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删除385字节 、 2018年10月20日 (六) 00:17
第145行: 第145行:     
{| class="wikitable sortable" id="roundedborder" style="width: 65%; min-width: 500px;"
{| class="wikitable sortable" id="roundedborder" style="width: 65%; min-width: 500px;"
!style="width: 48px;" class="unsortable"| 图片
!style="width: 48px;" class="unsortable"|图片
第151行: 第151行:  
| [[File:Willy Happy.png|48px|center]]
| [[File:Willy Happy.png|48px|center]]
| colspan="3" | <ul><li>所有[[社交#最爱的礼物|普遍最爱的礼物]]</li></ul>
| colspan="3" | <ul><li>''' 所有[[社交#最爱的礼物|普遍最爱的礼物]]'''</li></ul>
第198行: 第198行:     
{| class="wikitable sortable" id="roundedborder" style="width: 65%; min-width: 500px;"
{| class="wikitable sortable" id="roundedborder" style="width: 65%; min-width: 500px;"
!style="width: 48px;" class="unsortable" | 图片
!style="width: 48px;" class="unsortable" |图片
第205行: 第205行:  
| [[File:Willy.png|48px|center]]
| [[File:Willy.png|48px|center]]
| colspan="4"| <ul><li>'''所有[[社交#喜欢的礼物|普遍喜欢的礼物]]''' ''( 除了 [[生命药水]], 以及 '''所有 [[烹饪]]''' 物品, 下表所列举的物品除外 。)''</li></ul>
| colspan="4"| <ul><li>'''所有[[社交#喜欢的礼物|普遍喜欢的礼物]]''' 除了[[生命药水]] '''所有 [[烹饪]]'''下表所列举的物品除外 </li></ul>
|[[File:Gold Bar.png|center]]
|[[File:Gold Bar.png|center]]
|[[ 采矿]]
第216行: 第216行:  
|[[Foraging]] - Mines
|[[ 觅食]] - [[矿井]]
第222行: 第222行:  
|[[Fish#Fish Types|Fishing]]
|[[ 钓鱼]]
第228行: 第228行:  
|[[Fish#Fish Types|Fishing]]
|[[ 钓鱼]]
|[[File:Baked Fish.png|center]]
|[[File:Baked Fish.png|center]]
|Baked fish on a bed of herbs.
|{{Description|Baked Fish}}
|{{name|Sunfish|1}}{{name|Bream|1}}{{name|Wheat Flour|1}}
|{{name|Sunfish|1}}{{name|Bream|1}}{{name|Wheat Flour|1}}
第239行: 第239行:  
|[[File:Carp Surprise.png|center]]
|[[File:Carp Surprise.png|center]]
|It's bland and oily.
|{{Description|Carp Surprise}}
第245行: 第245行:  
|A perfect way to warm yourself after a cold night at sea.
第251行: 第251行:  
|[[File:Crab Cakes.png|center]]
|[[File:Crab Cakes.png|center]]
|Crab, bread crumbs, and egg formed into patties then fried to a golden brown.
|{{Description|Crab Cakes}}
|{{name|Crab|1}}{{name|Wheat Flour|1}}{{name|Egg|1}}{{name|Oil|1}}
|{{name|Crab|1}}{{name|Wheat Flour|1}}{{name|Egg|1}}{{name|Oil|1}}
第257行: 第257行:  
|[[File:Crispy Bass.png|center]]
|[[File:Crispy Bass.png|center]]
|Wow, the breading is perfect.
|{{Description|Crispy Bass}}
|{{name|Largemouth Bass|1}}{{name|Wheat Flour|1}}{{name|Oil|1}}
|{{name|Largemouth Bass|1}}{{name|Wheat Flour|1}}{{name|Oil|1}}
第263行: 第263行:  
|[[File:Fish Stew.png|center]]
|[[File:Fish Stew.png|center]]
|It smells a lot like the sea. Tastes better, though.
|{{Description|Fish Stew}}
第269行: 第269行:  
|[[File:Fish Taco.png|center]]
|[[File:Fish Taco.png|center]]
|It smells delicious.
|{{Description|Fish Taco}}
|{{name|Tuna|1}}{{name|Tortilla|1}}{{name|Red Cabbage|1}}{{name|Mayonnaise|1}}
|{{name|Tuna|1}}{{name|Tortilla|1}}{{name|Red Cabbage|1}}{{name|Mayonnaise|1}}
第275行: 第275行:  
|[[File:Fried Calamari.png|center]]
|[[File:Fried Calamari.png|center]]
|It's so chewy.
|{{Description|Fried Calamari}}
|{{name|Squid|1}}{{name|Wheat Flour|1}}{{name|Oil|1}}
|{{name|Squid|1}}{{name|Wheat Flour|1}}{{name|Oil|1}}
第281行: 第281行:  
|[[File:Fried Eel.png|center]]
|[[File:Fried Eel.png|center]]
|Greasy but flavorful.
|{{Description|Fried Eel}}
第287行: 第287行:  
|[[File:Lobster Bisque.png|center]]
|[[File:Lobster Bisque.png|center]]
|This delicate soup is a secret family recipe of [[Willy|Willy's]].
|{{Description|Lobster Bisque}}
第293行: 第293行:  
|[[File:Salmon Dinner.png|center]]
|[[File:Salmon Dinner.png|center]]
|The lemon spritz makes it special.
|{{Description|Salmon Dinner}}
第299行: 第299行:  
|[[File:Trout Soup.png|center]]
|[[File:Trout Soup.png|center]]
|Pretty salty.
|{{Description|Trout Soup}}
|{{name|Rainbow Trout|1}}{{name|Green Algae|1}}
|{{name|Rainbow Trout|1}}{{name|Green Algae|1}}
第314行: 第314行:  
| [[File:Willy.png|48px|center]]
| [[File:Willy.png|48px|center]]
| colspan="3"| <ul><li>'''所有[[社交#一般的礼物|普遍觉得一般的礼物]]'''</li><li>'''所有蛋 '''</li><li>'''所有[[鱼]]''' ''( 除了[[鲤鱼]], [[鲶鱼]], [[蛇齿单线鱼]], [[章鱼]], [[海参]], [[蜗牛]], [[鲟鱼]], &amp; [[虎纹鳟鱼]])''</li><li>'''所有[[水果]]''' ''( 除了[[果树|果树果实]] &amp; [[美洲大树莓]])''</li><li>'''所有奶类'''</li></ul>
| colspan="3"| <ul><li>'''所有[[社交#一般的礼物|普遍觉得一般的礼物]]'''</li><li>'''所有蛋''' (除了[[虚空蛋]])</li><li>'''所有[[鱼]]''' 除了[[鲤鱼]] [[鲶鱼]] [[蛇齿单线鱼]] [[章鱼]] [[海参]] [[蜗牛]] [[鲟鱼]] [[虎纹鳟鱼]] </li><li>'''所有[[水果]]''' 除了[[果树|果树果实]] [[美洲大树莓]] </li><li>'''所有奶类'''</li></ul>
   第327行: 第327行:  
| [[File:Willy Concerned.png|48px|center]]
| [[File:Willy Concerned.png|48px|center]]
| colspan="3" | <ul><li>'''所有[[社交#不喜欢的礼物|普遍不喜欢的礼物]]''' ''(except [[Fish]], [[Gold Bar]], &amp; [[Iron Bar]])''</li><li>'''All [[Cooking]]''' ''( 除了[[烤鱼]], [[面包]], [[惊喜鲤鱼]], [[海鲜杂烩汤]], [[蟹黄糕]], [[香酥鲈鱼]], [[烩鱼汤]], [[鱼肉卷]], [[Fried Calamari]], [[Fried Eel]], [[Fried Egg]], [[龙虾浓汤]], [[鲑鱼晚餐]], [[奇怪的小面包]], &amp; [[鳟鱼汤]])''</li></ul>
| colspan="3" | <ul><li>'''所有[[社交#不喜欢的礼物|普遍不喜欢的礼物]]''' (除了[[ ]] [[ 金锭]] [[ 铁锭]] </li><li>''' 所有[[ 烹饪]]''' 除了[[烤鱼]] [[面包]] [[惊喜鲤鱼]] [[海鲜杂烩汤]] [[蟹黄糕]] [[香酥鲈鱼]] [[烩鱼汤]] [[鱼肉卷]] [[ 炸鱿鱼]] [[ 炒鳗鱼]] [[ 荷包蛋]] [[龙虾浓汤]] [[鲑鱼晚餐]] [[奇怪的小面包]] [[鳟鱼汤]] </li></ul>
|A tasty mushroom with a fruity smell and slightly peppery flavor.
|[[Foraging]] - [[Fall]]
|[[ 觅食]] - [[ 秋季]]
|[[File:Common Mushroom.png|center]]
|[[File:Common Mushroom.png|center]]
|Slightly nutty, with a good texture
|{{Description|Common Mushroom}}
|[[Foraging]] - [[Fall]]
|[[ 觅食]] - [[ 秋季]]
|A traditional spring flower that makes a nice gift.
|[[Foraging]] - [[Spring]]
|[[ 觅食]] - [[ 春季]]
|Not the prettiest flower, but the leaves make a good salad.
|[[Foraging]] - [[Spring]]
|[[ 觅食]] - [[ 春季]]
| 真是一颗大榛子!
|[[Foraging]] - [[Fall]]
|[[ 觅食]] - [[ 秋季]]
|The leaves and bright red berries make a popular winter decoration.
|[[Foraging]] - [[Winter]]
|[[ 觅食]] - [[ 冬季]]
|A tasty relative of the onion.
|[[Foraging]] - [[Spring]]
|[[ 觅食]] - [[ 春季]]
|[[File:Life Elixir.png|center]]
|[[File:Life Elixir.png|center]]
|[[Life Elixir]]
|[[ 生命药水]]
|Restores health to full.
|{{Description|Life Elixir}}
|[[ 打造]]
|Sought after for its unique nutty flavor.
|[[Foraging]] - [[Spring]]
|[[ 觅食]] - [[ 春季]]
|[[File:Purple Mushroom.png|center]]
|[[File:Purple Mushroom.png|center]]
|A rare mushroom found deep in caves.
|{{Description|Purple Mushroom}}
|[[Foraging]] - [[The Mines]]
|[[ 觅食]] - [[ 矿井]]
| 一种带有森林味道的春天浆果.
|[[Foraging]] - [[Spring]]
|[[ 觅食]] - [[ 春季]]
|[[File:Snow Yam.png|center]]
|[[File:Snow Yam.png|center]]
|This little yam was hiding beneath the snow.
|{{Description|Snow Yam}}
|[[Foraging]] - [[Winter]]
|[[ 觅食]] - [[ 冬季]]
|[[File:Wild Horseradish.png|center]]
|[[File:Wild Horseradish.png|center]]
|A spicy root found in the spring.
|{{Description|Wild Horseradish}}
|[[Foraging]] - [[Spring]]
|[[ 觅食]] - [[ 春季]]
|[[File:Winter Root.png|center]]
|[[File:Winter Root.png|center]]
|A starchy tuber.
|{{Description|Winter Root}}
|[[Foraging]] - [[Winter]]
|[[ 觅食]] - [[ 冬季]]

