
Grass讨论 | 贡献2018年6月1日 (五) 10:03的版本 →‎游戏规则
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最后编辑Grass于2018-06-01 10:03:21.





当玩家获得一张新的牌时,玩家可以选择留下这张,保持他们当前的总数,或再获得一张新的牌,点数在1到9之间。这样重复下去,直到玩家的总点数超过21,然后就会损失全部的赌注;如果刚好总点数是21,就会立即赢得赌注;or chooses to stay.

If the player stays, the dealer's hidden card is displayed. The dealer will then take additional cards (valued between 1 and 9) until they either bust, or have a total of 18 or higher that is at least as high as the player's total. 如果庄家的点数低于玩家,玩家获胜;如果庄家比玩家拥有更高的点数,但不大于21,则玩家失败; 如果玩家和庄家拥有相同的点数,游戏就是平局。


Game Strategy

Optimal strategy for the player is to stand on 18 or higher when the dealer shows a 9, stand on 16 or higher when the dealer shows a 5 or 6, and stand on 17 or higher against all other dealer upcards.

Using optimal strategy, the chance of winning a game of CalicoJack is 43.9%, giving the game a house edge of 12.1%. (This is about 20 times higher than typical real-life casino blackjack games.) If you play CalicoJack long enough, it is a statistical inevitability that you will lose all your Qi coins. If you are after the more expensive casino prizes, it's a better bet to just buy the coins than to try to win them.

(These results differ from pankosaur's analysis, which assumes dealer always stands on 18 or higher; this is not the case, at least not in the current version. Also, they assume that cards are dealt randomly; according to leuven's post on reddit, Luck does not affect the game.)
