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== 其他事件==
*Occasionally If you speak to Linus, he will mention he has ventured down deep into the mines. He is also one of the people, should you lose your health, will come and retrieve you and take you back home.
* 有时若玩家和莱纳斯对话,他会提及自己曾在矿洞中下到很深的经历;他也是会将玩家救出矿洞(当玩家失血昏厥)的NPC之一。
*You can toggle the [[Campfire]] in front of Linus' tent.  This seems to have no effect on the game whatsoever (no special dialogs, no effect on friendship, etc.)  Linus will never re-light the fire if you put it out.
* 玩家可以点燃或熄灭莱纳斯帐篷前的篝火,不过这并不会对游戏剧情有任何影响(不会触发对话,不会影响好感度);若将篝火熄灭,莱纳斯也不会将其重新点燃
