
Hanse讨论 | 贡献2017年4月11日 (二) 03:05的版本 →‎天气种类
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最后编辑Hanse于2017-04-11 03:05:41.

“欢迎收看KOZU 5频道,您获取天气、新闻和娱乐资讯的第一选择。现在播报明天的天气预报……”

天气会随季节每日发生变化。你可以在电视上选择天气预报查看第二天的天气预报 。



天气 小图标 电视图像 描述
晴天 全天都会缝合日历,万里无云。
雨天 It's going to rain all day tomorrow.
微风(春天) Partially cloudy with a light breeze. Expect lots of pollen!
微风(秋天) It's going to be cloudy, with gusts of wind throughout the day.
暴风雨 似乎风暴正在接近,预计将有雷电。
下雪 Expect a few inches of snow tomorrow.

It's going to snow all day. Make sure you bundle up, folks!

Bundle up, folks. It's going to snow tomorrow!

节日 It's going to be clear and sunny tomorrow... perfect weather for the Festival!
结婚纪念日 N/A (This image will appear instead of the weather icon on your wedding day)


  • 雨水图腾可以提高第二天下雨的几率。
  • During thunderstorms there is a possibility that lightning strikes can destroy crops and trees, and temporarily change Fruit Trees into coal trees.
  • Lightning will not strike Chests placed outside[1].
  • If Lightning Rods are placed anywhere on the farm[2] they have a good chance to intercept lightning strikes, as long as they are not already processing a strike into a Battery Pack.
  • Winter Seeds need to be watered even if it is snowing.
  • Snow transparency can be changed in the Options Menu. Sliding the bar to the left will increase snow transparency (i.e., decrease opacity).
  • The weather will always be "clear and sunny" for Festivals.
