
Epic997讨论 | 贡献2021年12月24日 (五) 07:32的版本
新手指南 玩家角色 游戏设置 操作方式 移动端
生命值 能量值 技能 游戏内时间


Advanced Options Button.png 创建一个新游戏时,点击位于角色创建界面左下角的扳手图标,进入"高级游戏设置"界面
Optionstab.png 打开游戏内菜单,在物品栏上方的一排选项卡中选择"选项"一栏



  • 社区中心收集包: 普通/重新混合
  • 确保第一年可完成 (可勾选)
  • 矿洞掉落: 普通/重新混合
  • 在农场出现怪物 (可勾选)
  • 利润率: 普通/75%/50%/25%


  • 初始联机小屋: 无/1/2/3
  • 联机小屋布局: 附近/独立


  • 随机种子 (可输入文本)



— 罗宾


本文或部分尚未完全翻译成中文。 欢迎您通过编辑帮助其建设。
最后编辑Epic997于2021-12-24 07:32:51.

  • 自动奔跑:此功能用于切换游戏角色是否启用“自动奔跑”,切换“RUN”键以变换功能是否启用. 默认值:已选中
  • 显示头像:Toggle the portrait visibility and the name placement when interacted with normally (excludes dialogues that have multi-choices). If shown, the portrait appears to the right side of the dialogue with the name beneath. Otherwise, the name precedes the message, that is, <Name>: <Message>. 默认值:已选中
  • 显示商人头像:Toggle the portrait visibility when interacted with as a merchant. Visibility and placements are similar to "显示头像" option. 默认值:已选中
  • 一直显示工具目标位置:Toggle the visibility of the red-border that appears around tiles that will be affected by the tool. 默认值:未选中
  • 移动时隐藏工具目标位置:Toggle the visibility of the red-border while moving. If checked, the visibility depends on the "一直显示工具目标位置" option. 默认值:已选中
  • 游戏手柄模式:Toggle mode gamepad if you using Xbox, PS4 and Switch controller. Drop-down options are: Auto-detect; Force On; Force Off. Default Force off.
  • 物品收纳:Drop-down options are: On; Gamepad Only; Off. Default Gamepad Only, requires keyboard and/or controller.
  • 弹弓射击模式:Change slingshot mode aims at the cursor position, and is fired by holding and releasing. Drop-down options are: Hold and release; Pull in opposite direction . Default Hold and release.
  • 手柄物品放置定位器:默认值:已选中,requires controller.
  • 游戏窗口未激活时暂停:Toggles whether the game will pause whenever the game window loses focus. All audio and specific animations (e.g., the Journal button) will continue to play. 默认值:已选中
  • 使用手柄风格的菜单:Cursor snaps to menus.
  • 显示高级打造信息:Toggle to show more info on the crafting and cooking menus (including number of times crafted/cooked and the number of each ingredient available). Default unchecked.


  • 开始本地联机


  • 音乐音量:Slider for volume of music. 默认值:75%
  • 音效音量:Slider for volume of sound effects. 默认值:100%
  • 背景音量:Slider for volume of ambient sounds. 默认值:75%
  • 脚步音量:Slider for volume of player character footsteps. 默认值:90%
  • 鱼咬钩声:默认/1/2/3/4
  • 对话打字声音:Toggle whether typing of dialogue will be heard. If checked, the volume is affected by "音效音量". 默认值:已选中
  • 关闭动物声音:Toggle whether animal sounds will be heard. Default unchecked.


  • 窗口模式:Drop-down options are: Windowed; Fullscreen; Windowed Borderless. 默认值:Windowed Borderless.
  • 分辨率:Sets the resolution of the fullscreen window. Drop-down options relies on supported display modes of the default graphics adapter. Inactive if not fullscreen.
  • 垂直同步:Toggle to synchronize the frame rate of the game with the monitor refresh rate for better stability. Disabling VSync may improve overall framerate at the expense of frame rate stability. Default checked.
  • 界面缩放比例:Decrease or increase the zoom level in increments of 5%. 默认值:100%, minimum 75%, maximum 125%.
  • 菜单背景:Toggle whether the menu screen displays a static seasonal image. 默认值:未选中
  • 锁定工具栏:Toggle whether the toolbar moves to the top of the screen when the player is near the bottom edge of any map. If locked, the toolbar loses opacity.
  • 缩放等级:Decrease or increase the zoom level in increments of 5%. 默认值:100%, minimum 75%, maximum 125%.
  • 缩放键:Toggle whether the zoom level buttons appear beneath the day/time display in the upper right of the screen. 默认值:未选中
  • 照明质量:Available options are: Lowest; Low; Med.; High; Ultra. 默认值:中。
  • 雪透明度:Slider. 默认值:0%. Slide to the left to increase snow transparency.
  • 显示闪光效果:Toggle whether effects (such as lightning) are visible. 默认值:已选中
  • 使用硬件游标:Toggle whether the game uses a sprite for the cursor. The hardware cursor will always be an arrow, even if hovering over doors or NPCs. 默认值:未选中


  • 手柄振动:默认值:已选中,inactive without controller.
  • 翻转工具栏切换方向:Toggle. If checked, scrolling down picks the item to the left and scrolling up picks the item to the right.默认值:未选中
  • 将所有控制设置恢复为默认:Reset all keybinds to default values. Does not ask for confirmation.
  • 检查/做动作:Set the keybind for checking or doing some action such as: interacting with NPCs, Calendar, Help Wanted, doors, ladders and elevators; picking up an item from the bag slot; picking up forage and loot. 默认值:Right-Click, X
  • 使用工具:Set the keybind for using tools, or picking up forage and loot. 默认值:Left-Click, C
  • 访问菜单:Set the keybind for opening and closing the Menu (always opens to the Inventory tab). 默认值:Escape, E
  • 访问日志:Set the keybind for opening and closing the Journal. 默认值:F
  • 访问地图:Set the keybind for opening and closing the Map. 默认值:M
  • 上移:Set the keybind for moving the character up. 默认值:W
  • 左移:Set the keybind for moving the character left. 默认值:A
  • 下移:Set the keybind for moving the character down. 默认值:S
  • 右移:Set the keybind for moving the character right. 默认值:D
  • 聊天框:Set the keybind for toggling the chat box. 默认值:Question, T
  • 表情菜单:默认值:Y
  • 跑动:Set the keybind for running (if "Auto Run" unchecked) or walking (if "Auto Run" checked) while the key is held. 默认值:LeftShift
  • 切换工具栏:扩展背包后可用,在未打开物品栏时,按下此键可以将当前工具栏切换为背包中的下一行物品。默认值:TAB
  • 物品栏格#1:设置一个按键用于选择在物品栏和工具栏的第一格。默认值:1
  • 物品栏格#2:设置一个按键用于选择在物品栏和工具栏的第二格。默认值:2
  • 物品栏格#3:设置一个按键用于选择在物品栏和工具栏的第三格。默认值:3
  • 物品栏格#4:设置一个按键用于选择在物品栏和工具栏的第四格。默认值:4
  • 物品栏格#5:设置一个按键用于选择在物品栏和工具栏的第五格。默认值:5
  • 物品栏格#6:设置一个按键用于选择在物品栏和工具栏的第六格。默认值:6
  • 物品栏格#7:设置一个按键用于选择在物品栏和工具栏的第七格。默认值:7
  • 物品栏格#8:设置一个按键用于选择在物品栏和工具栏的第八格。默认值:8
  • 物品栏格#9:设置一个按键用于选择在物品栏和工具栏的第九格。默认值:9
  • 物品栏格#10:设置一个按键用于选择在物品栏和工具栏的第十格。默认值:0
  • 物品栏格#11:设置一个按键用于选择在物品栏和工具栏的第十一格。默认值:-
  • 物品栏格#12:设置一个按键用于选择在物品栏和工具栏的第十二格。默认值:+


This feature is currently unavailable on mobile and Xbox.

Windows, Mac, and Linux

Clicking the camera button takes a screenshot of the entire map the player's character is currently in. The default zoom is 25% of original size, but can be changed via plus/minus buttons to 50%, 75%, or 100%. The default save location is:

  • Windows: %appdata%\StardewValley\Screenshots
  • Mac and Linux: ~/.local/share/StardewValley/Screenshots

Clicking the screenshot button the first time creates a new folder called "Screenshots" and adds a button to open the folder directly from options.

You can also use this feature with the chat command /mapscreenshot. The command will let you specify filename and percentage as well, for example /mapscreenshot image01 100.

PS4 and Switch

Clicking the screenshot button takes a screenshot of the entire map the player's character is currently in. Screenshots are saved to the Album page on Switch and to Settings > Storage > System Storage > Capture Gallery on PS4.