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— 羅賓


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最後編輯Hanse於2017-02-17 14:47:02.

新手指南 玩家角色 遊戲設置 操作方式 移動端
生命值 能量值 技能 遊戲內時間



等級 所需經驗
1 100
2 380
3 770
4 1300
5 2150
6 3300
7 4800
8 6900
9 10000
10 15000



Farming Skill Icon.png 耕種 可以通過收穫農作物、照顧動物來獲取經驗值。每級都會增加1點鋤頭和噴壺的精通
Mining Skill Icon.png 採礦 可以通過敲碎石頭和採礦來獲取經驗值。每級會增加1點鎬頭的精通
Foraging Skill Icon.png 覓食 可以通過覓食物品和砍伐樹木來獲取經驗值。每級會增加1點斧頭的精通。
Fishing Skill Icon.png 釣魚 通過成功釣起一條魚來獲取經驗值。每級會增加1點魚竿的精通
Combat Skill Icon.png 戰鬥 通過與怪物作戰來獲取經驗值,每級會增加人物5點生命值


Skill proficiency affects the amount of energy required to use specific tools. As proficiency increases, energy requirements decrease by 0.1 points [1].

The Pickaxe, Axe, Hoe, and Watering Can use 2 energy. The Fishing Rod uses 8 energy. Powering up the watering can increases its cost by 2 energy per level, with a maximum cost of 10 energy using a fully-charged iridium watering can.

Affected Tools





Unaffected Tools

The following tools do not consume energy:

  • Swords
  • Hammers
  • Daggers
  • Slingshots
  • Scythe

The following tools always consume 4 points of energy:

Farming Skill Icon.png Farming

See also: Farming

Farming Skill is gained by harvesting crops. Caring for animals also adds experience: Petting, milking, and shearing farm animals or picking up an animal product inside a barn or coop each give 5 experience points. Hoe and watering can usage does not give experience by itself. Each level grants +1 proficiency to the hoe and watering can.

等級1 等級2 等級3 等級4 等級5
打造配方: 打造配方: 打造/烹飪配方: 打造配方: 選擇一個職業:
Scarecrow.png 稻草人Basic Fertilizer.png 初級肥料 Mayonnaise Machine.png 蛋黃醬機Stone Fence.png 石圍欄Sprinkler.png 灑水器 Bee House.png 蜂房Speed-Gro.png 生長激素Farmer's Lunch.png 農夫午餐 Preserves Jar.png 罐頭瓶Basic Retaining Soil.png 初級保濕土壤Iron Fence.png 鐵圍欄 Rancher.png 畜牧人
Tiller.png 農耕人
等級6 等級7 等級8 等級9 等級10
打造配方: 打造配方: 打造配方: 打造配方: 畜牧人: 農耕人:
Cheese Press.png 壓酪機Hardwood Fence.png 硬木圍欄Quality Sprinkler.png 優質灑水器 Loom.png 織布機

Quality Retaining Soil.png 高級保濕土壤

Oil Maker.png 產油機Keg.png 小桶Deluxe Speed-Gro.png 高級生長激素 Seed Maker.png 種子生產器Iridium Sprinkler.png 銥制灑水器Quality Fertilizer.png 高級肥料 Coopmaster.png 雞舍大師
Artisan.png 工匠
Shepherd.png 牧羊人
Agriculturist.png 農業學家

Each crop harvested is worth experience points based on the value of the crop. The values of each crop are as follows:

Crop Exp per harvest Crop Exp per harvest Crop Exp per harvest Crop Exp per harvest
Coffee Bean 4 Hops 6 Wheat 6* Tulips 7
Parsnip 8 Green Bean 9 Hot Pepper 9 Blue Jazz 10
Corn 10 Garlic 12 Tomato 12 Eggplant 12
Potato 14 Blueberry 14 Bok Choy 14 Grape 14
Sunflower 14 Radish 15 Summer Spangle 15 Beet 16
Kale 17* Strawberries 18 Cranberries 19 Poppy 20
Amaranth 21* Artichoke 22 Yam 22 Cauliflower 23
Rhubarb 26 Melon 27 Red Cabbage 28 Fairy Rose 29
Pumpkin 31 Ancient Fruit 43 Starfruit 44 Sweet Gem Berry 64
* Due to a bug with scythe harvesting, these crops don't give any experience points.

The experience points awarded are calculated using the formula XP=||ln(0.018*PRICE + 1)|| with PRICE being the selling price of the crop's item.

Harvesting forageable plants grown on the farm counts as 3 foraging experience points per plant rather than farming experience points.

Experience level is increased after sleeping.

Lvl Total Lifetime Parsnips Harvested Experience
1 13 100
2 48 380
3 97 770
4 163 1300
5 269 2150
6 413 3300
7 600 4800
8 863 6900
9 1250 10000
10 1875 15000

Mining Skill Icon.png Mining

See also: Mining

Mining skill is increased by using the pickaxe tool to break rocks. Each level adds +1 to pickaxe proficiency.

等級1 等級2 等級3 等級4 等級5
合成配方: 合成配方: 烹飪配方: 合成配方: 選擇一個職業:
Cherry Bomb.png 櫻桃炸彈 Staircase.png 樓梯 Miner's Treat.png 礦工特供 Iron Bar.png 熔煉(鐵)Glowstone Ring.png 輝石戒指 Miner.png 礦工
Geologist.png 地質學家
等級6 等級7 等級8 等級9 等級10
合成配方: 合成配方: 合成配方: 合成配方: 礦工: 地質學家:
Bomb.png 炸彈 Gold Bar.png 熔煉(金) Mega Bomb.png 超級炸彈 Crystalarium.png 寶石複製機 Blacksmith Icon.png 鐵匠
Excavator.png 挖掘者
Prospector.png 勘探者
Gemologist.png 寶石專家

Different rock types give different numbers of experience points. These values are known so far:

Rock Type Experience
Gray Rock (Overworld) 1
Gray Boulder (Overworld) 0
Rock (The Mines) 0
Gray Rock (The Mines) 4
Topaz Node 8
Amethyst Node 10
Aquamarine Node 18
Jade Node 20
Emerald Node 50
Ruby Node 80
Diamond Node 100
Gem Node 0

While generic rocks provide no experience bonus on their own, if coal is dropped, the player is awarded 5 points in mining. No other drops (gems, geodes, etc) awards experience.

You are awarded points when the rocks are destroyed. It doesn't matter if this is done by your pick, a bomb, or by the action of a monster.

Foraging Skill Icon.png Foraging

See also: Foraging

Foraging skill is increased both by gathering foraged goods, and by wood from trees chopped with an axe tool. Each level adds +1 axe proficiency. Note: Stumps, saplings, and fallen timber do NOT increase skill.

等級1 等級2 等級3 等級4 等級5
合成配方: 合成配方: 合成配方: 合成配方: 選擇一個職業:
Spring Seeds.png 野生種子(春季)Field Snack.png 工作小食
  • 樹木有時會掉落種子。
Charcoal Kiln.png 煤炭窯 Cookout Kit.png 野炊工具Moss Soup.png 苔蘚湯 Summer Seeds.png 野生種子(夏季)Tapper.png 樹液採集器Mushroom Log.png 蘑菇樹樁
  • +1野生漿果收穫
Forester.png 護林人
Gatherer.png 收集者
等級6 等級7 等級8 等級9 等級10
合成配方: 合成配方: 合成配方: 烹飪配方: 合成配方: 護林人: 收集者:
Lightning Rod.png 避雷針Fall Seeds.png 野生種子(秋季)Warp Totem Beach.png 傳送圖騰:海灘 Winter Seeds.png 野生種子(冬季)Warp Totem Mountains.png 傳送圖騰:山嶺Tree Fertilizer.png 樹肥 Warp Totem Farm.png 傳送圖騰:農場

Tent Kit.png 便攜帳篷

  • +1野生漿果收穫
Survival Burger.png 救生漢堡 Rain Totem.png 雨水圖騰 Lumberjack.png 伐木工人
Botanist.png 植物學家
Tapper Icon.png 萃取者
Tracker.png 追蹤者

Forage items grown on your farm (i.e. from spring seeds) give 3 foraging experience points when harvested. Foraging items harvested off your farm give 7 exp. Chopping down a tree gives 12 exp (granted all at once for the last chop that causes the tree to fall), and removing hardwood stumps and logs gives 25 exp each (removing regular tree stumps gives no exp).

Fishing Skill Icon.png Fishing

See also: Fishing

Fishing Skill is increased by catching Fish or Trash with a Fishing Rod/Pole or by harvesting Crab Pots.

Each level grants +1 Fishing Rod Proficiency, increases the minimum fish size (in/cm) and bobber bar height, and decreases the max amount of time before fish bite. Fishing skill also increases the chance to find quality (silver or gold star) fish.

等級1 等級2 等級3 等級4 等級5
合成配方: 合成配方: 合成/烹飪配方: 合成配方: 選擇一個職業:
拋擲距離增加一格 Bait.png 魚餌 Crab Pot.png 蟹籠Dish O' The Sea.png 海之菜餚 Deluxe Bait.png 高級魚餌Worm Bin.png 蟲餌盒Recycling Machine.png 回收機
  • 拋擲距離增加一格
Fisher.png 漁夫
Trapper.png 捕獵者
等級6 等級7 等級8 等級9 等級10
合成配方: 合成配方: 合成配方: 合成配方: 漁夫 捕獵者
Bait Maker.png 魚餌製造器Spinner.png 旋式魚餌Trap Bobber.png 陷阱浮標Sonar Bobber.png 聲納浮漂 Cork Bobber.png 軟木塞浮標Treasure Hunter.png 尋寶者 Deluxe Worm Bin.png 高級蟲餌盒Barbed Hook.png 倒刺鈎Dressed Spinner.png 精裝旋式魚餌
  • 拋擲距離增加一格
Magnet.png 磁鐵Seafoam Pudding.png 海泡布丁 Angler Icon.png 垂釣者
Mariner.png 水手
Pirate.png 海盜
Luremaster.png 誘餌大師

The amount of experience earned for each caught fish is as follows:

(Quality of fish (stars) + 1) * 3 + Fish Difficulty (a value from 5-110 depending on the fish) / 3

This number is multiplied by 2.2 if you also have a treasure, 2.4 if it was perfect and 5 if it was a boss fish. For e.g. a regular quality sardine (difficulty 30) would net you (0+1)*3+30/3 = 13 xp.

Crab pots net you 5 xp each time you collect from them (no matter what is collected).

Fishing trash with the fishing pole gives 3 XP.

The xp required for leveling up is the same as for all skills:

Lvl Experience Total Sardines (No stars) Total Gold Star Legend Fish (Highest xp fish) Total Crab Pot
1 100 8 1 20
2 380 30 2 76
3 770 60 4 154
4 1300 100 6 260
5 2150 166 10 430
6 3300 254 15 660
7 4800 370 22 960
8 6900 531 31 1380
9 10000 770 44 2000
10 15000 1154 66 3000

Combat Skill Icon.png Combat

See also: Combat

Combat skill is increased by fighting monsters. Each level adds +5 health points. Tested crit chance with +50% Scout skill and two +10% crit chance rings. Chance to crit is multiplicative not additive: around 5-10% max [base * 1.5 * 1.1 * 1.1] with all boosts, not 50% + 10% + 10% = 70%.

等級1 等級2 等級3 等級4 等級5
合成配方: 合成配方: 烹飪配方: 合成配方: 選擇一個職業:
Sturdy Ring.png 結實戒指Bug Steak.png 蟲肉塊 Life Elixir.png 生命藥水 Roots Platter.png 塊莖拼盤 Warrior Ring.png 戰士戒指 Fighter.png 戰士
(+15 生命值)
Scout.png 偵查員
(+0 生命值)
等級6 等級7 等級8 等級9 等級10
合成配方: 合成配方: 合成配方: 合成配方: 戰士: 偵查員:
Slime Egg-Press.png 史萊姆壓蛋器Oil of Garlic.png 蒜油 Ring of Yoba.png 由巴的戒指Thorns Ring.png 荊棘戒指 Slime Incubator.png 史萊姆孵化器Explosive Ammo.png 爆炸彈丸 Iridium Band.png 銥環Squid Ink Ravioli.png 墨汁意大利餃 Brute.png 野蠻人
(+0 生命值)
Acrobat.png 特技者
(+0 生命值)
Defender.png 防禦者
+25 生命值.
Desperado.png 亡命徒
(+0 生命值)

The following table lists the experience points gained for killing the indicated monster. There are a few monsters missing (i.e. sludges and purple slimes).

Monster Experience
Green Slime 3
Dust Spirit 2
Bat 3
Frost Bat 7
Lava Bat 15
Stone Golem 5
Grub 2
Fly 10
Frost Jelly 6
Sludge 10
Shadow Guy 15
Ghost 15
Duggy 10
Rock Crab 4
Lava Crab 12
Fireball 0
Squid Kid 15
Skeleton Warrior 15
Shadow Brute 15
Shadow Shaman 15
Skeleton 8
Skeleton Mage 8
Metal Head 6
Spiker 1
Bug 1
Mummy 20
Big Slime 7
Serpent 20
