乔迪说:“但是...... 在你离开之前,爆米花一直都是你最喜欢吃的。”肯特回应道,“...... 现在不一样了。”接着,乔迪小声地询问玩家能不能对肯特说点什么。下面有三个选项:
* {{choice|这事怪乔迪……她本该知道的!|-25}} Kent gets angry and says, "You keep quiet! Stop trying to turn me against my wife." Then apologizes to Jodi.
* {{choice|这事怪乔迪……她本该知道的!|-25}} 肯特生气了并说,“你闭嘴!不要试图挑拨我和我老婆地关系了。”接着对乔迪道歉。
* {{choice|我知道你内心很痛苦……但这也不能怨你老婆啊。|50}} 肯特会说玩家完全正确,之后会向乔迪抱歉。
* {{choice|我知道你内心很痛苦……但这也不能怨你老婆啊。|50}} 肯特会说玩家完全正确,之后会向乔迪抱歉。
* {{choice|(撒谎) 这事怪我……是我要说要吃爆米花的。|-50}} Kent gets angry and says, "Don't lie to me! I hate lies more than anything!" Then apologizes to Jodi.
* {{choice|(撒谎) 这事怪我……是我要说要吃爆米花的。|-50}} 肯特生气了并说,“别撒谎!我最讨厌的就是谎话了!”接着对乔迪道歉。
