
第4行: 第4行:  
|description = 增加钓到(鱼的名字)的几率。
|description = 增加钓到(鱼的名字)的几率。
|source    = [[鱼饵制造机]] • [[鱼店]]
|source    = [[鱼饵制造机]] • [[鱼店]]
|sellprice  = 0.1 × [[鱼]] 的价
|sellprice  = 0.1 × [[鱼]] 的 售出
|quality   = false
|quality   = false
|edibility  = -300
|edibility  = -300
第10行: 第10行:  
|craftingstation = {{name|Bait Maker|link=鱼饵制造机}}
|craftingstation = {{name|Bait Maker|link=鱼饵制造机}}
|crafttime    = ≤10分钟
|crafttime    = ≤10分钟
|produces     = 5-10 个针对性鱼饵
|produces     = 5 - 10 个针对性鱼饵
'''针对性鱼饵'''是一种特殊类型的鱼饵,它可以增加钓上某种特定鱼类的概率,'''前提是该鱼可以在此时间段、此天气和此季节在该区域被钓到。''' 它与[[鱼饵(物品)|鱼饵]]一样可以减少50%等待鱼上钩的时间。<ref name="fishbitetime" />
'''针对性鱼饵'''是一种特殊类型的鱼饵,它可以增加钓上某种特定鱼类的概率,'''前提是该鱼可以在此时间段、此天气和此季节在该区域被钓到。''' 它与[[鱼饵(物品)|鱼饵]]一样可以减少50%等待鱼上钩的时间。<ref name="fishbitetime" />
 在[[鱼饵制造机]]放入任何鱼都可以产 出5-10个(鱼的名字)鱼饵。鱼饵会在游戏内时间行进到下个10分钟时打造完成。玩家每天还可以从[[鱼店]]购 买8-12个当季部分鱼类的针对性鱼饵,其价格是此种鱼饵价 的两倍 (0.2x[[鱼]]的价 )。
 在[[鱼饵制造机]]放入任何鱼都可以产 出 5 - 10 个(鱼的名字)鱼饵。鱼饵会在游戏内时间行进到下个10分钟时打造完成。玩家每天还可以从[[鱼店]]购 买 8 - 12 个当季部分鱼类的针对性鱼饵,其价格是此种鱼饵 售出 的两倍 ( 0.2 ×[[鱼]]的 售出 )。
使用针对性鱼饵时,目标鱼类的位置概率参数<ref Name="GetChance"/> 以及[[:en:Modding:Fish data#Spawn Rate| 生成率]] 参数都将在经其他条件修正后乘以 1.66 <ref name="Spawn_Rate"/> 这两个参数的上限为 1 ,所以在大多数情况下,位置概率乘以 1.66 几乎没有影响,因为大多数鱼类的位置概率本来就是 1 。然而,生成率的上限一般是 0.9 ,如果目标鱼类生成率原先就达到这一上限,那么乘以 1.66 可以保证目标鱼类通过生成率检查。钓鱼时,游戏将会生成一个包含着所有可能钓到的物品的列表,随后检验列表项目,并查看前三项通过了位置概率检查与生成率检查的项目。如果目标鱼类位于其中,玩家就得到目标鱼类。如果里面没有目标鱼类,玩家就得到第三个项目。如果游戏在检验完列表所有项目后,通过检查的项目还不够三个,游戏将回到列表开头重新检验一遍,以补齐三个项目。<ref name="Targeted_Bait_Loop"/> 。如果再次检验到列表末尾,那么玩家将钓到[[垃圾]] <ref name="Trash_Reason"/>
When using targeted bait, the Locational Chance<ref Name="GetChance"/> and [[:en:Modding:Fish data#Spawn Rate|Spawn Rate]] for the targeted fish are both multiplied by 1.66, after applying any relevant modifiers.<ref name="Spawn_Rate"/> These chances are capped at 1, so in most cases the Locational Chance adjustment will have no effect as most fish have a Locational Chance of 1. However, the Spawn Rate normally has a cap of 0.9, so this adjustment can guarantee a fish passing that check, assuming that a different item is not hooked first. In addition, when choosing from the list of possible catches for the area, the game will look at the first three items to pass both the Spawn Rate and Location-based checks. If the targeted fish is among them, the player will hook the targeted fish. Otherwise, the player will hook the third item, whatever it may be. If the game reaches the end of the list of possible catches before three items have passed both checks, it will loop back to the beginning of the list and check each item a second time.<ref name="Targeted_Bait_Loop"/> If it reaches the end of the list a second time, the player will hook [[垃圾]].<ref name="Trash_Reason"/>
* 某些鱼类,如[[鱼#传说鱼类|传说鱼类]] [[鱼#传说鱼类二代|传说鱼类二代]] 以及[[夜市#钓鱼潜艇| 夜市的 鱼]] ,它们无视生成率数据,在钓鱼时它们的等效生成率为 100% ,所以针对性鱼饵带来的生成率加成等同于没有。不过它们依然受其他加成影响,如位置概率的提升以及额外的检查次数。
* Some fish, such as the [[鱼#传说鱼类|传说鱼类]], [[鱼#传说鱼类二代|传说鱼类二代]], and [[夜市#钓鱼潜艇| 潜艇]] ignore Spawn Rate completely giving them an effective 100% Spawn Rate, regardless of the 1.66x multiplier. However, they still benefit from all other effects, including the Locational Chance multiplier and extra hook attempts.
**[[鱼#传说鱼类|传说鱼类]] 以及[[鱼#传说鱼类二代|传说鱼类二代]] 在它们所在的位置上具有比其他所有物品更高的优先级<ref name="Legendary_Precedence"/> ,所以无论用不用针对性鱼饵,第一个循环检查对它们的判定都是主要的。这显著降低了额外检查次数的影响,因为第二次对它们的检查很少发生,这需要第一次循环通过检查的项目少于三个(里面还包括必定通过检查的垃圾)。即使如此,使用针对性鱼饵钓到传说鱼类和传说鱼类二代的概率也至少要乘以 1.66 。
* The [[鱼#传说鱼类|传说鱼类]] and [[鱼#传说鱼类二代|传说鱼类二代]] have earlier Precedence<ref name="Legendary_Precedence"/> than all other items in their locations, and so are always attempted on the first loop, regardless of Targeted Bait. This significantly reduces the impact of the extra hook attempts, as second attempt only occurs under the (highly unlikely) circumstance that less than 3 items pass their random checks on the first loop (including Trash, which is guaranteed to pass).
* 除了[[ 鬼鱼]] 以外的[[ 矿井]] 鱼类不使用一般的钓鱼算法,所以针对性鱼饵也不能以一般的方式增加钓到它们的概率。相反,使用针对性鱼饵将直接固定增加钓到它们的概率。[[石鱼]] 为 10% [[冰柱鱼]] 为 9% [[岩浆鳗鱼]] 为 8% 。<ref name="Mines_Fishing"/>
* [[ 矿井]] fish, other than [[ 鬼鱼]], do not make use of the standard fishing algorithm at all, and so are unaffected by the usual effects of Targeted Bait. Instead, Targeted Bait provides a flat bonus to their hook chance. This is 10% for [[石鱼]], 9% for [[冰柱鱼]], and 8% for [[岩浆鳗鱼]].<ref name="Mines_Fishing"/>
*[[虾虎鱼]] 同样不被针对性鱼饵以一般方式影响。针对性鱼饵会固定增加 20% 的虾虎鱼位置概率。和传说鱼类一样,它也无视生成率数据。它依然受额外检查次数的加成。在使用虾虎鱼鱼饵时,钓到虾虎鱼的概率至少增加 20% <ref name="Goby"/>
* [[虾虎鱼]] is also unaffected by the usual effects of Targeted Bait. Instead, Targeted Bait provides a flat 20% increase to its Locational Chance and Goby still benefits from the extra hook attempts.<ref name="Goby"/>
Targeted Bait also works with [[蟹笼]], provided the player does not have the Mariner profession. Its effect depends on the [[:en:Modding:Fish data|base chance]] of the targeted fish, which is the chance to hook the fish provided all of the fish listed earlier in <samp>Data\Fish.xnb</samp> wasn't selected first. Specifically:<ref Name="Crab_Pots"/>
当玩家没有[[技能#钓鱼|水手]]职业时,针对性鱼饵可以在[[蟹笼]] 里使用。其效果取决于目标鱼类的[[:en:Modding:Fish data| 基础概率]] ,即在 <samp>Data\Fish.xnb</samp> 文件里列出的所有蟹笼鱼类中,在没有选中目标鱼类之前的所有鱼的条件下钓到目标鱼类的概率。特别的:<ref Name="Crab_Pots"/>
* [[龙虾]]出现的概率为原有的四倍。
* [[龙虾]]出现的概率为原有的四倍。
* [[蛤]]、[[螃蟹]]和[[牡蛎]]出现的概率为原有的三倍。
* [[蛤]]、[[螃蟹]]和[[牡蛎]]出现的概率为原有的三倍。
* 其他蟹笼鱼类出现的概率为原有的两倍。
* 其他蟹笼鱼类出现的概率为原有的两倍。
Targeted Bait has no effect if the player has the Mariner profession.<ref Name="Crab_Pots"/>
如果玩家拥有“水手”职业,则针对性鱼饵不会起作用。<ref Name="Crab_Pots"/>
Below is the table detailing the chances for obtaining items with Crab Pot Targeted Bait (in saltwater) without the Mariner profession:
Below is the table detailing the chances for obtaining items with Crab Pot Targeted Bait (in freshwater) without the Mariner profession:
 鱼店每日会随机售出8-12个某一类型的[[针对性鱼饵]],其单价是此种鱼饵价 的两倍。威利卖的鱼饵种类取决于季节。以下是威利在不同季节会出售的[[针对性鱼饵]]的表格。
 鱼店每日会随机售出8-12个某一类型的[[针对性鱼饵]],其单价是此种鱼饵 售出 的两倍。威利卖的鱼饵种类取决于季节。以下是威利在不同季节会出售的[[针对性鱼饵]]的表格。
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第78行: 第78行:  
     <ref name="fishbitetime">See <samp>FishingRod::calculateTimeUntilFishingBite</samp> in the game code.</ref>
     <ref name="fishbitetime"> 参见游戏代码中的 <samp>FishingRod::calculateTimeUntilFishingBite</samp> </ref>
     <ref Name="GetChance">See <samp>SpawnFishData::GetChance</samp> in the game code. The multiplier is applied after all modifiers except Luck, most notably applying after any Curiosity Lure buff, by far the most common modifier to Location chance.</ref>
     <ref Name="GetChance"> 参见游戏代码中的 <samp>SpawnFishData::GetChance</samp> 。乘数修正位于除运气外其他所有修正之后。最需要注意的是,乘数修正位于珍稀诱钩效果之后,后者是最常见的位置概率影响因素。</ref>
     <ref name="Spawn_Rate">See <samp>GameLocation::GetGenericFishRequirements</samp> in the game code. The 1.66x multiplier is applied after fishing zone, fishing level, and curiosity lure modifiers, and the 0.9 cap.</ref>
     <ref name="Spawn_Rate"> 参见游戏代码中的 <samp>GameLocation::GetGenericFishRequirements</samp> 1.66 的乘数修正位于钓鱼区、钓鱼等级、珍稀诱钩、 0.9 上限修正之后。</ref>
     <ref name="Targeted_Bait_Loop">See <samp>GameLocation::GetFishFromLocationData</samp> in the game code. If a fish passes both random checks, it is hooked if either: there no targeted fish, it is the targeted fish, or at least two items in the list have already passed both checks.</ref>
     <ref name="Targeted_Bait_Loop"> 参见游戏代码中的 <samp>GameLocation::GetFishFromLocationData</samp> 。如果有一条鱼通过了两项检查,在满足以下条件之一时,玩家将会钓到它:没有目标鱼类;它就是目标鱼类;列表里至少有两个项目已经通过了检查。</ref>
     <ref name="Trash_Reason">Since Trash exists at precedence 2000 in all areas, and is guaranteed to pass both checks, the only way to reach the end of the list twice is if Trash was the only item hooked on both loops. Therefore, the only items that can be hooked from this condition are Trash items.</ref>
     <ref name="Trash_Reason"> 由于所有水域中垃圾都以 2000 优先值存在而且必定通过位置概率与生成率两项检查,所以如果列表已经完整循环了两次,唯一可能的情况是两次循环都只有垃圾通过检查。所以在这种情况下,只可能获得垃圾。</ref>
     <ref name="Crab_Pots">See <samp>CrabPot::DayUpdate</samp> in the game code.</ref>
     <ref name="Crab_Pots"> 参见游戏代码中的 <samp>CrabPot::DayUpdate</samp> </ref>
     <ref name="Legendary_Precedence">See <samp>Data/Locations.xnb</samp> in the game files for Precedence values.</ref> 
     <ref name="Legendary_Precedence"> 参考游戏文件 <samp>Data/Locations.xnb</samp> 以查看优先级数值。</ref> 
     <ref name="Mines_Fishing">See <samp>MineShaft::GetFish</samp> in the game code.</ref> 
     <ref name="Mines_Fishing"> 参见游戏代码中的 <samp>MineShaft::GetFish</samp> </ref> 
     <ref name="Goby">See <samp>Data/Locations.xnb</samp> in the game files.</ref> 
     <ref name="Goby"> 参见游戏文件中的 <samp>Data/Locations.xnb</samp> </ref> 
