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:''Main article: [[稻草人]]''
:''Main article: [[稻草人]]''
 稻草人可以防止乌鸦吃[[作物]]。它们可以在[[耕种]]技能1级时制作。除了标准的稻草人,还有8种可以在游戏中购买或获得的独特[[稻草人 #Rarecrows|Rarecrows]]。
 稻草人可以防止乌鸦吃[[作物]]。它们可以在[[耕种]]技能1级时制作。除了标准的稻草人,还有8种可以在游戏中购买或获得的独特[[Scarecrow#Rarecrows| 稻草人]]。
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於 2017年4月19日 (三) 02:26 的修訂

Robin building.png
— 羅賓


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最後編輯555mimipp於2017-04-19 02:26:36.


設備 是在您設置操作時為您執行任務的機器。 您根據已經學到的製造可以從原材料中構建大多數類型的設備,更多設備通過提高技能水平來解鎖。 或者,也可以從山谷的某些供應商那裡購買一些設備。 一些設備,如釣具,是高度便攜的,而其他類型在使用時不能移動。


也可參見: 製造


圖片 名字 描述 材料 配方來源
灑水器 每天早上給四塊鄰近的土地澆水。

Copper Bar.png 銅錠(1) Iron Bar.png 鐵錠(1)

Farming Skill Icon.png 耕種 2 級
Quality Sprinkler.png
優質灑水器 每天早晨灌溉臨近的8個地塊。

Iron Bar.png 鐵錠(1) Gold Bar.png 金錠(1) Refined Quartz.png 精鍊石英(1)

Farming Skill Icon.png 耕種 6 級
Iridium Sprinkler.png
銥制灑水器 每天早晨灌溉臨近的24個地塊。

Gold Bar.png 金錠(1) Iridium Bar.png 銥錠(1) Battery Pack.png 電池組(1)

Farming Skill Icon.png 耕種 9 級


Sprinkler Range.png

灑水器和優質灑水器也可以在星期五和星期日從旅行貨車購買,如果它們有庫存的話。 銥金灑水器每周五可從Krobus處花費10,000g購買。


Main article: 稻草人


Image Name Description Ingredients Recipe Source
Scarecrow Prevents crows from attacking your crops. Has a limited range. Wood.png 木材(50)

Coal.png 煤炭(1) Fiber.png 纖維(20)

Farming Skill Icon.png Farming Level 1


稻草人將保護周圍248個空間的圓形區域; 北,東,南,西各8個空間,東北,東南,西南,西北各6個。 換句話說,它保護17x17區域,不包括每個角落的10個空格。

Scarecrow Range.png


Main article: Artisan Goods
Image Name Description Ingredients Recipe Source
Bee House.png
Bee House Place outside and wait for delicious honey! Wood.png 木材(40)

Coal.png 煤炭(8) Iron Bar.png 鐵錠(1) Maple Syrup.png 楓糖漿(1)

Farming Skill Icon.png Farming Level 3
Cask Use in the cellar to age products like wine and cheese.

Wood.png 木材(20)Hardwood.png 硬木(1)

Cellar farmhouse upgrade
Cheese Press.png
Cheese Press Turns milk into cheese. Wood.png 木材(45)

Stone.png 石頭(45) Hardwood.png 硬木(10) Copper Bar.png 銅錠(1)

Farming Skill Icon.png Farming Level 6
Keg Put a fruit or vegetable in here. Eventually it will turn into a beverage. Wood.png 木材(30)

Copper Bar.png 銅錠(1) Iron Bar.png 鐵錠(1) Oak Resin.png 橡樹樹脂(1)

Farming Skill Icon.png Farming Level 8
Loom Turns raw wool into fine cloth. Wood.png 木材(60)

Fiber.png 纖維(30) Pine Tar.png 松焦油(1)

Farming Skill Icon.png Farming Level 7
Mayonnaise Machine.png
Mayonnaise Machine Turns eggs into mayonnaise. Wood.png 木材(15)

Stone.png 石頭(15) Earth Crystal.png 地晶(1) Copper Bar.png 銅錠(1)

Farming Skill Icon.png Farming Level 2
Oil Maker.png
Oil Maker Makes gourmet truffle oil. Slime.png 史萊姆泥(50)

Hardwood.png 硬木(20) Gold Bar.png 金錠(1)

Farming Skill Icon.png Farming Level 8
Preserves Jar.png
Preserves Jar Turns vegetables into pickles and fruit into jam. Wood.png 木材(50)

Stone.png 石頭(40) Coal.png 煤炭(8)

Farming Skill Icon.png Farming Level 8


See also: Crafting
Image Name Description Ingredients Recipe Source
Charcoal Kiln.png
Charcoal Kiln Turns 10 pieces of wood into one piece of coal. Wood.png 木材(20)

Gold Bar.png 金錠(1)

Foraging Skill Icon.png Foraging Level 4
Crystalarium Insert a gem of your choice and it will grow copies. Stone.png 石頭(99)

Gold Bar.png 金錠(5) Iridium Bar.png 銥錠(2) Battery Pack.png 電池組(1)

Mining Skill Icon.png Mining Level 9
Furnace Turns ore and coal into metal bars. Copper Ore.png 銅礦石(20)

Stone.png 石頭(25)

Clint Icon.png 克林特(after finding 1+ Copper Ore)

Lightning Rod.png
Lightning Rod Collects energy from lightning storms and turns it into battery packs. Iron Bar.png 鐵錠(1)

Refined Quartz.png 精鍊石英(1) Bat Wing.png 蝙蝠翅膀(5)

Foraging Skill Icon.png Foraging Level 6
Recycling Machine.png
Recycling Machine Turns fishing trash into resources. Wood.png 木材(25)

Stone.png 石頭(25) Iron Bar.png 鐵錠(1)

Fishing Skill Icon.png Fishing Level 4
Seed Maker.png
Seed Maker Place crops inside to produce a varying amount of seeds. Doesn't work with fruit tree crops. Coal.png 煤炭(10)

Wood.png 木材(25) Gold Bar.png 金錠(1)

Farming Skill Icon.png Farming Level 9
Slime Incubator.png
Slime Incubator Hatches slime eggs into slimes. Allows you to raise slimes outdoors. Iridium Bar.png 銥錠(2)

Slime.png 史萊姆泥(100)

Combat Skill Icon.png Combat Level 8
Slime Egg-Press.png
Slime Egg-Press Compresses 100 pieces of slime into a slime egg. It's a miracle of science! Coal.png 煤炭(25)

Fire Quartz.png 火水晶(1) Battery Pack.png 電池組(1)

Combat Skill Icon.png Combat Level 6
Tapper Place on a maple, oak, or pine tree and wait for the reservoir to fill with product! Wood.png 木材(40)

Copper Bar.png 銅錠(2)

Foraging Skill Icon.png Foraging Level 3
Worm Bin.png
Worm Bin Produces bait on a regular basis. The worms are self-sufficient. Hardwood.png 硬木(25)

Gold Bar.png 金錠(1) Iron Bar.png 鐵錠(1) Fiber.png 纖維(50)

Fishing Skill Icon.png Fishing Level 8