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{| class="wikitable sortable" id="roundedborder" style="width: 70%; min-width: 500px;"
{| class="wikitable sortable" id="roundedborder" style="width: 70%; min-width: 500px;"
!class="unsortable" style="width: 48px;" | Image
!class="unsortable" style="width: 48px;" | 图像
! 名称
!style="width: 40%; | Description
!style="width: 40%; | 描述
!Number<br />in<br />Chest
! 数量
!style="width: 35%;" | Requirements
!style="width: 35%;" | 要求
|[[File:Treasure Chest.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[File:Treasure Chest.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[Treasure Chest]]
|[[ 钓鱼宝箱]]
|Wow, it's loaded with treasure! This is sure to fetch a good price.
| 哇,这里面装满财宝!这肯定能卖个好价钱。
|1||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|1|| 需要[[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] 钓鱼 Level 2+
|[[File:Iridium Ore.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[File:Iridium Ore.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[Iridium Ore]]
|[[ 铱金矿石]]
|An exotic ore with many curious properties. Can be smelted into bars.
| 一种奇特的矿石,有很多神奇的属性,可炼成铱金锭。
|1-2||Must cast Max Distance
|1-2|| 必须抛至最大距离
|[[File:Gold Ore.png|48px|center|link=]] 
|[[File:Gold Ore.png|48px|center|link=]] 
|[[Gold Ore]]
|[[ 黄金矿石]]
|A precious ore that can be smelted into bars.
| 一种珍贵的矿石,可炼成金锭。
|1-24||Must cast Max Distance or one tile less than Max Distance
|1-24|| 必须抛至最大距离或最大距离-1格处
|[[File:Iron Ore.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[File:Iron Ore.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[Iron Ore]]
|[[ 铁矿石]]
|A fairly common ore that can be smelted into bars.
| 一种少见的矿石,可炼成铁锭。
|[[File:Copper Ore.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[File:Copper Ore.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[Copper Ore]] 
|[[ 铜矿石]] 
|A common ore that can be smelted into bars.
| 一种常见的矿石,可炼成铜锭。
|[[ 木材]]
|A sturdy, yet flexible plant material with a wide variety of uses.
| 一种结实又灵活的植物材料,有着非常广泛的用途。
|[[ 石头]]
|A common material with many uses in crafting and building.
| 一种常见的材料,可用于制造和建筑。
|[[ 煤炭]]
|A combustible rock that is useful for crafting and smelting.
| 一种可燃的岩石,用来用来提炼矿物质。
|[[File:Dressed Spinner.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[File:Dressed Spinner.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[Dressed Spinner]]
|[[ 精装旋式鱼饵]]
|The metal tab and colorful streamers create an enticing spectacle for fish. Increases the bite-rate when fishing.
| 漂亮的外表可以吸引鱼的注意力,增加鱼上钩的概率。
|1||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 6+<br />Must cast Max Distance or one tile less than Max Distance
|1|| 需要[[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] 钓鱼 Level 6+<br /> 必须抛至最大距离或最大距离-1格处
|[[Bait (item)|Bait]]
|[[ 鱼饵(物品)| 鱼饵]]
|Causes fish to bite faster. Must first be attached to a fishing rod.
| 使鱼很快上钩。必须要事先挂在钓竿上。
|[[File:Lost Book.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[File:Lost Book.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[Lost Books|Lost Book]]
|[[ 丢失的书]]
|Writings from a wide variety of time periods.
| 来自各时间段的作品
|Only if you've already found 1+ Lost Books,<br />and the [[Museum]]'s Library collection is not complete
| 只有当你已经找到1本<br /> [[ 博物馆]] 还没收集齐
|[[File:Skeletal Tail.png|48px|center|link=]] 
|[[File:Skeletal Tail.png|48px|center|link=]] 
|[[Skeletal Tail]]
|[[ 尾部骨骼]]
|It's pretty short for a tail.
| 尾巴很短
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|1|| 只有当你已经找到1件<br /> 需要[[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] 钓鱼 Level 2+
|[[File:Nautilus Fossil.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[File:Nautilus Fossil.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[Nautilus Fossil]]
|[[ 鹦鹉螺化石]]
|This must've washed up ages ago from an ancient coral reef.
| 这一定是很久之前从古老的珊瑚礁上冲上岸的
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|1|| 只有当你已经找到1件<br /> 需要[[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] 钓鱼 Level 2+
|[[File:Amphibian Fossil.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[File:Amphibian Fossil.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[Amphibian Fossil]]
|[[ 两栖动物化石]]
|The relatively short hind legs suggest some kind of primordial toad.
| 稍短一些的后腿表明这是某种原始的蟾蜍
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|1|| 只有当你已经找到1件<br /> 需要[[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] 钓鱼 Level 2+
|[[File:Ancient Doll.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[File:Ancient Doll.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[Ancient Doll]]
|[[ 古代玩偶]]
|An ancient doll covered in grime. This doll may have been used as a toy, a decoration, or a prop in some kind of ritual.
| 一个浑身布满污垢的古代玩偶。这个人偶可以用作玩具,装饰,或者是某些仪式上的一个道具。
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|1|| 只有当你已经找到1件<br /> 需要[[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] 钓鱼 Level 2+
|[[File:Elvish Jewelry.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[File:Elvish Jewelry.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[Elvish Jewelry]]
|[[ 精灵珠宝]]
|Dirty but still beautiful. On the side is a flowing script thought by some to be the ancient language of the elves. No Elvish bones have ever been found.
| 虽然有点脏,但仍很漂亮。被一些人认为是精灵的古老的语言,但至今为止,都没有发现过精灵的尸体。
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|1|| 只有当你已经找到1件<br /> 需要[[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] 钓鱼 Level 2+
|[[File:Chewing Stick.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[File:Chewing Stick.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[Chewing Stick]]
|[[ 咀嚼洁齿棒]]
|Ancient people chewed on these to keep their teeth clean.
| 古代人不停地咬咀嚼洁齿棒来保持他们口腔的干净
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|1|| 只有当你已经找到1件<br /> 需要[[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] 钓鱼 Level 2+
|[[File:Ornamental Fan.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[File:Ornamental Fan.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[Ornamental Fan]]
|[[ 装饰用扇子]]
|This exquisute fan most likely belonged to a noblewoman. Historians believe that the valley was a popular sixth-era vacation spot for the wealthy.
| 这个精致的扇子最有可能属于一个贵妇。历史学家认为在第六世纪,山谷是最受富人欢迎的度假胜地。
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|1|| 只有当你已经找到1件<br /> 需要[[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] 钓鱼 Level 2+
|[[File:Dinosaur Egg.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[File:Dinosaur Egg.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[Dinosaur Egg]]
|[[ 恐龙蛋]]
|A giant dino egg... The entire shell is still intact!
| 一个巨大的恐龙蛋......且整个壳都完好无损!
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|1|| 只有当你已经找到1件<br /> 需要[[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] 钓鱼 Level 2+
|[[File:Rare Disc.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[File:Rare Disc.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[Rare Disc]]
|[[ 稀有圆盘]]
|A heavy black disc studded with peculiar red stones. When you hold it, you're overwhelmed with a feeling of dread.
| 一个沉重的黑色圆盘,上面镶嵌着特有的红色石头。当你捧着它时,你会被一股恐惧的感觉所侵扰。
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|1|| 只有当你已经找到1件<br /> 需要[[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] 钓鱼 Level 2+
|[[File:Ancient Sword.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[File:Ancient Sword.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[Ancient Sword]]
|[[ 古剑]]
|It's the remains of an ancient sword. Most of the blade has turned to rust, but the hilt is very finely crafted.
| 是古剑的遗骸。虽然大部分剑体都已经生锈,但是刀柄部分仍然很精美。
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|1|| 只有当你已经找到1件<br /> 需要[[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] 钓鱼 Level 2+
|[[File:Rusty Spoon.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[File:Rusty Spoon.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[Rusty Spoon]]
|[[ 生锈的汤匙]]
|A plain old spoon, probably ten years old. Not very interesting.
| 一个普通的旧勺子,大约有10年之久了。不是很有意思。
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|1|| 只有当你已经找到1件<br /> 需要[[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] 钓鱼 Level 2+
|[[File:Rusty Spur.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[File:Rusty Spur.png|48px|center|link=]]

