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:''For a list of fish and their locations, see the [[Fish]] page.''
{{Stub|参考、历史的 翻译 仍需要校对、润色}}
:''For an index to the completed fish collection, see [[Collections#Fish|Collections]].''
{{TOC right}}
:''For the guide to catch all fish, see [[Fishing Strategy]].''
: 关于鱼的种类及其位置的列表,请查看[[ ]]
:''See also: [[Tackle]], [[Bait]]''
: 为收集全部的鱼,请查看[[ 收集品# | 收集]]
: 抓住所有的鱼的指南,请查看[[ 钓鱼攻略]]
: 另请参阅:[[ 渔具]] [[ 鱼饵]]
[[File:FishZone.png|100px|thumb|right|Pool of Bubbles]]
'''钓鱼'''是一种使用[[ 工具#钓鱼竿| 钓鱼竿]]或[[蟹笼]]捕捉[[鱼]]的[[技能]]
'''Fishing''' is a [[skill]] associated with catching [[fish]], using a [[Fishing Rod|fishing rod]] or [[Crab Pot|crab pots]], in ''[[Stardew Valley]]''.
A fishing rod is used to cast a fishing line into a body of water. Casting into randomly appearing bubbles in the water will result in fish biting quicker. To cast, hold down the left mouse button (a meter will appear), then release to cast. Depending on how full the meter is when the mouse button is released, determines how far the line is cast. It is possible to slightly alter the placement of the fishing line with the arrow keys or {{key|W}}{{key|A}}{{key|S}}{{key|D}} during mid cast. This can help with bubbling water pools in awkward positions. When a fish bites, click the left mouse button to start the mini-game.
玩家可以使用钓鱼竿在水中进行钓鱼。按住使用键(PC端默认为C键和鼠标左键[[File:Left-Click.png|24px]], Xbox为[[File:360 X.png|24px]], Playstation为[[File:PS4 Square.png|24px]], Switch为[[File:Switch Y.png|24px]])抛钩,这时会出现一个量表指示把鱼钩抛多远,松开使用键即可抛出鱼钩。提高钓鱼技能等级或使用更好的钓鱼竿可以把鱼钩抛的更远。在鱼钩抛出后且未入水时,按住方向键可以改变落点位置,这一技巧可以用于在更好的[[钓鱼#钓鱼区| 钓鱼区]]和不易达到的[[钓鱼#气泡| 气泡]]处钓鱼(详见“[[钓鱼#倾斜抛竿| 倾斜抛竿]]”)。
The goal of the fishing mini-game is to keep the small fish icon in the rectangle area until a progress bar is completely filled. The rectangle area can be moved up by clicking and holding the mouse button, or repeatedly clicking the mouse button in quick succession. The rectangle area can be increased with fishing skill level and better fishing rods. The erratic movement of fish will also decrease with higher fishing skill level and better fishing rods.
It can be useful to keep the fish near the top of the rectangle area, as clicking to raise it is instant, but there's a slight delay when it drops. If the fish's icon moves above or below the rectangle area, the progress bar will decrease, and the fish will escape when it decreased all the way. Catching a fish without the fish leaving the rectangle area will display a "perfect".
Sometimes a pool of bubbles will appear, casting into this pool of bubbles increases the amount of hits you get. You will know you cast correctly into the pool of bubbles, when it starts to sparkle.
==Xbox Controls==
== 钓鱼具体因素==
When using an Xbox controller, first equip your fishing rod. Tap and hold the [[File:360_X.png|25px]] button and release when you are ready to cast your line.  Once your line is cast, immediately tap and hold the [[File:360_X.png|25px]] button again.  Once you're alerted that something has bit (an ! icon pops up with a sound effect) then release the X button to load the mini-game. Tap/hold/release or quickly tap the [[File:360_A.png|25px]] button to play the mini-game.
==Fishing rods==
Used to catch fish.
* [[季节]]
* [[天气]](晴天、雨天、任何)
* 水域类型
* 时间
==[[File:Fishing_Skill_Icon.png|32px|link=]] Fishing Skill==
<p>Fishing Skill is increased by catching [[Fish]] or [[Trash]] with a Fishing Rod/Pole or by harvesting [[Crab Pot]]s.</p>
<p>Each level grants +1 Fishing Rod [[Skills#Proficiency|Proficiency]], increases the minimum fish size (in/cm) and bobber bar height, and decreases the max amount of time before fish bite.  Fishing skill also increases the chance to find quality (silver or gold star) fish.</p>
实际抛竿距离取决于抛竿指示条进度和最大抛竿距离。实际抛竿距离达到最大抛竿距离的99%以上时会提示"Max"<ref name="max_cast" />,不过没有特殊的奖励。
水域的每个格子都按照离(最近)岸边的距离被划分为钓鱼区0、1、2、3或5<ref name="fishing_zone" /> ,距离越远,数字越大,等级越高,钓鱼收获越好。钓鱼区等级在距离大于等于5时设为5,否则设为距离减去1。游戏将陆地、码头、石桥都视为岸,木桥除外。钓鱼区分布请查看[[钓鱼攻略#距离图片|距离图片]]。
如果钓鱼时小鱼图标始终没有离开绿条就达成完美钓鱼,钓鱼游戏结束时会提示"完美!" 。完美钓鱼给予两个奖励:
! 基础品质
! 1个优质浮标
! 2个优质浮标
! 仅完美钓鱼
! 完美钓鱼 + 1个优质浮标
! 完美钓鱼 + 2个优质浮标
| 普通
| 银星
| 金星
| 普通
| 金星
| 铱星
| 银星
| 金星
| 铱星
| 金星
| 铱星
| 铱星
| 金星
| 铱星
| 铱星
| 铱星
| 铱星
| 铱星
下表是根据钓鱼区和钓鱼等级不同,列出获得鱼基础品质的几率和尺寸。请注意,基础品质不涉及完美钓鱼或优质浮标带来的品质提高,上表描述了如何进行这些调整。关于详细的fFishSize和尺寸说明<ref name="fish_quality" />参见[[https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Fishing#Fish_Size_.26_Quality 英文wiki]]。
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! rowspan="2" | 钓鱼区
! rowspan="2" data-sort-type=number | 钓鱼等级
! colspan="2" | fFishSize
! colspan="3" | 鱼的基础品质 (%)
! colspan="2" | 鱼的完美尺寸 (英寸)
! 最小
! 最大
! 普通
! 银星
! 金星
! data-sort-type=number | 沙丁鱼
! data-sort-type=number | 鲱鱼
| 1   || 0-1    || 0.04   || 0.22   || 100    || 0     || 0     ||  2 - 4  ||  9 - 11
| 1   || 2-3    || 0.07   || 0.22   || 100    || 0     || 0     ||  2 - 4  ||  9 - 11
| 1   || 4-5    || 0.11   || 0.22   || 100    || 0     || 0     ||  3 - 4  || 10 - 11
| 1   || 6-7    || 0.14   || 0.22   || 100    || 0     || 0     ||  3 - 4  || 10 - 11
| 1   || 8-9    || 0.18   || 0.22   || 100    || 0     || 0     ||  3 - 4  || 11
| 1   || 10-11   || 0.22   || 0.26   || 100    || 0     || 0     ||  4    || 11 - 12
| 1   || 12-13   || 0.25   || 0.31   || 100    || 0     || 0     ||  4 - 5  || 12
| 1   || 14-15   || 0.29   || 0.35   || 67    || 33    || 0     ||  5    || 12 - 13
| 1   || 16-17   || 0.32   || 0.40   || 10    || 90    || 0     ||  5 - 6  || 12 - 13
| 2   || 0-1    || 0.07   || 0.44   || 73    || 27    || 0     ||  2 - 6  ||  9 - 14
| 2   || 2-3    || 0.14   || 0.44   || 67    || 33    || 0     ||  3 - 6  || 10 - 14
| 2   || 4-5    || 0.22   || 0.44   || 56    || 44    || 0     ||  4 - 6  || 11 - 14
| 2   || 6-7    || 0.29   || 0.44   || 33    || 67    || 0     ||  5 - 6  || 12 - 14
| 2   || 8-9    || 0.36   || 0.44   || 0     || 100    || 0     ||  5 - 6  || 13 - 14
| 2   || 10-11   || 0.43   || 0.53   || 0     || 100    || 0     ||  6 - 7  || 14 - 15
| 2   || 12-13   || 0.50   || 0.62   || 0     || 100    || 0     ||  7 - 8  || 15 - 16
| 2   || 14-15   || 0.58   || 0.70   || 0     || 67    || 33    ||  8 - 9  || 15 - 17
| 2   || 16-17   || 0.65   || 0.79   || 0     || 10    || 90    ||  9 - 10 || 16 - 18
| 3   || 0-1    || 0.11   || 0.66   || 42    || 57    || 1     ||  3 - 9  || 10 - 16
| 3   || 2-3    || 0.22   || 0.66   || 27    || 71    || 1     ||  4 - 9  || 11 - 16
| 3   || 4-5    || 0.32   || 0.66   || 3     || 95    || 2     ||  5 - 9  || 12 - 16
| 3   || 6-7    || 0.43   || 0.66   || 0     || 98    || 2     ||  6 - 9  || 14 - 16
| 3   || 8-9    || 0.54   || 0.66   || 0     || 95    || 5     ||  7 - 9  || 15 - 16
| 3   || 10-11   || 0.65   || 0.79   || 0     || 10    || 90    ||  9 - 10 || 16 - 18
| 3   || 12-13   || 0.76   || 0.92   || 0     || 0     || 100    || 10 - 12 || 18 - 20
| 3   || 14-15   || 0.86   || 1.00   || 0     || 0     || 100    || 11 - 13 || 19 - 21
| 3   || 16-17   || 0.97   || 1.00   || 0     || 0     || 100    || 13    || 21
| 3   || 18-19   || 1.00   || 1.00   || 0     || 0     || 100    || 13    || 21
| 5   || 0-1    || 0.18   || 1.00   || 20    || 39    || 41    ||  3 - 13 || 11 - 21
| 5   || 2-3    || 0.36   || 1.00   || 0     || 49    || 51    ||  5 - 13 || 13 - 21
| 5   || 4-5    || 0.54   || 1.00   || 0     || 32    || 68    ||  7 - 13 || 15 - 21
| 5   || 6-7    || 0.72   || 1.00   || 0     || 0     || 100    ||  9 - 13 || 17 - 21
| 5   || 8-9    || 0.90   || 1.00   || 0     || 0     || 100    || 11 - 13 || 19 - 21
| 5   || 10-11   || 1.00   || 1.00   || 0     || 0     || 100    || 13    || 21
| 5   || 12-13   || 1.00   || 1.00   || 0     || 0     || 100    || 13    || 21
| 5   || 14-15   || 1.00   || 1.00   || 0     || 0     || 100    || 13    || 21
| 5   || 16-17   || 1.00   || 1.00   || 0     || 0     || 100    || 13    || 21
| 5   || 18-19   || 1.00   || 1.00   || 0     || 0     || 100    || 13    || 21
有时水中会出现一团气泡,把鱼钩甩入气泡位置会使鱼更快咬钩。如果水中有蓝色闪光,说明玩家恰好甩竿到了气泡位置。在气泡处钓鱼有两个奖励<ref name="bubbles" />:
* 鱼上钩速度变为四倍。
* 钓鱼区等级提高一级。
** 此时的钓鱼区等级提高对鱼的尺寸和基础品质没有影响,对宝箱奖励也没有影响。
每个地点同时至多存在一处气泡。有时气泡可能会出现在鱼竿不可及的位置。此外,气泡不会出现在农场内,除非选择了[[农场地图| 河边农场]]<ref name="performtenminuteupdate" />。
1. 在一些形状不规则的钓鱼区,需要通过倾斜抛竿才能钓到深水区的鱼。
2. 部分气泡生成的位置需要调整抛竿角度才能使鱼钩落入气泡中。
*在[[星露谷展览会]] 和[[冰雪节]]的钓鱼项目中进行钓鱼游戏时,比赛计时不会暂停。
<section begin="钓鱼竿" />
|[[File:Training Rod.png|center]]
|[[File:Bamboo Pole.png|center]]
|[[任务#To The Beach|“前往沙滩”]]任务的过场动画<p>从威利的[[鱼店]]购买</p>
|[[File:Fiberglass Rod.png|center]]
|[[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]]钓鱼2级<p>(到达2级后隔天玩家会收到一封信)</p>
|[[File:Iridium Rod.png|center]]
|[[ 铱金鱼竿]]
|可以使用[[ 鱼饵]] 和[[渔具]]
|[[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]]钓鱼6级<p>(到达6级后隔天玩家会收到一封信)</p>
|[[File:Advanced Iridium Rod.png|center]]
|[[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] [[ 精通山洞#精通|钓鱼精通]]
|}<section end="钓鱼竿" />
==[[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|32px|link=]] 钓鱼技能==
<p> 每升一级,钓鱼竿的[[技能#熟练度|熟练度]]+1 ,增大鱼的最小尺寸和绿条的长度,减少[[ 钓鱼# 上钩时间| 上钩时间]] 。钓鱼等级也会影响钓到的鱼的基础品质。</p>
== 经验值==
Certain [[Cooking|cooked dishes]] will temporarily increase fishing level.
*每次收获蟹笼获得5点经验(不管收集到什么)。用鱼竿钓到垃圾、白藻、绿藻、海草获得3点经验。完成[[ 鱼塘#任务| 鱼塘任务]] 和从[[鱼塘]]收获产物也能获得经验。
捕获一条鱼获得的基础经验XP如下<ref name="fishexp" />:
XP=(鱼的品质+ 1)* 3 + 难度 / 3
鱼的品质:普通-0,银星-1,金星-2,铱星-4。完美钓鱼按原品质计算这一数值。举个例子,一条普通品质的沙丁鱼(困难度30)会给玩家带来(0+1)*3+30/3 = 13点经验。
! 技能等级
! 经验值
! 需要钓沙丁鱼数(无星)
! 需要钓金星传说之鱼
! 需要收获蟹笼次数
! 1
| 100
| 8
| 1
| 20
! 2
| 380
| 30
| 2
| 76
! 3
| 770
| 60
| 4
| 154
! 4
| 1300
| 100
| 6
| 260
! 5
| 2150
| 166
| 10
| 430
! 6
| 3300
| 254
| 15
| 660
! 7
| 4800
| 370
| 22
| 960
! 8
| 6900
| 531
| 31
| 1380
! 9
| 10000
| 770
| 45
| 2000
! 10
| 15000
| 1154
| 67
| 3000
{{: 海鲜杂烩汤|RecipeRow}}
{{:Dish o' The Sea}}
{{: 海之菜肴|RecipeRow}}
{{: 法式田螺|RecipeRow}}
{{:Fish Stew}}
{{: 烩鱼汤|RecipeRow}}
{{:Fish Taco}}
{{: 鱼肉卷|RecipeRow}}
{{:Lobster Bisque}}
{{: 龙虾浓汤|RecipeRow}}
{{:Maple Bar}}
{{: 枫糖棒|RecipeRow}}
{{:Trout Soup}}
{{: 鳟鱼汤|RecipeRow}}
==Treasure Chests==
== 宝箱==
During the fishing mini-game, a treasure chest will occasionally appear inside the vertical bar. Treasure chests have their own progression bar, fillable by keeping the green bobber bar behind the treasure chest icon [[File:Fishing Treasure Chest.png|24px|class=inline]].  If obtained, the player is awarded a random bonus loot after catching the fish.  Losing the fish also loses the treasure chest.
在钓鱼迷你游戏时,一个宝箱偶尔会出现在竖条上。宝箱有独立的进度条,通过保持宝箱图标[[File:Fishing Treasure Chest.png|24px|class=inline]] 在绿条的后面来增长进度条。如果获得了宝箱,玩家将在钓到鱼后随机获得战利品。如果鱼逃走,已获得的宝箱也会失去。
The base chance of finding a chest is 15%. The probability can be increased with the [[Magnet]] (+15%), the [[Treasure Hunter]] (+5%) and the [[#Fishing Skill|Pirate profession]] (+15%) for a total of 50% chance. It is further increased by daily [[Luck]] + (Luck / 2.0)% and a hidden Luck level + (LuckLevel &times; 0.005)%.
The following is a list of all items that can be found inside Treasure Chests.
发现箱子的基础几率为15%。几率可以通过[[磁铁]](+15%)、[[寻宝者]](+5%)和[[#钓鱼技能|海盗职业]](+15%)增加,总共达到50%。每日[[运气]]的数值/2也会影响几率,即-5%到+5%。[[特殊的魅力]]增加1.25%几率。食物提供的每一点临时运气增加0.5%几率<ref name="treasure_chance" />。运气也会略微提高宝箱内战利品的数量和质量。
{| class="wikitable sortable" id="roundedborder" style="width: 70%; min-width: 500px;"
金宝箱出现的基础几率为25%,[[运气#每日运气|每日运气]]可提供10%的最大增益/减益,即25%±10%;若玩家拥有[[特殊的魅力]],则额外增加2.5%<ref name="treasure_chance" />。
1. 书籍类:[[鱼饵和浮漂]]、[[战斗季刊]]、[[采矿月刊]]、[[星露谷年历]]、[[樵夫周刊]]
2. 渔具类:[[精装旋式鱼饵]]、[[挑战鱼饵]]、[[磁铁]]、[[声纳浮漂]]
3. 种子类:[[胡萝卜种子]]、[[金皮西葫芦种子]]、[[西蓝花种子]]、[[霜瓜种子]]
4. 菜肴类:[[鱼肉卷]]、[[虾鸡尾酒]]、[[烩鱼汤]]
5. 其他:[[铱锭]]、[[星之果茶]]、[[仙尘]]、[[珍珠]]
以下是可以在宝箱中找到的所有物品的列表。<ref name="treasure" /> “概率”栏表示在满足该物品所有要求的前提下,每个宝箱(普通宝箱和黄金宝箱)中至少出现一次该物品的几率。
<!--The items are listed in the order when they first appear in the game code. Please DO NOT rearrange them. -->
<!--下列物品是按照它们第一次出现在游戏代码中的顺序列出的。请不要重新排序。 -->
{|class="wikitable sortable roundedborder"
|{{name|Rice Shoot}}
|{{name|Wild Bait}}
|必须学会万能鱼饵的配方。<br />
|data-sort-value=9|8-9%, 64-65%
|data-sort-value=6|5-6%, 69%
|{{name|Qi Bean}}
|1-4 ||
|{{name|Mystery Box}}
|1 ||
|需要阅览齐先生的过场动画并且没有获得[[精通山洞#精通|采集精通]]<br />
|{{name|Golden Mystery Box}}
|1 ||
|需要[[精通山洞#精通|采集精通]]<br />
|{{name|Golden Animal Cracker}}
|1 ||
|{{name|Iridium Bar}}
|1-5 ||
|{{name|Bait And Bobber}}
|1  ||
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Mining Monthly}}
|1  ||
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Combat Quarterly}}
|1  ||
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Stardew Valley Almanac}}
|1  ||
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Woodcutter's Weekly}}
|1  ||
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Carrot Seeds}}
|2-8 ||
|{{name|Summer Squash Seeds}}
|2-8 ||
|{{name|Broccoli Seeds}}
|2-8 ||
|{{name|Powdermelon Seeds}}
|2-8 ||
|{{name|Fish Taco}}
|1 ||
|{{name|Fairy Dust}}
|3-5 ||
|{{name|Dressed Spinner}}
|1  ||6+
|{{name|Challenge Bait}}
|3-5 ||
|3-5 ||
|{{name|Stardrop Tea}}
|1 ||
|1 ||
!class="unsortable" style="width: 48px;" | Image
|{{name|Shrimp Cocktail}}
|1 ||
!style="width: 40%; | Description
!Number<br />in<br />Chest
!style="width: 35%;" | Requirements
|[[File:Treasure Chest.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Fish Stew}}
|[[Treasure Chest]]
|1 ||
|Wow, it's loaded with treasure! This is sure to fetch a good price.
|1||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|[[File:Iridium Ore.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Sonar Bobber}}
|[[Iridium Ore]]
|An exotic ore with many curious properties. Can be smelted into bars.
| 如果未获得万能鱼饵配方,概率将会提高
|1-2||Must cast Max Distance
|[[File:Gold Ore.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Iridium Ore}}
|[[Gold Ore]]
|1-2 ||
|A precious ore that can be smelted into bars.
|[[#钓鱼区|钓鱼区]] 必须为5级
|1-24||Must cast Max Distance or one tile less than Max Distance
|{{name|Gold Ore}}
|[[File:Iron Ore.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Iron Ore}}
|[[Iron Ore]]
|A fairly common ore that can be smelted into bars.
|[[File:Copper Ore.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Copper Ore}}
|[[Copper Ore]]
|A common ore that can be smelted into bars.
|A sturdy, yet flexible plant material with a wide variety of uses.
|A common material with many uses in crafting and building.
|A combustible rock that is useful for crafting and smelting.
|[[File:Dressed Spinner.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Deluxe Bait}}
|[[Dressed Spinner]]
|The metal tab and colorful streamers create an enticing spectacle for fish. Increases the bite-rate when fishing.
| 如果未获得万能鱼饵配方,概率将会提高
|1||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 6+<br />Must cast Max Distance or one tile less than Max Distance
|[[Bait (item)|Bait]]
|Causes fish to bite faster. Must first be attached to a fishing rod.
|在钓鱼等级6级后,出现概率大幅降低<br />
|{{name|Lost Book}}
|1  ||
|[[File:Lost Book.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Skeletal Tail}}
|[[Lost Books|Lost Book]]
|Writings from a wide variety of time periods.
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|2.8-3.1%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|Only if you've already found 1+ Lost Books,<br />and the [[Museum]]'s Library collection is not complete
|1.7-1.9%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|[[File:Skeletal Tail.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Nautilus Fossil}}
|[[Skeletal Tail]]
|It's pretty short for a tail.
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|2.8-3.1%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|1.7-1.9%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|[[File:Nautilus Fossil.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Amphibian Fossil}}
|[[Nautilus Fossil]]
|This must've washed up ages ago from an ancient coral reef.
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|2.8-3.1%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|1.7-1.9%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|[[File:Amphibian Fossil.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Ancient Doll}}
|[[Amphibian Fossil]]
|The relatively short hind legs suggest some kind of primordial toad.
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|[[File:Ancient Doll.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Elvish Jewelry}}
|[[Ancient Doll]]
|An ancient doll covered in grime. This doll may have been used as a toy, a decoration, or a prop in some kind of ritual.
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|[[File:Elvish Jewelry.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Chewing Stick}}
|[[Elvish Jewelry]]
|Dirty but still beautiful. On the side is a flowing script thought by some to be the ancient language of the elves. No Elvish bones have ever been found.
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|[[File:Chewing Stick.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Ornamental Fan}}
|[[Chewing Stick]]
|Ancient people chewed on these to keep their teeth clean.
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|[[File:Ornamental Fan.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Dinosaur Egg}}
|[[Ornamental Fan]]
|This exquisute fan most likely belonged to a noblewoman. Historians believe that the valley was a popular sixth-era vacation spot for the wealthy.
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|[[File:Dinosaur Egg.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Rare Disc}}
|[[Dinosaur Egg]]
|A giant dino egg... The entire shell is still intact!
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|[[File:Rare Disc.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Ancient Sword}}
|[[Rare Disc]]
|A heavy black disc studded with peculiar red stones. When you hold it, you're overwhelmed with a feeling of dread.
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|[[File:Ancient Sword.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Rusty Spoon}}
|[[Ancient Sword]]
|It's the remains of an ancient sword. Most of the blade has turned to rust, but the hilt is very finely crafted.
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|[[File:Rusty Spoon.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Rusty Spur}}
|[[Rusty Spoon]]
|A plain old spoon, probably ten years old. Not very interesting.
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|[[File:Rusty Spur.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Rusty Cog}}
|[[Rusty Spur]]
|An old spur that was once attached to a cowboy's boot. People must have been raising animals in this area for many generations.
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|[[File:Rusty Cog.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Chicken Statue}}
|[[Rusty Cog]]
|A well preserved cog that must have been part of some ancient machine. This could be dwarven technology.
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|[[File:Chicken Statue.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Ancient Seed}}
|[[Chicken Statue]]
|It's a statue of a chicken on a bronze base. The ancient people of this area must have been very fond of chickens.
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|[[File:Ancient Seed.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Prehistoric Tool}}
|[[Ancient Seed]]
|It's a dry old seed from some ancient plant. By all appearances it's long since dead...
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|[[File:Prehistoric Tool.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Dried Starfish}}
|[[Prehistoric Tool]]
|Some kind of gnarly old digging tool.
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|[[File:Dried Starfish.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[Dried Starfish]]
|A starfish from the primordial ocean. It's an unusually pristine specimen!
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|{{name|Glass Shards}}
|It may have belonged to ancient pirates.
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|[[File:Glass Shards.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Bone Flute}}
|[[Glass Shards]]
|A mixture of glass shards smoothed by centuries of ocean surf. These could have belonged to an ancient mosaic or necklace.
| 仅在找到至少一个[[ 古物]] 时才会出现
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|0.7-0.8%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|0.5%<ref name="treasure_artifact" />
|[[File:Bone Flute.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[Bone Flute]]
|1-6 ||
|It's a prehistoric wind instrument carved from an animal's bone. It produces an eerie tone.
| [[#钓鱼区|钓鱼区]] 等级更低时概率更高
|1||Only if you've already found 1+ artifacts<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|[[File:Strange Doll (yellow).png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Magma Geode}}
|[[Strange Doll (yellow)|Strange Doll]]
|1-6 ||
|[[#钓鱼区| 钓鱼区]] 必须为5级
|1||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|[[File:Strange Doll (green).png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Frozen Geode}}
|[[Strange Doll (green)|Strange Doll]]
|1-6 ||
|[[#钓鱼区| 钓鱼区]] 必须为3或5级,在3级时的概率更高
|1||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|{{name|Fire Quartz}}
|1-4 ||2+
|A blacksmith can break this open for you.
|[[#钓鱼区|钓鱼区]] 必须为5级
|[[File:Frozen Geode.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[Frozen Geode]]
|1-4 ||2+
|A blacksmith can break this open for you.
|[[#钓鱼区|钓鱼区]] 必须为5级
|[[File:Magma Geode.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[Magma Geode]]
|1-4 ||2+
|A blacksmith can break this open for you.
|[[#钓鱼区|钓鱼区]] 必须为5级
|1-6||Must cast Max Distance or one tile less than Max Distance
|[[File:Fire Quartz.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Frozen Tear}}
|[[Fire Quartz]]
|1-4 ||2+
|A glowing red crystal commonly found near hot lava.
|[[#钓鱼区|钓鱼区]] 必须为3级
|1-4||Must cast Max Distance or one tile less than Max Distance<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|1-4 ||2+
|A precious stone that is sought after for its rich color and beautiful luster.
|[[#钓鱼区|钓鱼区]] 必须为3级
|1-4||Must cast Max Distance or one tile less than Max Distance<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|1-4 ||2+
|A precious stone with a brilliant green color.
|[[#钓鱼区|钓鱼区]] 必须为3级
|1-4||Must cast Max Distance or one tile less than Max Distance<br />Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|[[File:Frozen Tear.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Earth Crystal}}
|[[Frozen Tear]]
|1-4 ||2+
|A crystal fabled to be the frozen tears of a yeti.
|[[#钓鱼区|钓鱼区]] 必须为2级或更低
|1-4||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|1-4 ||2+
|A pale green ornamental stone.
|[[#钓鱼区|钓鱼区]] 必须为2级或更低
|1-4||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|1-4 ||2+
|A shimmery blue-green gem.
|[[#钓鱼区|钓鱼区]] 必须为2级或更低
|1-4||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|[[File:Earth Crystal.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[Earth Crystal]]
|1-2 ||2+
|A resinous substance found near the surface.
|[[#钓鱼区|钓鱼区]] 等级更高时概率更高
|1-4||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|{{name|Mixed Seeds}}
|1-3 ||<2
|A purple variant of quartz.
|1-4||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|{{name|Neptune's Glaive}}
|Fairly common but still prized for its beauty.
|1-4||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.6|≈0.6%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.4| ≈0.4%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Broken Trident}}
|A rare and valuable gem.
|1-2||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.6|≈0.6%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.4| ≈0.4%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Prismatic Shard.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Small Glow Ring}}
|[[Prismatic Shard]]
|A very rare and powerful substance with unknown origins.
|1||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 6+
|data-sort-value=0.29|≈0.29%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.18| ≈0.18%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Mixed Seeds.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Glow Ring}}
|[[Mixed Seeds]]
|There's a little bit of everything here. Plant them and see what grows!
| 需要[[ 增益效果#基础数值提升|运气]] 增益,增益更高时概率更高
|data-sort-value=0.03|≈0.03-0.09%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.02| ≈0.02-0.06%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Neptune's Glaive.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Small Magnet Ring}}
|[[Neptune's Glaive]]
|An heirloom from beyond the Gem Sea.
|1||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.29|≈0.29%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.18| ≈0.18%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Broken Trident.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Magnet Ring}}
|[[Broken Trident]]
|It came from the sea, but it's still sharp.
| 需要[[ 增益效果#基础数值提升|运气]] 增益,增益更高时概率更高
|1||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.03|≈0.03-0.09%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.02| ≈0.02-0.06%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Small Glow Ring.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Amethyst Ring}}
|[[Small Glow Ring]]
|Emits a small, constant light.
|1||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.05|≈0.05%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.03| ≈0.03%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Small Magnet Ring.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Topaz Ring}}
|[[Small Magnet Ring]]
|Slightly increases your radius for collecting items.
|1||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.05|≈0.05%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.03| ≈0.03%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Amethyst Ring.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Aquamarine Ring}}
|[[Amethyst Ring]]
|Increases knockback by 10%.
|1||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.05|≈0.05%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.03| ≈0.03%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Topaz Ring.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Jade Ring}}
|[[Topaz Ring]]
|Increases weapon precision by 10%.
|1||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.05|≈0.05%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.03| ≈0.03%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Aquamarine Ring.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Emerald Ring}}
|[[Aquamarine Ring]]
|Increases critical strike chance by 10%.
|1||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.05|≈0.05%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.03| ≈0.03%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Jade Ring.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Ruby Ring}}
|[[Jade Ring]]
|Increases critical strike power by 10%.
|1||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.05|≈0.05%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.03| ≈0.03%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Emerald Ring.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Treasure Chest}}
|[[Emerald Ring]]
|Increases weapon speed by 10%.
|1||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.24|≈0.24%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.16| ≈0.16%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Ruby Ring.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Prismatic Shard}}
|[[Ruby Ring]]
|Increases attack by 10%.
|1||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.008| ≈0.008%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Iridium Band.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Strange Doll (yellow)}}
|[[Iridium Band]]
|Glows, attracts items, and increases attack damage by 10%.
| 没有找到过[[ 古物]] 时也有可能出现
|1||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.08| ≈0.08%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Strange Doll (green)}}
|A little flimsy... but fashionable!
| 没有找到过[[ 古物]] 时也有可能出现
|1 pair||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.08| ≈0.08%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Rubber Boots.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Iridium Band}}
|[[Rubber Boots]]
|Protection from the elements.
|1 pair||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.08| ≈0.08%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Leather Boots.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[Leather Boots]]
|The leather is very supple.
|1 pair||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.008| ≈0.008%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Work Boots.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Rubber Boots}}
|[[Work Boots]]
|Steel-toed for extra protection.
|1 pair||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.008| ≈0.008%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Combat Boots.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Leather Boots}}
|[[Combat Boots]]
|Reinforced with iron mesh.
|1 pair||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.008| ≈0.008%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Tundra Boots.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Work Boots}}
|[[Tundra Boots]]
|The fuzzy lining keeps your ankles so warm.
|1 pair||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.008| ≈0.008%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Thermal Boots.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Combat Boots}}
|[[Thermal Boots]]
|Designed with extreme weather in mind.
|1 pair||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.008| ≈0.008%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Dark Boots.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Tundra Boots}}
|[[Dark Boots]]
|Made from thick black leather.
|1 pair||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.008| ≈0.008%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Firewalker Boots.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Thermal Boots}}
|[[Firewalker Boots]]
|It's said these can withstand the hottest magma.
|1 pair||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.008| ≈0.008%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|[[File:Genie Shoes.png|48px|center|link=]]
|{{name|Dark Boots}}
|[[Genie Shoes]]
|A curious energy permeates the fabric.
|1 pair||Requires [[File:Fishing Skill Icon.png|24px|link=]] Fishing Level 2+
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.008|≈0.008%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Firewalker Boots}}
|data-sort-value=0.012|≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.008|≈0.008%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Genie Shoes}}
|data-sort-value=0.012| ≈0.012%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.008| ≈0.008%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Golden Egg}}
|1  ||
|data-sort-value=0.12|≈0.12%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|data-sort-value=0.08|≈0.08%<ref name="treasure_special" />
|{{name|Golden Bobber}}
|1 ||
|仅在[[沙漠节]]期间且已经接取威利的[[ 沙漠节#钓鱼任务|金浮漂]] 任务、物品栏中没有金浮漂时可以获得。<br />
|1-6 ||
|需要获得[[ 海之宝石]]书中的力量,提供与捕获的鱼相同的鱼籽<br />
|{{name|Jewels Of The Sea}}
|1  ||5+
|必须已经打开过至少两次钓鱼宝箱,在没有找到过时概率更高<br />
|data-sort-value=2|>=2%<ref name="roe_book" />
|data-sort-value=2|>=2%<ref name="roe_book" />
|{{name|Golden Tag}}
|1  ||
|只能在[[鳟鱼大赛]]期间获得,且只能在钓到[[虹鳟鱼]] 时获得<br />
There are 4 [[Achievements]] related to Fishing.
*Fisherman (Catch 10 different [[fish]])
*Ol' Mariner (Catch 24 different [[fish]])
*Master Angler (Catch every [[fish]])
*Mother Catch (Catch 100 [[fish]])
{|class="wikitable sortable roundedborder"
!class="unsortable" style="width: 48px;" | 图片
|[[File:Decorative Trash Can.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[File:Foliage Print.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[File:Frog Hat.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[File:Gourmand Statue.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[File:Iridium Krobus.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[File:'Physics 101'.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[File:Pyramid Decal.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[File:Squirrel Figurine.png|48px|center|link=]]
|[[File:Wall Basket.png|48px|center|link=]]
<ref name="max_cast"> 参见游戏代码中的<samp>Tools/FishingRod::doStartCasting</samp>部分。</ref>
<ref name="fishing_zone">钓鱼区由<samp>FishingRod::distanceToLand</samp>函数计算;值将会被赋给变量<samp>clearWaterDistance</samp>.</ref>
<ref name="fish_quality">鱼的大小和基础品质由函数<samp>FishingRod::startMinigameEndFunction</samp>,<samp>BobberBar::BobberBar</samp>,<samp>BobberBar::update</samp>,和<samp>FishingRod::doPullFishFromWater</samp>决定。</ref>
<ref name="bubbles">气泡对钓鱼咬钩时间的影响由函数<samp>FishingRod::DoFunction</samp>处理,尤其是在<samp>if (location.fishSplashPoint != null)</samp>中。气泡对于鱼类型的影响也出现在函数<samp>FishingRod::doFunction</samp>中对<samp>location.getFish</samp>的调用,其中参数<samp>waterDepth</samp>为<samp>clearWaterDistance + (splashPoint ? 1 : 0)</samp>.</ref>
<ref name="fishexp">参见游戏代码中<samp>Tools/FishingRod::doPullFishFromWater</samp>部分。</ref>
<ref name="treasure_chance">参见游戏代码中<samp>Tools/FishingRod::startMinigameEndFunction</samp>部分。</ref>
<ref name="treasure">钓鱼宝箱中的奖励由函数<samp>FishingRod::openTreasureMenuEndFunction</samp>决定。</ref>
<ref name="treasure_artifact">当[[遗失之书]]不可能出现时,宝箱中出现古物的概率会更高。''例如,''玩家已经完成了博物馆中书的收集。</ref>
<ref name="treasure_special">特殊物品出现在宝箱中的几率由<samp>LuckModifier</samp>调整,会被设置为<samp>(1+DailyLuck)*FishingZone/5</samp]。这段参数表明钓鱼区将是最重要的影响因素,因为在钓鱼区5中获得特殊物品的概率将是在钓鱼区1中的5倍。特殊物品在每日运气最大时(0.125)相比最小时(-0.1)仅有1.25倍的概率。例如,找到残破的三叉戟的概率范围是0.075%(DailyLuck=-0.1, FishingZone=1)到0.469% (DailyLuck=0.125, FishingZone=5)。本页列表的特殊物品概率均为中性运气(0.000)与钓鱼区5。</ref>
<ref name="roe_book">如果玩家还没有获得过[[海之宝石]],则该书出现的概率是<samp>0.02+0.001*X</samp>,其中的<samp>X</samp>是玩家开启过的宝箱的总数。如果玩家已经获得过该书,则概率为<samp>0.02</samp>.</ref>
<ref name="performtenminuteupdate">气泡,或者叫做'fishSplashPoint'参数在<samp>GameLocation::performTenMinuteUpdate</samp>中。</ref>
[[Category: 成就]]
[[Category: 钓鱼]]
[[ru:Рыбная ловля]]

