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删除18,638字节 、 2024年5月3日 (星期五)
第1行: 第1行:  
 星露谷物语最初于2016年2月26日发布 于Windows PC平台。安卓和iOS的 移动端版本 于2018 年10 月10 官宣 并于2018年10月24日 正式 登录iOS app store,游戏的安卓 版本则在次年3月13日 推出
 星露谷物语 PC 平台的 最初 版本发布 于2016年2月26日 。2018年10月10日,官方宣布星露谷物语将 发布移动端版本
<br />2018 年10 月24 日, 星露谷物语 正式 发布 iOS 版本,Android  版本则 随之 在次年3月13日 发布
 如果要查 看PC 平台的 详细 游戏更新 信息 请查看 [[版本历史]].
 如果要查 看 PC  平台的游戏更新 记录, 请查看[[版本历史]]
<br />如果要查看主机平台的 详细 游戏更新 信息 请查看[[主机版历史]].
<br />如果要查看主机平台的游戏更新 记录, 请查看[[主机版历史]]
<br />如果要查看 如何将PC 存档 转移至移动端 请查看[[存档#传输你的存档|存档]].
<br />如果要查看 转移 存档 的教程, 请查看[[存档#传输你的存档|存档]]
{{TOC right|noautonum}}
{{TOC right|noautonum}}
==<span id="Android">[[File:Android Icon.png|19px]] Android</span>==
==<span id="Android">[[File:Android Icon.png|19px]] Android</span>==
Android 端最新版本相当于{{version|1.5.6|PC 端的 1.5.6 版本}},但不支持多人联机模式。
Android 端最新版本相当于 {{version|1.5.6|PC 端的 1.5.6 版本}},但不支持多人联机模式。
星露谷 语1.5.6.31 安卓 版本 于2023年1 月6[https://twitter.com/ConcernedApe/status/1611612814271184899 发布] 。1月7 日进 了一次 更新修复。
: Android 版本发布于2023年10月30日。
:; 改进
::* 有关Google Play Pass(Google Play 中的一种通行证)的更改
:; 错误修正
::* 修复了游戏手柄崩溃的问题
: Android 版本[https://twitter.com/ConcernedApe/status/1627750949677854720 发布]于2023年2月20日。
:; 改进
::* 新增开关界面闪光特效的选项
::* 新增调整工具栏字体大小的选项
::* 改进平板上界面显示的比例
::* 改进手柄体验
:; 错误修正
::* 修复游玩时无法播放音乐或播客的问题
::* 修复“索拉里昂英雄传奇”事件中按钮点击不了的问题
::* 修复菜单中偶现的丢失物品的情况
::* 修复博物馆捐赠后物品没被计数的问题
::* 更新版本后重新进入博物馆,会对捐赠的物品重新计数
::* 修复矿井层数相关的显示问题
::* 修复“失物招领”出现的物品重复的问题
::* 修复了放置在出货箱后面的 品点击不了的问题
::* 修复了多个导致游戏崩溃的漏洞
: Android 版本[https://twitter.com/ConcernedApe/status/1615611390999539713 发布]于2023年1月18日。
:; 改进
::* 优化前往[[姜岛#鹦鹉特快|鹦鹉特快]]平台 寻路机制
:; 错误修正
::* 修复夜间结算存档时,职业选择重复出现的问题
::* 修复上述问题导致的[[生命值]]出现异常的问题
::* 修复高分辨率下无法提交特殊订单物品的问题
::* 修复[[磨坊]]库存物品显示和消失的问题
::* 修复收藏页面中[[日记残页]]图标和名称显示错误的问题
: Android  版本[https://twitter.com/ConcernedApe/status/1613782285568053248 发布] 于2023年1 月13日。
:; '''改进'''
::* 添加了一些缺失的中文翻译
::* 收集品选项卡不再展示[[鱼#传说鱼类二代|所有的传说鱼类二代]]和[[椰林飘香]]
::* (iOS)优化了部分设备上的 UI 缩放
:; '''错误修正'''
::* 修复了在接取[[任务#鹈鹕镇的特别任务列表|特别任务]]后使用[[迷你出货箱]]时在夜间结算时发生的崩溃
::* 修复了部分物品重复或丢失的问题
::* (Android)修复了在存档迁移会造成崩溃的问题
::* 修复了手柄模式下仅能关闭对话框但无法结束对话的问题
::* 修复了使用手柄查看背包时可能发生的崩溃
: Android 版本[https://twitter.com/ConcernedApe/status/1613059541134082048 发布] 于 2023年1月11
:; 改
::* 如果玩家在[[史莱姆屋]]内,不再自动选中武器攻击史莱姆。
:; 错误修正
::* 修复[[锻造#附魔|取消附魔]]导致武器消失的问题
::* 可以正常在地毯上放置家具
::* 修复使用触屏移动时无法离开节日的问题
::* (正式)修复紧急加载后马匹消失的问题
::* (正式)修复紧急加载后出货箱内物品消失的问题
::* 修复 些可能引起闪退的问题
: Android 版本发布 2023年1月9日。官方没有提供本 更新 说明。
:; 错误修正
::* 隐藏控制按钮的选项现在可以正常使用了
::* 现在不会因为使用工具时上马导致卡住了
::* 关闭菜单后,星之果实不再自动进入背包
::* 收集博物馆的奖励后物品能被正常移除了
: Android 版本[https://twitter.com/ConcernedApe/status/1612295761685012480 发布]于2023年1月8日。
:; 改进
::* 新增一键整理到箱子的按钮
::* 破坏[[补给箱]]时能自动选取正确的工具了
:; 错误修正
::*  修复 紧急加载后[[祝尼魔屋]]导致的崩溃问题
::* 修复紧急加载后马匹消失的问题
::* 修复紧急加载后出货箱内物品消失的问题
::* 修复 NPC 错误的寻路机制
::* 修复动物被卡在外面变得不安的问题
::* 修复菜单内光标显示的问题
::* 修复[[塞巴斯蒂安]]六心事件文本无法推进的问题
::* 修复自动采集器容量被错误判定为已满的问题
::* 可以正常接受新手任务了
::* 修复了[[农场地图|沙滩农场]]秘密钓鱼点的寻路机制
: Android 版本[https://twitter.com/ConcernedApe/status/1611911948253433857 发布]于2023年1月7日
:; Port from PC
:; 改进
::* Includes the changes in {{version|1.5|Stardew Valley 1.5}}, {{version|1.5.1}}, {{version|1.5.2}}, {{version|1.5.3}}, {{version|1.5.4}}, {{version|1.5.5}}, and {{version|1.5.6}} from PC (except multiplayer).
::* 重新添加了中文。
{{version history hotfixes|content=&#32;
:; 错误修正
; 7 January 2023 ([https://twitter.com/ConcernedApe/status/1611911948253433857 announcement])
::* 现在更容易下马了
::* 增加了韩语字体的大小
::* 修复了涉及孩子的崩溃
::* 修复了自动采集器不能正常工作的问题
::* 修复了工具条卡住的问题
::* 修复了祝尼魔没有将收获的物品存入小屋的问题
::* 修复了在开始界面中的虚拟按钮
::* 修复了骑马时无法采集的问题
::* 修复了下马可能会卡在地图外的问题
::* 修复了无法在克林特的铁砧上敲击晶球的问题
:; Changes
::* Re-added Chinese language.
: Android 版本[https://twitter.com/ConcernedApe/status/1611612814271184899 发布]于2023年1月6日。
:; Bug fixes
:; 移植自PC端
::* The horse is now easier to dismount.
::* 更新内容参见 {{version|1.5|PC 端版本 1.5}}、{{version|1.5.1}}、{{version|1.5.2}}、{{version|1.5.3}}、{{version|1.5.4}}、{{version|1.5.5}}和 {{version|1.5.6}}(不包括多人模式)。
::* Increased size of Korean text.
::* 此版本尚未添加中文。
::* Fixed crash involving children.
::* Fixed auto-grabber inventory not working correctly.
::* Fixed toolbar being stuck when using toolbar padding.
::* Fixed Junimos not depositing their harvests into the hut.
::* Fixed virtual buttons drawn during intro.
::* Fixed foraging while on a horse no longer enabled.
::* Fixed issue where you could get stuck outside the map if you dismounted a horse.
::* Fixed inability to tap geodes onto Clint's anvil.
: 该版本发布于2021年1月14日。
: 该版本发布于2021年1月14日。
:; 修
:;  错误
::* 修复潘姆的九心事件
::* 修复潘姆的九心事件
第46行: 第150行:  
: 该版本发布于2021年1月4日。
: 该版本发布于2021年1月4日。
:; 修
:;  错误
::* 修复收藏页古物显示的问题
::* 修复收藏页古物显示的问题
第59行: 第163行:  
: 安卓端星露谷物语1.4.5.148版本发布于2020年10月26日。
: 安卓端星露谷物语1.4.5.148版本发布于2020年10月26日。
:; 修
:;  错误
::* 修复了部分机型出现的信箱问题
::* 修复了部分机型出现的信箱问题
第67行: 第171行:  
: 星露谷物语1.4.5.145的安卓版本发布于2020年3月23日。
: 星露谷物语1.4.5.145的安卓版本发布于2020年3月23日。
:; 修
:;  错误
::* 修复博物馆捐赠 物丢失问题
::* 修复博物馆捐赠 物丢失问题
::* 修复在游戏后期得到防风草种子会使已经完成的任务重新开始的问题
::* 修复在游戏后期得到防风草种子会使已经完成的任务重新开始的问题
::* 其他bug的修复
::* 其他bug的修复
第76行: 第180行:  
: 星露谷物语1.4.5.144的安卓版本发布于2020年3月6日。
: 星露谷物语1.4.5.144的安卓版本发布于2020年3月6日。
:; 修
:;  错误
::* 水平工具栏的修复
::* 水平工具栏的修复
第85行: 第189行:  
: 星露谷物语1.4.5.142的安卓版本发布于2020年3月3日。
: 星露谷物语1.4.5.142的安卓版本发布于2020年3月3日。
:; 修
:;  错误
::* 星露谷展会钓鱼的修复
::* 星露谷展会钓鱼的修复
第93行: 第197行:  
: 星露谷物语1.4.5.141的安卓版本发布于2020年2月29日。
: 星露谷物语1.4.5.141的安卓版本发布于2020年2月29日。
:; 修
:;  错误
::* 修复祝尼魔小屋出现的bug
::* 修复祝尼魔小屋出现的bug
第101行: 第205行:  
: 星露谷物语1.4.5.140的安卓版本发布于2020年2月26日。
: 星露谷物语1.4.5.140的安卓版本发布于2020年2月26日。
:; 修
:;  错误
::* 修复离婚后游戏崩溃
::* 修复离婚后游戏崩溃
第111行: 第215行:  
: 星露谷物语1.4.5.139的安卓版本发布于2020年2月21日。
: 星露谷物语1.4.5.139的安卓版本发布于2020年2月21日。
:; 修
:;  错误
::* 修复触屏移动、摇杆移动、及按键移动的问题。
::* 修复触屏移动、摇杆移动、及按键移动的问题。
第124行: 第228行:  
: 星露谷物语1.4.5.138的安卓版本发布于2020年2月19日。
: 星露谷物语1.4.5.138的安卓版本发布于2020年2月19日。
:; 修
:;  错误
::* 修复了使用虚拟手柄放置物品和移动家具的问题
::* 修复了使用虚拟手柄放置物品和移动家具的问题
::* 修复桌上放置物品的bug
::* 修复桌上放置物品的bug
::* Fixed tapping toolbar when using virtual joystick.
::* 修复在使用虚拟遥感是会误触到物品栏的问题
::* Fixed slingshot.
::* 修复弹弓中存在的问题
::* Fixed crabpot interaction.
::* 修复玩家和蟹笼互动时的问题
::* 修复玩家与茶树的互动问题
::* 修复玩家与茶树的互动问题
::* 修复积雪不显示的问题。
::* 修复积雪不显示的问题。
::* Fixed weather debris for each season.
::* Fixed weather debris for each season.
::* Fixed Stardew Valley Fair when using virtual joystick.
::* 修复了在使用虚拟摇杆是星露谷展会出现的问题
第141行: 第245行:  
:; PC版本的部分
:; PC版本的部分
::* 包 括PC版{{version|1.4.5|Stardew Valley 1.4.5}}的改变。
::* 包 {{version|1.4.5|PC 端版本 1.4.5}}的改变。
:; 修
:;  错误
::* 修复小屏幕触发对话出现的文本兼容问题。
::* 修复小屏幕触发对话出现的文本兼容问题。
第151行: 第255行:  
: 星露谷物语1.4.4.132&ndash;136 的安卓版本发布历经2020年2月10&ndash;13。
: 星露谷物语1.4.4.132&ndash;136 的安卓版本发布历经2020年2月10&ndash;13。
:; 修
:;  错误
::* 修复各种bug
::* 修复各种bug
第160行: 第264行:  
:; PC端
:; PC端
::* 包括 {{version|1.4|Stardew Valley 1.4}}, {{version|1.4.1}}, {{version|1.4.2}}, {{version|1.4.3}}, 及{{version|1.4.4}}的改变
::* 包括 {{version|1.4|PC 端版本 1.4}}, {{version|1.4.1}}, {{version|1.4.2}}, {{version|1.4.3}}, 及{{version|1.4.4}}的改变
: 星露谷物语1.331的安卓版本发布于2019年8月23日。 
: 星露谷物语1.331的安卓版本发布于2019年8月23日。 
:;  做出的调整
:;  错误修正
::* 兼容Pixel3
::* 兼容Pixel3
第172行: 第276行:  
: 星露谷物语1.33的安卓版本发布于2019年8月12日。
: 星露谷物语1.33的安卓版本发布于2019年8月12日。
:;  做出的调整
:;  错误修正
::* 修复韩国地区出现的问题
::* 修复韩国地区出现的问题
第180行: 第284行:  
: 星露谷物语1.322的安卓版本发布于2019年8月9日。
: 星露谷物语1.322的安卓版本发布于2019年8月9日。
:;  做出的调整
:;  错误修正
::* 修复Google license check
::* 修复Google license check
第187行: 第291行:  
: 星露谷物语1.31的安卓版本发布于2019年7月18日。 
: 星露谷物语1.31的安卓版本发布于2019年7月18日。 
:;  做出的调整
:;  错误修正
::* 修复华为手机运行游戏时出现的问题
::* 修复华为手机运行游戏时出现的问题
第214行: 第318行:  
: 星露谷物语1.24的安卓版于2019年4月29日发布。
: 星露谷物语1.24的安卓版于2019年4月29日发布。
:; 修
:;  错误
::* 兼容安卓6.0及以后的版本
::* 兼容安卓6.0及以后的版本
第221行: 第325行:     
: 星露谷物语1.23 的安卓 版本 于2019 年4月26日发布 。 A problem was identified in early rollout and it was halted before full release and patched to 1.24.
: Android 1.23 版本 发布于 2019 年4月26日 。由于灰度测试期间又出现了新的漏洞,该版本也被撤回,漏洞修复后 发布 1.24 版本。
: Stardew Valley 1.22 for Android was released on 25 April 2019. A problem was identified in early rollout and it was halted before full release and patched to 1.23.
: Android 1.22 版本发布于 2019 年4月25日。由于灰度测试期间又出现了新的漏洞,该版本也被撤回,漏洞修复后发布了 1.23 版本。
: Stardew Valley 1.21 for Android was released on 25 April 2019. A problem was identified in early rollout and it was halted before full release and patched to 1.22.
: Android 1.21 版本发布于 2019 年4月25日。由于灰度测试期间出现了新的漏洞,该版本被撤回,漏洞修复后发布了 1.22 版本。
: Stardew Valley 1.20 for Android was released on 24 April 2019.
: Android 1.20 版本发布于 2019 年4月24日。
:; Changes
:; 改进
::* Perfect! now displays in Fishing
::* 钓鱼小游戏现在显示完美提示了
::* External controller support for more menus
::* 现在可以使用外接手柄打开更多菜单页面
::* Fix for color crash on old operating systems
::* 修复旧版系统上颜色导致的崩溃问题
::* Bug fixes
::* 其他错误修复
: Stardew Valley 1.19 for Android was released on 12 April 2019.
: Android 1.19 版本发布于 2019 年4月12日。
:; Changes
:; 改进
::* External controller support - added Shop menu and Inventory
::* 现在可以使用外接手柄打开商店菜单以及背包了。
::* Fixed issue which prevented some players hearing music
::* 修复了一些导致音乐无法正常播放的问题
::* Notifications now appear on screen with horizontal toolbar
::* 通知信息现在显示在屏幕上的水平工具栏上
::* Fixed issue when entering Stardew Valley Fair with slingshot equipped
::* 修复了装备着弹弓时进入星露谷展览会导致的问题
::* Various bug fixes
::* 其他错误修复
: Stardew Valley 1.17 for Android was released on 7 April 2019.
: Android 1.17 版本发布于 2019 年4月7日。
:; Changes
:; 改进
::* Improved external controller support
::* 改进外接手柄的游戏体验
::* Shipping Menu text fix
::* 修复出货箱菜单文本显示的问题
::* Animal menu shrunk
::* 缩小动物显示的菜单界面大小
::* Horizontal toolbar fix
::* 修复水平工具栏
::* Fixed crash on app stop
::* 修复应用崩溃闪退的问题
::* Fixed occasional map crash
::* 修复偶发的地图崩溃问题
::* Fixed Grange Display issue at Stardew Valley Fair
::* 修复星露谷展览会上农产品展示的显示问题
::* Bug Fixes
::* 其他错误修复
: Stardew Valley 1.16 for Android was released on 5 April 2019. A problem was identified in early rollout and it was halted before full release and patched to 1.17.
: Android 1.16 版本发布于 2019 年4月5日。由于灰度测试期间出现了新的漏洞,该版本被撤回,漏洞修复后发布了 1.17 版本。
: Stardew Valley 1.15 for Android was released on 3 April 2019.
: Android 1.15 版本发布于 2019 年4月3日。
:; Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
::* Fix for changing colors
::* 修复部分变色物品的颜色显示问题
::* Other bug fixes
::* 其他错误修复
: Stardew Valley 1.14 for Android was released on 28 March 2019.
: Android 1.14 版本发布于 2019 年3月28日。
:; Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
::* Fix for removing casks
::* 修复移除小桶时出现的问题
::* Fantasy Game tap fixes
::* 修复餐吧小游戏的触控问题
::* Notification message quantities now show
::* 获得物品后,提示信息可以显示物品数量了
::* Chest colour picker shows chest
::* 选取颜色后,可以直接预览箱子的外观
::* Shipping menu shows icons
::* 出货箱菜单现在可以正常显示图标了
::* Crafting menu shows more than 2 columns
::* 打造菜单现在可以显示2列以上的内容了
::* Re-added pinch zoom for invisible controls
::* 恢复隐藏摇杆操作方式下双指调整界面缩放大小的功能
: Stardew Valley 1.13 for Android was released on 26 March 2019.
: Android 1.13 版本发布于 2019 年3月26日。
:; Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
::* Fixed echo
::* 修复游戏内音效回声出现异常的问题
::* Support for screen cutouts
::* 修复游戏出现闪屏或黑屏的问题
::* Stability fixes
::* 提高稳定性
: Stardew Valley 1.12 for Android was released on 22 March 2019.
: Android 1.12 版本发布于 2019 年3月22日。
:; Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
::* Input Text hit area fix
::* 修复输入文本点击不了的问题
::* Tooltips draw in correct position
::* 修复工具提示显示错位的问题
::* Bundle complete drawing fix
::* 修复收集包完成后界面绘制的问题
: Stardew Valley 1.11 for Android was released on 22 March 2019.
: Android 1.11 版本发布于 2019 年3月22日。
:; Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
::* Auto-attack popup fix
::* 修复自动攻击弹出窗口的问题
::* Community Center menu fix
::* 修复社区中心菜单显示的问题
::* Other bug fixes
::* 其他错误修复
: 星露谷物语1.10 的安卓 于2019 年3 月15 发布
: Android 1.10 本发布于 2019 年3 月21 日。
:; 修 复Bug
:;  错误
::* 修复工具栏大小调整 无法 的问题
::* 修复工具栏大小 无法 调整的问题
: Stardew Valley 1.09 for Android was released on 21 March 2019.
: Android 1.09 版本发布于 2019 年3月21日。
:; Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
::* Fix for Community Center Bundle menu
::* 修复社区中心收集包菜单显示的问题
::* Fix for Animal query menu
::* 修复动物信息菜单显示的问题
: Stardew Valley 1.08 for Android was released on 21 March 2019.
: Android 1.08 版本发布于 2019 年3月21日。
:; Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
::* Fix for item numbers not showing
::* 修复物品数量不显示的问题
::* Fix for Shipping menu buttons being off screen
::* 修正出货箱关闭按钮的显示位置
::* Dialogue boxes resized
::* 重新设计了对话框的大小
::* Various bug fixes
::* 修复其他错误
: 星露谷物语1.07 的安卓 于2019 年3月15日 发布
: Android 1.07 本发布于 2019 年3月15日。
:; 改
:; 改
::* 菜单 现在以更适宜方式呈现
::* 菜单 显示大小优化
::* 添加 滑块来 调整工具栏大小
::* 添加调整工具栏大小 的滑块
::* 添加 滑块来 调整日期时间栏大小
::* 添加调整日期时间栏大小 的滑块
::* 添加新的操作方式: 操纵 杆与按钮 (非点击移动)
::* 添加新的操作方式: 杆与按钮
::* Pinch zoom disabled for invisible joystick
::* 禁用隐藏摇杆操作方式下双指调整界面缩放大小的功能
::* Added resting position for joystick movement
::* 扩大摇杆移动区域空间的大小
::* Fix for shipping container menu close button
::* 修复出货箱关闭按钮的显示问题
::* 修 复Bug
::* 修 复其他错误
: Stardew Valley 1.06 for Android was released on 21 March 2019. A problem was identified in early rollout and it was halted before full release and patched to 1.07.
: Android 1.06 版本发布于 2019 年3月21日。由于灰度测试期间又出现了新的漏洞,该版本也被撤回,漏洞修复后发布了 1.07 版本。
: Stardew Valley 1.05 for Android was released on 21 March 2019.  A problem was identified in early rollout and it was halted before full release and patched to 1.06.
: Android 1.05 版本发布于 2019 年3月21日。由于灰度测试期间出现了新的漏洞,该版本被撤回,漏洞修复后发布了 1.06 版本。
: 星露谷物语1.04 的安卓 于2019 年3月15日 发布
: Android 1.04 本发布于 2019 年3月15日。
:; Bug
:; 错误
::* 提高游戏稳定性
::* 提高游戏稳定性
: 星露谷物语1.03 的安卓 于2019 年3月15日 发布
: Android 1.03 本发布于 2019 年3月15日。
:; Bug
:; 错误
::* 修复游戏在星期天(游戏内)崩溃的问题
::* 修复游戏在星期天(游戏内)崩溃的问题
: Stardew Valley 1.02 for Android was released on 14 March 2019.
: Android 1.02 版本发布于 2019 年3月14日。
:; Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
::* Fixed crash on open.
::* 修复开启游戏时可能崩溃的问题
::* Fixed characters appearing in the wrong place and acting erratically.
::* 修复人物出现在错误的地方以及行为不正常的问题
::* Fixed audio-related crash.
::* 修复音频导致的崩溃
: Stardew Valley 1.01 for Android was released on 14 March 2019.
: Android 1.01 版本发布于 2019 年3月14日。
:; Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
::* Fixed permission-related crash on start.
::* 修复应用权限导致的打开游戏出现的崩溃
: 星露谷物语1.0 安卓版发布于2019年3月13日。
: Android 1.0 版本是 安卓 端游戏的最初 本,该版本[https://stardewvalley.net/stardew-valley-coming-to-mobile/  发布] 于2019年3月13日
: 此版本包含 {{version|1.3.36|PC 版本 1.3.36}} 的所有内容,多人合作和中文语言支持除外
:; 改
:; 改
::*  安卓初代发布,游戏本体包含{{version|1.3.36|computer version 1.3.36}}的所有内容(多人合作和内置官中除外)
::* 在玩家退出游戏或改变位置时 自动存档 即使 游戏被强制 退出 或卸载 依然 可以继续之前的游戏进度 节日 期间或播放 过场动画时 不会生效
::* 加入自动存储功能,其 在玩家退出游戏或改变位置时 生效 以便让玩家在 游戏被强制 关闭 卸载 可以继续之前的游戏进度 (除了 节日/ 过场动画时 )。只有 一天 结束后的 存档可以在其他平台继续使用
::* 自动存档产生的存档不能被其他平台读取,若要转移存档,必须在游戏内睡觉,开始新的 一天 存档 可以在其他平台继续使用
::* 在选项卡中添加存 按钮以便随时存档。(详见 [[ 手机存档]]
::* 在选项卡中添加存 按钮以便随时存档。(详见 手机存档)
::*  添加 可以改变界面数字大小 的选项。
::* 可以改变界面数字大小
::* Rebuilt for touch-screen gameplay (new UI, menu systems, and controls).
::* 为触屏界面设计了新的用户界面、菜单系统和控制方式
::* New pinch zoom game scaling
::* 支持双指放大缩小改变游戏界面的比例
==<span id="iOS">[[File:IOS logo.png|23px]] iOS</span>==
==<span id="iOS">[[File:IOS logo.png|23px]] iOS</span>==
iOS 端的最新版本相当于{{version|1.5.6|PC端的 1.5.6 版本}},但不支持多人联机模式。
iOS 端的最新版本相当于{{version|1.5.6|PC端的 1.5.6 版本}},但不支持多人联机模式。
: Stardew Valley for iOS was released on 7 January 2023. A hotfix was applied on 7 January 2023.
: iOS 版本[https://twitter.com/ConcernedApe/status/1627750949677854720 发布]于2023年2月20日。
:; 改进
::* 新增开关界面闪光特效的选项
::* 新增调整工具栏字体大小的选项
::* 改进平板上界面显示的比例
::* 改进手柄体验
; New world area
:; 错误修正
: 1.5 adds an entire new region of the world, [[Ginger Island]] in the [[Setting#Fern Islands|Fern Islands]]:
:* Added new locations, dialogue, events, minigames, puzzles, and a quest line involving multiple NPCs.
::* 修复游玩时无法播放音乐或播客的问题
:* Added [[Leo]], a new NPC with his own backstory, plot line, events, etc.
::* 修复“索拉里昂英雄传奇”事件中按钮点击不了的问题
:* Added new secondary NPCs: [[Birdie]], [[Ginger Island#Gourmand Frog|Gourmand Frog]], and [[Professor Snail]].
::* 修复菜单中偶现的丢失物品的情况
:* Added a [[Volcano Dungeon|volcano dungeon]] which changes each time you visit it similar to the mines.
::* 修复博物馆捐赠后物品没被计数的问题
:* Added [[Quests|Qi challenges]] which unlock rare or unique items.
::* 更新版本后重新进入博物馆,会对捐赠的物品重新计数
:* Added an unlockable island farm and farmhouse area, where you can plant crops in any season but can't construct buildings.
::* 修复矿井层数相关的显示问题
:* Added an unlockable resort you can open to let villagers visit the islands, including new beach attire and schedules.
::* 修复“失物招领”出现的物品重复的问题
:* Added hidden pages of a [[Journal Scraps|lost sailor's journal]] to uncover his story and learn about the islands.
::* 修复了放置在出货箱后面的物品点击不了的问题
:* Added [[Golden Walnut]]s hidden throughout the islands, which can be used to unlock new areas and content.
::* 修复了多个导致游戏崩溃的漏洞
:* Added [[Golden Coconut]]s, which Clint can crack open to find rare island items.
:* Added secrets and puzzles to discover around the island.
:* Added new enemies:
:** [[Dwarvish Sentry]];
:** [[False Magma Cap]];
:** [[Hot Head]];
:** [[Lava Lurk]];
:** [[Magma Sprite]];
:** [[Magma Sparker]];
:** [[Magma Duggy]];
:** [[Stick Bug]];
:** [[Slimes|Tiger Slime]].
* Added new cosmetic critters: crabs, caldera monkeys, overhead parrots, and tropical butterflies.
* Added new [[Island Obelisk]] building.
; New farm features
: iOS 版本[https://twitter.com/ConcernedApe/status/1615611390999539713 发布]于2023年1月18日。
:* Added a new beach [[Farm Maps|farm layout]].
:; 改进
:* Added [[ostrich]] as a farm animal.
:* The immovable dressers found in Farmhands’ cabins have been removed.
:* Added [[Carpenter's Shop#House Renovations|home renovations]], which let you further expand and adjust the farmhouse after it's fully upgraded.
:* Beds are now normal furniture you can pick up, move around, and replace. (You can even have a house with no bed, but your spouse might have something to say about that.)
:* Once unlocked, the greenhouse can now be moved at Robin's shop.
:* The default shipping bin can now be moved or demolished at Robin's shop.
:* Added advanced game options, which can be used to customize a new game:
:** set seed value used in randomization;
:** choose default vs randomized community center bundles;
:** choose default vs randomized mine chests;
:** make Red Cabbage Seeds guaranteed to sell at least once at the travelling cart in year one, so it's always possible to finish the community center in the first year;
:** change profit margins and cabin-related options that were previously inaccessible when creating a single-player farm.
:* You can now apply cosmetic paints to the farmhouse and buildings.
:* Ducks can now swim in water, and certain coop animals will now follow adults around.
:* Slimes now drink from slime hutch troughs in random order.
; Other new content and features
::* 优化前往[[姜岛#鹦鹉特快|鹦鹉特快]]平台的寻路机制
:* Added [[Forge|tool and weapon enchanting]].
:; 错误修正
:* Added [[Forge|ability to combine two rings into one]].
:* Added [[Quests#Special Orders|special orders]], more dynamic late-game quests which let you help villagers with their personal projects through a special orders board in town. These can include more varied goals and rewards, temporary world changes (like new enemies for the duration of the quest), permanent changes (''e.g.,'' new shop inventory), and post-completion events.
:* Added a second [[Carpenter's Shop#Community Upgrades|community upgrade]].
:* Added a more difficult version of the mines and skull caves, which includes new and more powerful monsters along with better drops. These can be accessed late-game, and can optionally be toggled permanently using the [[The Mines#Shrine of Challenge|Shrine of Challenge]].
:* Added new enemies which appear in the difficult mines:
:** [[Shadow Sniper]];
:** [[Skeleton Mage]];
:** [[Spider]] (jumps, often found near webs that can trap players and dust sprites);
:** [[Slimes#Prismatic Slime|Prismatic Slime]] (quest only);
:** [[Putrid Ghost]] (causes nauseated [[Buffs|debuff]]);
:** [[Blue Squid]];
:** [[Royal Serpent]];
:** [[Slime]] variants ('cool' and stacked).
:* Added new fishing [[television|TV channel]].
:* Added new crops and trees:
:** [[Mahogany Tree]] (drops hardwood)
:** [[Mahogany Seed]];
:** [[Fiber Seeds]];
:** [[Ginger]] (forage);
:** [[Banana]];
:** [[Mango]];
:** [[Pineapple]];
:** [[Taro Root]] (paddy crop);
:** New [[Palm Tree|palm tree]] variant;
:** [[Qi Fruit]] (available during special Qi quest).
:* Festival changes:
:** added year 2 dialogues for [[Egg Festival]];
:** added shops to the [[Dance of the Moonlight Jellies]], [[Feast of the Winter Star]], [[Festival of Ice]], and [[Luau]];
:** added new items to various festival shops;
:** Children now attend [[festivals]].
:* You can now change your name and gender in the Wizard's basement shrine.
:* You now have a [[perfection]] rating which tracks the percentage of game content you've completed. Reaching full completion lets you buy [[Chicken|Golden Chickens]], adds a random [[Random Events#The Witch|Golden Witch]] event, unlocks access to [[The Summit]] with a new event, and adds new bird critters.
:* You can now further customize sprinklers with attachments:
:** [[Enricher]] automatically applies loaded fertilizer while planting seeds nearby;
:** [[Pressure Nozzle]] increases watering range.
:* Added new craftable items and machines:
:** [[Auto-Petter]] auto-pets animals in a coop or barn (this keeps your animals content, but can't replace the full benefit of human touch);
:** [[Bone Mill]] turns bone items into fertilizer;
:** [[Coffee Maker]] brews a fresh cup every morning;
:** [[Cookout Kit]] lets you cook on the go;
:** [[Dark Sign]] displays an item without consuming it;
:** [[Deconstructor]] destroys crafted items, but salvages their most valuable material;
:** [[Farm Computer]] scans the farm and displays useful information;
:** [[Geode Crusher]] consumes coal to break open geodes.
:** [[Heavy Tapper]] works twice as fast as a normal [[tapper]];
:** [[Hopper]] auto-loads items placed inside into the machine in front of it;
:** [[Junimo Chest]]s are linked to a global shared stash;
:** [[Mini-Obelisk]]s let you warp between two obelisks when placed on the farm;
:** [[Mini-Shipping Bin]] is a smaller shipping bin that can be placed outside the farm;
:** [[Ostrich Incubator]] when placed in a barn, hatches ostrich eggs into baby ostriches;
:** [[Solar Panel]] slowly generates batteries when left in the sun;
:** [[Statue Of True Perfection]] produces a prismatic shard each day;
:** [[Stone Chest]] is a variant of [[chest]] crafted with stone instead of wood;
:** [[Telephone]] calls stores to check hours and inventory, and occasionally receive random phone calls (no effect on gameplay);
:** [[Warp Totem: Island]] warps to the Fern Islands.
:* Added new food items:
:** [[Bug Steak]];
:** [[Banana Pudding]];
:** [[Ginger]];
:** [[Ginger Ale]];
:** [[Mango Sticky Rice]];
:** [[Piña Colada]];
:** [[Poi]];
:** [[Taro Root]];
:** [[Tropical Curry]];
:** [[Squid Ink Ravioli]] (temporarily prevents [[Buffs|debuffs]]).
:* Added new fertilizers:
:** [[Deluxe Fertilizer]] increases chance of higher-quality crops;
:** [[Deluxe Retaining Soil]] always keeps soil watered overnight;
:** [[Hyper Speed-Gro]] increases growth rate by at least 33%.
:* Added new items:
:** [[Bone Fragment]];
:** Fossilized Skull, Spine, Tail, Legs, and Ribs and [[Snake Skull]], [[Snake Vertebrae]];
:** [[Cinder Shard]];
:** [[Dragon Tooth]];
:** [[Slime Egg|Tiger Slime Egg]];
:** [[Fairy Dust]] can used on a machine to have it finish processing;
:** [[Golden Walnut]];
:** [[Magma Cap]];
:** [[Monster Musk]] causes more monsters to spawn;
:** [[Mummified Bat]] and [[Mummified Frog]];
:** [[Ostrich Egg]];
:** [[Qi Gem]];
:** [[Qi Seasoning]] increases quality of cooked recipes;
:** [[Radioactive Ore]] and [[Radioactive Bar]];
:** [[Taro Tuber]];
:** [[Horse Flute]] summons your horse when outside;
:** [[Mushroom Tree Seed]].
:* Added new fishing tackle:
:** [[Curiosity Lure]] increases the chance to catch rare fish;
:** [[Quality Bobber]] increases fish quality;
:** [[Magic Bait]] catches fish from any season/time/weather for a given location.
:* Added new rings:
:** [[Glowstone Ring]] provides both light and increased item collection radius;
:** [[Hot Java Ring]] increases your chance to find coffee drinks when slaying monsters;
:** [[Immunity Band]] reduces chance of status [[Buffs|debuffs]] by 40%;
:** [[Lucky Ring]] increases luck by +1;
:** [[Phoenix Ring]] restores some health after being knocked out once per day.
:** [[Protection Ring]] keeps you invincible longer after taking damage;
:** [[Soul Sapper Ring]] restores a bit of energy after slaying a monster;
:** [[Thorns Ring]] damages enemies when they attack you.
:* Added new [[hats]]:
:** ???;
:** Dark Cowboy Hat;
:** Deluxe Pirate Hat;
:** Forager's Hat;
:** Goggles;
:** Golden Helmet;
:** Mr. Qi's Hat;
:** Pink Bow;
:** Qi Mask (secret);
:** Radioactive Goggles;
:** Star Helmet;
:** Sunglasses;
:** Swashbuckler Hat;
:** Tiger Hat;
:** Warrior Helmet.
:* Added new [[clothing]]:
:** Banana Shirt;
:** Ginger Overalls;
:** Hot Pink Shirt;
:** Island Bikini;
:** Magenta Shirt;
:** Tropical Sunrise Shirt;
:** Yellow Suit.
:* Added new shoes:
:** [[Cinderclown Shoes]];
:** [[Mermaid Boots]];
:** [[Dragonscale Boots]];
:** [[Crystal Shoes]].
:* Added new [[weapons]]:
:** [[Dwarf Sword]], [[Dwarf Hammer]], and [[Dwarf Dagger]];
:** [[Dragontooth Cutlass]], [[Dragontooth Club]], and [[Dragontooth Shiv]];
:** [[Infinity Blade]], [[Infinity Dagger]], and [[Infinity Gavel]];
:** [[Iridium Needle]];
:** [[Ossified Blade]];
:** some previously inaccessible items have also been made accessible.
:* Added new fish:
:** [[Stingray]];
:** [[Lionfish]];
:** [[Blue Discus]];
:** Legendary fish:
:*** Glacierfish Jr.;
:*** Legend II;
:*** Ms. Angler;
:*** Radioactive Carp;
:*** Son of Crimsonfish.
* Added new furniture:
:** 35 paintings (many only found in festival shops or while fishing certain locations);
:** 14 bed variants;
:** ten rugs:
:*** [[Blossom Rug]];
:*** [[Funky Rug]];
:*** [[Icy Rug]];
:*** [[Large Cottage Rug]];
:*** [[Large Green Rug]];
:*** [[Large Red Rug]];
:*** [[Light Green Rug]];
:*** [[Modern Rug]];
:*** [[Oceanic Rug]];
:*** [[Old World Rug]];
:** eight 'floor divider' rugs that can be placed between rooms to join visually different floor types;
:** five [[Fish Tank|Fish tanks]] you can put fish in (including an [[Secrets#Hats|Easter egg involving hats]]);
:** [[Decorative Trash Can]];
:** [[Gourmand Statue]];
:** [[Iridium Krobus]];
:** [[Large Brown Couch]];
:** [[Plain Torch]] and [[Stump Torch]];
:** [[Squirrel Figurine]];
:** [[Tropical Chair]].
:* Added a new '[[Wall Sconce|sconce]]' furniture type with seven options.
:* Added new flooring:
:** [[Rustic Plank Floor]];
:** [[Stone Walkway Floor]].
:* Added new [[Buffs|debuffs]] from enemies:
:** Burnt (Speed -2, Defense -3);
:** Darkness (dims lighting, making it harder to see in caves);
:** Frozen (speed -8);
:** Nauseated (prevents you from eating or drinking anything).
:* Added 17 new hair styles.
:* Added mail from Krobus with his own stationary.
:* Added new decorations and tweaks to many maps.
:* Added new Easter eggs:
:** [[Secrets#Shrine of Illusions|Easter egg when you change your name]] at the [[The Shrine of Illusions|Shrine of Illusions]] to include item spawn codes;
:** [[Secrets#Title Screen|title screen 'happy face' secret]];
:** [[Secrets#Lucky Purple Shorts|new Lucky Purple Shorts secret]];
:** [[Secrets#Strange Capsule|new Strange Capsule secret]].
:* Emily now visits Sandy on her birthday.
:* Clicking the pigs at the [[Festival of Ice]] now plays a pig sound.
; Quality of life changes
::* 修复夜间结算存档时,职业选择重复出现的问题
::* 修复上述问题导致的[[生命值]]出现异常的问题
::* 修复高分辨率下无法提交特殊订单物品的问题
::* 修复[[磨坊]]库存物品显示和消失的问题
::* 修复收藏页面中[[日记残页]]图标和名称显示错误的问题
:* Added lost & found box in Mayor Lewis' house. This can be used to retrieve items donated to failed special orders, lost quest items and tools, items from offline players, hats from children that have been turned into doves, and items left behind in the Stardew Valley Fair grange display.
:* You can now sit on chairs (both placed furniture and chairs that are part of the map).
: iOS 版本[https://twitter.com/ConcernedApe/status/1613782285568053248 发布] 于2023年1月13日。
:* You can now place most furniture outside.
:* You can now talk to people while mounted on a horse.
:* You can now donate items of different qualities for the same community bundle ingredient.
:* You can no longer plant fruit trees on tiles they won't be able to grow on.
:* Improved game menus and HUD:
:** The social tab now shows whether you talked to an NPC today.
:** The cooking tab now shows the recipe for an item when you hover over it.
:** The cooking tab now fades icons for recipes you know but haven't made yet.
:** The cooking/crafting tooltips now show the number produced.
:** The inventory menu's organize button now combines partial item stacks.
:** The inventory menu for a chest now shows the Community Center button.
:** The shipment screen now shows the unit price of shipped items instead of displaying the shipped quantity twice.
:** The quest log now shows an arrow in the morning when you have pending completed quests.
:** Buff icons now subtly pulse when they're close to expiring.
:* Improved shop menus:
:** You can now press `ESC` or controller `B` to move the held item to your inventory (or drop it if you have no more inventory room). <!-- Question: what do you tap on mobile to do this? -->
:** While holding a purchase, the inventory now highlights items you can stack it with.
:* Improved sprinklers:
:** Sprinklers can now water Slime Hutch troughs.
:** Hoes no longer remove sprinklers.
:* Improved [[Journey of the Prairie King]]:
:** Progress can now be saved and resumed, so it can be completed in multiple sessions.
:** You now also replay the original difficulty even if you've already completed it. (Previously it would increase difficulty automatically, which is now a New Game+ mode.)
:* Improved game options:
:** added option to choose between multiple fish-bite chime sounds;
:** added option to mute farm animals and pets;
:** you can now scale the UI independently of the view zoom;
:** increased maximum zoom from 120% to 200%.
:* Improved various items:
:** The [[The Stardrop Saloon#Jukebox|Jukebox]] now has a “Random” setting.
:** Removing a [[crystalarium]] that isn't ready for harvest will now drop the gem that was placed in it.
:** You can now push chests containing items by holding the interact button on them with no tool equipped (the same way you could previously remove empty chests without using a tool).
:* Improved inventory sorting:
:** no longer changes tool order;
:** now sorts by quality too;
:** now sorts names in alphabetical instead of reverse alphabetical order.
:* Improved museum donation interactions:
:** Tapping on an item now grabs one instead of the whole stack.
:** Pressing back while placing an item now returns to the inventory instead of closing the whole UI.
:** Other minor improvements.
:* Improved HUD:
:** Added a notification when you enter a farm building if an incubator is ready but the building is at max capacity.
:** The "infestation" indicator in the mines is now drawn alongside the floor number, rather than replacing it.
; Balance changes
:; '''改进'''
:* Combat changes:
::* 添加了一些缺失的中文翻译
:** [[Immunity]] now reduces the chance of status [[Buffs|debuffs]].
::* 收集品选项卡不再展示[[ 鱼#传说鱼类二代|所有的传说鱼类二代]] [[ 椰林飘香]]
:** Changed special move cooldowns on daggers (6→3 seconds) and clubs (4→6 seconds).
::* (iOS)优化了部分设备上的 UI 缩放
:** The dagger special attack now pins the target in place until the last stab (which then knocks them back), so dagger hits are less likely to miss.
:; '''错误修正'''
:** Reduced desperado profession's damage bonus from 3x to 2x.
:** Slightly improved dagger critical hit chance.
:* Crafting changes:
:** Changed Skull Brazier recipe (was 10 Hardwood + Solar Essence + Coal; now 10 Bone Fragments).
:** Repairing a fence now restores full fence health, instead of half the health of a new fence.
:* Farming changes:
:** Lowered the cost of ducks (2000→600g).
:** Doubled the value of [[duck Feather]]s.
:** Slightly increased the duck feather spawn rate.
:* Fishing changes:
:** Fishing rod tackle no longer loses endurance when catching junk.
:** Catching a non-fish item no longer triggers the minigame.
:** Reaching an effective fishing level of 15+ now increases the rod casting range by one tile.
:* Mining changes:
:** Gem nodes now provide mining XP and can drop diamonds.
:** Gem node drops are no longer limited by mine level.
:* Item drop changes:
:** Stumps and hollow logs now have a 10% chance of dropping [[Mahogany Seed]].
:** Any monster in the [[Secret Woods]] now has a 10% chance of dropping [[Mahogany Seed]].
:** [[Skeleton]]s now have 4% chance of dropping a [[Bone Sword]].
:** [[Wilderness Golem]]s now drop rice shoots more often.
:** Some Skull Cavern monsters now have a small chance of dropping [[Red Cabbage Seeds]].
:** Pure-white [[slimes]] now drop diamonds and refined quartz.
:** Some containers now drop better items after reaching the bottom of the mines at least once.
:** Different drops now unlock on mine levels 60/80/100 and the first level of the Skull Cavern.
:** Reduced chance of [[Lead Rod]] drops on mine levels 60–79 (or Skull Cavern level 40+ before the previous fix), and added chance for Shadow Dagger and Wood Mallet.
:** Mine wood barrels can now drop [[Basic Retaining Soil]] instead of [[Sap]].
:** Mine frost barrels can now drop [[Quality Retaining Soil]] instead of [[Sap]].
:** Reduced chance of frost barrels dropping Aquamarine, Frozen Geode, Hardwood, Jade, or equipment from 35% to 26%.
:* Shop changes:
:** Pierre will now sell his seasonal items year-round once you complete a certain new quest.
:** Added two more items to the [[Stardew Valley Fair]] star token shop.
:** [[Coconut]]s can be purchased from [[Sandy]] on Monday. This is now limited to ten per day.
:** The [[Slingshot]] and [[Master Slingshot]] are now sold at the [[Adventurer's Guild]].
:** Reduced [[Workbench]] price (3000→2000g).
:** Reduced [[Earth Obelisk]] and [[Water Obelisk]] prices (1000000→500000g).
:* Machine changes:
:** Some machines' processing time was previously affected by the time of day. These have been standardized so they're always ready when the morning starts: [[Bee House]] (every 4 days), [[The Cave|Mushroom Box]] (every day), [[Random Events#Strange Capsule|Strange Capsule]] (3 days), Tapper (depends on input), and [[Worm Bin]] (every morning).
:* Doubled star token rewards for the slingshot and fishing minigames at the [[Stardew Valley Fair]].
:* Fertilizer in the greenhouse no longer disappears on season change in some cases.
:* The random Stone Owl and Strange Capsule night events are now much less rare.
; Interaction changes
::* 修复了在接取[[任务#鹈鹕镇的特别任务列表|特别任务]]后使用[[迷你出货箱]]时在夜间结算时发生的崩溃
::* 修复了部分物品重复或丢失的问题
::* (Android)修复了在存档迁移会造成崩溃的问题
::* 修复了手柄模式下仅能关闭对话框但无法结束对话的问题
::* 修复了使用手柄查看背包时可能发生的崩溃
:* Reworked slingshot controls
:* To simplify bulk actions like harvesting, holding down a button while moving will no longer repeat weapon special attacks, open/close barn/coop doors, or interact with boulders, chests, furniture, hollow logs, meteorites, shipping bins, or scarecrows.
: iOS 版本[https://twitter.com/ConcernedApe/status/1613059541134082048 发布]于 2023年1月11日。
:* Constructed shipping bins now have a click-to-ship hitbox that better matches the original map-based shipping bin's hitbox.
:* Flooring can now be applied by clicking on the tile the farmer is standing on. Previously, flooring had to be applied to a tile next to the farmer.
:* Purchasing recipes with a full inventory no longer shows a message that the inventory is full.
:* Clicking an empty tile right above an interactive element (like a machine or chest) now activates the element, similar to clicking below it in previous versions.
:* Trees chopped from above or below will now take into consideration the player’s horizontal position when falling to the left or right.
:* Clicking near the bottom-left corner of the screen no longer brings up the chat box.
:* You can no longer open the quest log by pressing the on-screen journal button if you're currently doing something.
:* Controller improvements:
:** When buying/betting tokens in the Stardew Valley Festival with a controller, holding the number selection button now causes the amount to increase faster.
:** Events can now be skipped on the controller even if a dialogue box is on-screen.
:** Pressing B on a controller while on a specific quest page now returns to the quest list instead of closing the menu.
:** Pressing B on a controller while an item is held on the crafting menu now snaps to the trash can (similar to the inventory screen).
; Other changes
:; 改进
::* 如果玩家在[[史莱姆屋]]内,不再自动选中武器攻击史莱姆。
:; 错误修正
::* 修复[[锻造#附魔|取消附魔]]导致武器消失的问题
::* 可以正常在地毯上放置家具了
::* 修复使用触屏移动时无法离开节日的问题
::* (正式)修复紧急加载后马匹消失的问题
::* (正式)修复紧急加载后出货箱内物品消失的问题
::* 修复一些可能引起闪退的问题
:* Save names are now based on the farm name instead of the player name. (Saves originally created before 1.5 will continue using the player name.)
:* [[Penny]] and the [[Dwarf]] now like artifacts, all other NPCs dislike (instead of hate) them as gifts.
: iOS 版本发布 2023年1月9日。官方没有提供本次的更新说明。
:* Improved dinosaur sleep sprites.
:* Characters now face you when you talk to them instead of when the dialogue box closes (in singleplayer).
:* On the final day of a tracked quest, the timer now says "final day" instead of "1 day" for clarity.
:* Added many changes for modders; see [[User:Pathoschild/Modding wishlist#Done in Stardew Valley 1.5|completed wishlist items]] and [[Modding:Migrate to Stardew Valley 1.5|mod migration guide]] for details.
:* Cosmetic tweaks to various sprites.
; Fixes for player interaction
:; 错误修正
::* 隐藏控制按钮的选项现在可以正常使用了
::* 现在不会因为使用工具时上马导致卡住了
::* 关闭菜单后,星之果实不再自动进入背包
::* 收集博物馆的奖励后物品能被正常移除了
:* Fixed being unable to remount a horse after dismounting it behind a shipping bin.
:* Fixed character customization screen's hair color slider not properly updating when hair color is randomized.
: iOS 版本[https://twitter.com/ConcernedApe/status/1612295761685012480 发布]于2023年1月8日。
:* Fixed some farm tiles incorrectly preventing buildings from being placed on them.
; Fixes for visual or cosmetic issues
:; 改进
::* 新增一键整理到箱子的按钮
::* 破坏[[补给箱]]时能自动选取正确的工具了
:* Adjusted the sorting of item ready indicators for tappers.
:; 错误修正
:* Unified when night tiles get applied to fix inconsistencies when windows change from light to dark.
::* 修复紧急加载后[[祝尼魔屋]]导致的崩溃问题
:* The critters list is now cleared out overnight. This fixes an issue where having a Butterfly Hutch in your house and repeatedly sleeping without leaving would spawn endless butterflies in the house.
::* 修复紧急加载后马匹消失的问题
:* Improved various text:
::* 修复紧急加载后出货箱内物品消失的问题
:** Fixed some localizations using inches for fish measurements to reference centimeters.
::* 修复 NPC 错误的寻路机制
:** Fixed mill description not mentioning rice.
::* 修复动物被卡在外面变得不安的问题
:** Fixed typos in dialogue and events.
::* 修复菜单内光标显示的问题
:** Fixed missing characters in Chinese and Korean fonts.
::* 修复[[ 塞巴斯蒂安]] 六心事件文本无法推进的问题
:** Fixed credits not showing localizer names correctly if the current language's font doesn't have the needed characters.
::* 修复自动采集器容量被错误判定为已满的问题
:** Improved many translations.
::* 可以正常接受新手任务了
:* Fixed various cosmetic/layering issues with character shadows.
::* 修复了[[ 农场地图|沙滩农场]] 秘密钓鱼点的寻路机制
:* Fixed characters in events snapping to strange animation frames when skipping an event.
:* Fixed various instances where the camera would pan unnecessarily after changing locations.
:* Fixed greenhouse trees taking on seasonal appearances.
:* Fixed tooltip for purchasing edible but non-health-restoring items (like [[crocus]]) showing price outside of the tooltip.
:* Fixed a single-frame flicker in Haley’s 10-heart event.
:* Fixed a single frame flicker of the farm when starting a new game.
:* Fixed stamina bar showing sweat particles when fishing during the fishing competition.
:* Fixed the scythe showing the weapon ability cooldown effects.
:* Fixed the erroneous door tile visible on the south end of the standard farm during winter.
:* Fixed issue where unlocking multiple community center bundles at once would make the screen pan to the same room multiple times.
:* Fixed various issues related to the Festival of Ice map, like being able to escape the festival bounds or prematurely end the festival from certain tiles, and minor visual fixes.
:* Fixed terrain features showing an "interact" cursor when mousing over their tiles during festivals.
:* Fixed options page scrollbar sometimes going past the end of the scrollbar region.
:* Fixed various text overflow issues on the options page.
:* Fixed chests spawned on certain [[Skull Cavern]] floors being shifted down by 4 tiles.
:* Fixed tiling of…
:** floor tiles in the farmhouse so applied flooring in adjacent rooms appear contiguous instead of having hard edges;
:** wall tiles in the farmhouse to fix sorting of certain objects that extend outside normal tile boundaries (''e.g.,'' grass starter).
:** the fountain so that it has a more consistent appearance throughout the seasons;
:** Pierre's stand at the Egg Festival to fix layering issues.
; Other bug fixes
: iOS 版本[https://twitter.com/ConcernedApe/status/1611911948253433857 发布]于2023年1月7日。
:* Fixed crash when resizing game window in some cases.
:; 改进
:* Fixed rare crash on launch due to invalid game window size options.
::* 重新添加了中文。
:* Fixed Iridium Bat kills not counting towards Adventurer's Guild bat eradication goal.
:* Fixed an issue where the Mermaid Show reward was delayed incorrectly.
:* Fixed some events showing a dark blue screen after fading out when viewed during rainy days.
:* Fixed museum-related rarecrows not sold at the Night Market after being unlocked.
:* Fixed issue where non-wooden gates would revert to wooden gates after saving & loading a game.
:* Fixed being able to add staircases to the Luau.
:* Fixed an item duplication exploit related to chest organization.
:* Fixed a minor desync in character pathfinding that could happen when characters pathed to the JojaMart on modded games.
:* Fixed Penny walking through walls on rainy days if you've completed the community upgrade.
:* Fixed Penny's 4-heart event not accessible once you finish the community upgrade.
:* Fixed fences not collected correctly after a divorce or Penny's 14-heart event.
:* Fixed characters greeting you when you enter a location when they're not present.
:* Fixed characters you divorced still greeting you when you enter a location.
:* Fixed issue where an NPC spouse fails to pathfind when a player/NPC is blocking the front door when they check, causing them to stand in place instead.
:* Fixed crops sometimes growing a day slower than they should.
:* Fixed applying flooring for the first time in an upgraded house sometimes causing the flooring in the kitchen to switch to the default wooden flooring.
:* Fixed issue where riding a horse while travelling from one location to another diagonally would repeatedly warp back and forth between the two locations.
:* Fixed watered slime hutch troughs emptied when you load a save. (This mainly affects loading a mid-day save on mobile.)
:* Fixed the community center not properly loading the refurbished map variant on game load. This caused characters like Maru to path incorrectly in them if the player had not visited the Community Center during that playthrough.
:* Fixed the weekly friendship boost for giving an NPC two gifts not applied if you also gave them a third gift for their birthday.
:* Fixed overnight lightning not randomized correctly, so either every overnight lightning would strike or none of them would.
:* Fixed issue where stones, wood, and weeds could spawn on top of terrain features when a new year begins.
{{version history hotfixes|content=&#32;
:; 错误修正
; 7 January 2023 ([https://twitter.com/ConcernedApe/status/1611911948253433857 announcement])
::* 现在更容易下马了
::* 增加了韩语字体的大小
::* 修复了涉及孩子的崩溃
::* 修复了自动采集器不能正常工作的问题
::* 修复了工具条卡住的问题
::* 修复了祝尼魔没有将收获的物品存入小屋的问题
::* 修复了在开始界面中的虚拟按钮
::* 修复了骑马时无法采集的问题
::* 修复了下马可能会卡在地图外的问题
::* 修复了无法在克林特的铁砧上敲击晶球的问题
; Bug fixes
: iOS 版本[https://twitter.com/ConcernedApe/status/1611612814271184899 发布]于2023年1月7日。
:* Fixed crash involving children
:; 移植自PC端
:* Auto-grabber inventories now function properly
::* 更新内容参见 {{version|1.5|PC 端版本 1.5}}、{{version|1.5.1}}、{{version|1.5.2}}、{{version|1.5.3}}、{{version|1.5.4}}、{{version|1.5.5}}和 {{version|1.5.6}}(不包括多人模式)。
:* Fixed toolbar being stuck when using toolbar padding
::* 此版本尚未添加中文。
:* Fixed Junimos not depositing their harvests into the hut
:* Virtual buttons no longer draw during intro
:* Horse is now easier to dismount
:* Foraging while on a horse is now re-enabled
:* Fixed issue where you could get stuck outside the map if you dismounted a horse
:* Fixed inability to tap geodes onto Clint's anvil
:* Increased size of Korean text
:* Added Chinese language back into the game
: Stardew Valley for iOS was released on 21 January 2021.
: 星露谷物语1.4.5.153 的iOS版发布于2021年1月21日
:;Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
:* Adjust toolbar position on iPhone SE Second Generation.
:* 调整了iPhoneSE2中物品栏显示的位置
: Stardew Valley for iOS was released on 19 January 2021.
: 星露谷物语1.4.5.152 的iOS版发布于2021年1月19日。
:;Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
:* Fixes incorrect default toolbar positioning on iPhone 12 models.
:* 修复了iPhone12中物品栏默认显示错误的问题
: Stardew Valley for iOS was released on 14 January 2021.
: 星露谷物语1.4.5.151 的iOS版发布于2021年1月14日
:;Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
:* Fixes potential crash bug on Pam 9 heart event.
:* 修复了在潘姆九心事件中游戏崩溃的问题
: Stardew Valley for iOS was released on 14 January 2021.
: 星露谷物语1.4.5.150 的iOS版发布于2021年1月14日
:;Bug fixes
:* Fix for some artifacts not getting added to achievements menu
:* Fix for Dwarvish translation guide not always getting added to wallet
:* Fix for not being able to remove sprinkler outside of cave
:* Fix Pam's 9 heart event
:* Fix for social menu on iPad Pro
:* General graphical fixes
: Stardew Valley for iOS was released on 22 March 2020.
:;Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
:* Fix for museum sometimes losing donations
:* 修复了找到古物却不被算入成就的问题
:* Fix for issue where getting parsnip seeds in late game could start quests already completed
:* 修复了矮人语教程不能被加入钱包的问题
:* Other minor bug fixes
:* 修复了不能把放置在洞穴的洒水器带出去的问题
:* 修复了潘姆的九心事件
:* 修复了iPad Pro的社交界面
:* 游戏总体画质修复
: Stardew Valley for iOS was released on 22 March 2020. It's equivalent to {{version|1.4.5|PC version 1.4.5}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
: 星露谷物语1.4.5.145 的iOS版发布于2020年3月22日。
:;Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
:* Fix for museum sometimes losing donations
:* 修复博物馆有时会丢失捐赠物的问题。
:* Fix for issue where getting parsnip seeds in late game could start quests already completed
:* 修复了在游戏后期获取防风草种子可能会启动已完成任务的问题。
:* Other minor bug fixes
:* 其他小错误修复。
: Stardew Valley for iOS was released on 9 March 2020. It's equivalent to {{version|1.4.5|PC version 1.4.5}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
: iOS 版《星露谷物语》 于 2020 年 3 月 9 日发布。它相当于PC 版本 1.4.5 ,不支持多人游戏和中文。
:;Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
:* Horizontal toolbar fix
:* 修正水平工具栏。
:* Crafting recipe fix
:* 修复制作配方。
:* Misc bug fixes
:* 修复其他错误。
: Stardew Valley for iOS was released on 3 March 2020. It's equivalent to {{version|1.4.5|PC version 1.4.5}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
: iOS 版《星露谷物语》 于 2020 年 3 月 3 日发布。它相当于PC 版本 1.4.5 ,不支持多人游戏和中文。
:;Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
::*Fixes a problem with fishing.
::* 修复了钓鱼的问题。.
: Stardew Valley for iOS was released on 29 February 2020. It's equivalent to {{version|1.4.5|PC version 1.4.5}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
: iOS版星露谷物语1.4.5.142 版本于2020年2月29日上架。它相当于不支持多人游戏和中文翻译的{{Version|1.4.5|PC 版本1.4.5}}
:; 错误修正
:; Bug fixes
::* 解决了祝尼魔小屋无法接收农产品的问题。
::* Fixes problem with Junimo Huts not receiving produce.
: Stardew Valley for iOS was released on 26 February 2020. It's equivalent to {{version|1.4.5|PC version 1.4.5}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
: Stardew Valley for iOS was released on 26 February 2020. It's equivalent to {{version|1.4.5|PC version 1.4.5}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
:; Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
::* Fixed occasional issues with divorce and inventory.
::* 修复了偶尔出现的离婚和物品栏问题。
: Stardew Valley for iOS began a staged rollout to players on 24 February 2020, and is available immediately for opt-in and for all new purchasers. This update added the 1.4 content update. It's equivalent to {{version|1.4.5|PC version 1.4.5}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
: Stardew Valley for iOS began a staged rollout to players on 24 February 2020, and is available immediately for opt-in and for all new purchasers. This update added the 1.4 content update. It's equivalent to {{version|1.4.5|PC version 1.4.5}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
:; Port from PC
:; 自PC端移植
::* Includes the changes in {{version|1.4|Stardew Valley 1.4}}, {{version|1.4.1}}, {{version|1.4.2}}, {{version|1.4.3}}, and {{version|1.4.4}} for PC.
::* Includes the changes in {{version|1.4|Stardew Valley 1.4}}, {{version|1.4.1}}, {{version|1.4.2}}, {{version|1.4.3}}, and {{version|1.4.4}} for PC.
第946行: 第710行:  
: Stardew Valley 1.37 for iOS was released on 27 November 2019. It's equivalent to {{version|1.3.36|PC version 1.3.36}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
: Stardew Valley 1.37 for iOS was released on 27 November 2019. It's equivalent to {{version|1.3.36|PC version 1.3.36}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
:; Changes
:; 改进
::* Saves from PC version 1.4 (which are incompatible with this version of Stardew Valley) will no longer appear in the load game menu.
::* Saves from PC version 1.4 (which are incompatible with this version of Stardew Valley) will no longer appear in the load game menu.
第953行: 第717行:  
: Stardew Valley 1.36 for iOS was released on 27 August 2019. It's equivalent to {{version|1.3.36|PC version 1.3.36}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
: Stardew Valley 1.36 for iOS was released on 27 August 2019. It's equivalent to {{version|1.3.36|PC version 1.3.36}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
:; Changes
:; 改进
::* Fixed minor issues in carpenter menu for some devices.
::* Fixed minor issues in carpenter menu for some devices.
第961行: 第725行:  
: Stardew Valley 1.35 for iOS was released on 12 July 2019. It's equivalent to {{version|1.3.36|PC version 1.3.36}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
: Stardew Valley 1.35 for iOS was released on 12 July 2019. It's equivalent to {{version|1.3.36|PC version 1.3.36}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
:; Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
::* Fixed bug where Shrine of Illusion appeared too zoomed in.
::* Fixed bug where Shrine of Illusion appeared too zoomed in.
第968行: 第732行:  
: Stardew Valley 1.34 for iOS was released on 7 July 2019. It's equivalent to {{version|1.3.36|PC version 1.3.36}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
: Stardew Valley 1.34 for iOS was released on 7 July 2019. It's equivalent to {{version|1.3.36|PC version 1.3.36}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
:; Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
::* Fixed minor UI bug in shop 'sell' menu.
::* Fixed minor UI bug in shop 'sell' menu.
第975行: 第739行:  
: Stardew Valley 1.33 for iOS was released on 20 June 2019. It's equivalent to {{version|1.3.36|PC version 1.3.36}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
: Stardew Valley 1.33 for iOS was released on 20 June 2019. It's equivalent to {{version|1.3.36|PC version 1.3.36}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
:; Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
::* Fixed gamepad/chest issue.
::* Fixed gamepad/chest issue.
第982行: 第746行:  
: Stardew Valley 1.32 for iOS was released on 20 June 2019. It's equivalent to {{version|1.3.36|PC version 1.3.36}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
: Stardew Valley 1.32 for iOS was released on 20 June 2019. It's equivalent to {{version|1.3.36|PC version 1.3.36}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
:; Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
:: Fixed minor bug in 1.31.
:: Fixed minor bug in 1.31.
第989行: 第753行:  
: Stardew Valley 1.31 for iOS was released on 19 June 2019. It's equivalent to {{version|1.3.36|PC version 1.3.36}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
: Stardew Valley 1.31 for iOS was released on 19 June 2019. It's equivalent to {{version|1.3.36|PC version 1.3.36}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
:; Changes
:; 改进
::* Improved gamepad support - now you can control most game functions and menus with a gamepad controller.
::* Improved gamepad support - now you can control most game functions and menus with a gamepad controller.
第997行: 第761行:  
: Stardew Valley 1.30 for iOS was released on 4 May 2019. It's equivalent to {{version|1.3.36|PC version 1.3.36}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
: Stardew Valley 1.30 for iOS was released on 4 May 2019. It's equivalent to {{version|1.3.36|PC version 1.3.36}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
:; Changes
:; 改进
::* Transfer files with Files App.
::* Transfer files with Files App.
第1,007行: 第771行:  
: Stardew Valley 1.29 for iOS was released on 3 May 2019. It's equivalent to {{version|1.3.36|PC version 1.3.36}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
: Stardew Valley 1.29 for iOS was released on 3 May 2019. It's equivalent to {{version|1.3.36|PC version 1.3.36}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
:; Changes
:; 改进
::* Linus returns to town!
::* Linus returns to town!
第1,016行: 第780行:  
: Stardew Valley 1.28 for iOS was released on 30 April 2019. It's equivalent to {{version|1.3.36|PC version 1.3.36}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
: Stardew Valley 1.28 for iOS was released on 30 April 2019. It's equivalent to {{version|1.3.36|PC version 1.3.36}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
:; Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
::* Fixed AnimalQueryMenu icons.
::* Fixed AnimalQueryMenu icons.
第1,025行: 第789行:  
: Stardew Valley 1.27 for iOS was released on 22 April 2019. It's equivalent to {{version|1.3.36|PC version 1.3.36}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
: Stardew Valley 1.27 for iOS was released on 22 April 2019. It's equivalent to {{version|1.3.36|PC version 1.3.36}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
:; Changes
:; 改进
::* Drop items by dragging from inventory onto bottom right panel.
::* Drop items by dragging from inventory onto bottom right panel.
第1,033行: 第797行:  
: Stardew Valley 1.26 for iOS was released on 7 April 2019. It's equivalent to {{version|1.3.36|PC version 1.3.36}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
: Stardew Valley 1.26 for iOS was released on 7 April 2019. It's equivalent to {{version|1.3.36|PC version 1.3.36}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
:; Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
::* Fixed menu displays, including recent issue which could cause phone notch to cover toolbar.
::* Fixed menu displays, including recent issue which could cause phone notch to cover toolbar.
第1,040行: 第804行:  
: Stardew Valley 1.25 for iOS was released on 6 April 2019. It's equivalent to {{version|1.3.36|PC version 1.3.36}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
: Stardew Valley 1.25 for iOS was released on 6 April 2019. It's equivalent to {{version|1.3.36|PC version 1.3.36}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
:; Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
::* Improved some menus displayed badly at certain resolutions.
::* Improved some menus displayed badly at certain resolutions.
第1,048行: 第812行:  
: Stardew Valley 1.24 for iOS was released on 2 April 2019. It's equivalent to {{version|1.3.36|PC version 1.3.36}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
: Stardew Valley 1.24 for iOS was released on 2 April 2019. It's equivalent to {{version|1.3.36|PC version 1.3.36}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
:; Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
::* Fixed bugs.
::* Fixed bugs.
第1,055行: 第819行:  
: Stardew Valley 1.23 for iOS was released on 28 March 2019. It's equivalent to {{version|1.3.36|PC version 1.3.36}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
: Stardew Valley 1.23 for iOS was released on 28 March 2019. It's equivalent to {{version|1.3.36|PC version 1.3.36}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
:; Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
::* Fixed removing casks.
::* Fixed removing casks.
第1,067行: 第831行:  
: Stardew Valley 1.22 for iOS was a small bugfix patch released on 24 March 2019. It's equivalent to {{version|1.3.36|PC version 1.3.36}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
: Stardew Valley 1.22 for iOS was a small bugfix patch released on 24 March 2019. It's equivalent to {{version|1.3.36|PC version 1.3.36}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
:; Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
::* Fixed text drawing bug found in Japanese, Korean, Hungarian, Turkish build 1.21.
::* Fixed text drawing bug found in Japanese, Korean, Hungarian, Turkish build 1.21.
第1,074行: 第838行:  
: Stardew Valley 1.21 for iOS was released on 23 March 2019. It's equivalent to {{version|1.3.36|PC version 1.3.36}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
: Stardew Valley 1.21 for iOS was released on 23 March 2019. It's equivalent to {{version|1.3.36|PC version 1.3.36}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
:; Changes
:; 改进
::* Improved menu readability.
::* Improved menu readability.
::* Adjusted size of time/date box and toolbar.
::* Adjusted size of time/date box and toolbar.
:; Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
::* Fixed stability issues.
::* Fixed stability issues.
第1,087行: 第851行:  
: Stardew Valley 1.20 for iOS was released on 15 March 2019. It's equivalent to {{version|1.3.36|PC version 1.3.36}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
: Stardew Valley 1.20 for iOS was released on 15 March 2019. It's equivalent to {{version|1.3.36|PC version 1.3.36}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
:; Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
::* Fixed crash bug on sleeping after 1.19 update.
::* Fixed crash bug on sleeping after 1.19 update.
第1,094行: 第858行:  
: Stardew Valley 1.19 for iOS was released on 14 March 2019. It's equivalent to {{version|1.3.36|PC version 1.3.36}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
: Stardew Valley 1.19 for iOS was released on 14 March 2019. It's equivalent to {{version|1.3.36|PC version 1.3.36}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
:; Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
::* Fixed crash on open.
::* Fixed crash on open.
第1,103行: 第867行:  
: Stardew Valley 1.18 for iOS was released on 14 March 2019. It's equivalent to PC version {{version|1.3.36}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
: Stardew Valley 1.18 for iOS was released on 14 March 2019. It's equivalent to PC version {{version|1.3.36}} without multiplayer or Chinese support.
:; Changes
:; 改进
::* Added 'pinch zoom' controls.
::* Added 'pinch zoom' controls.
第1,111行: 第875行:  
: Stardew Valley 1.17 for iOS was released on 20 December 2018.
: Stardew Valley 1.17 for iOS was released on 20 December 2018.
:; Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
::* Fixed fly swarms in mines and [[Witch's Swamp]].
::* Fixed fly swarms in mines and [[ 巫婆沼泽]].
: Stardew Valley 1.16 for iOS was released on 19 December 2018.
: Stardew Valley 1.16 for iOS was released on 19 December 2018.
:; Changes
:; 改进
::* Improved virtual joystick controls for slingshot.
::* Improved virtual joystick controls for slingshot.
:; Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
::* Fixed Pam and Penny sometimes disappearing.
::* Fixed Pam and Penny sometimes disappearing.
第1,130行: 第894行:  
: Stardew Valley 1.15 for iOS was released on 15 December 2018.
: Stardew Valley 1.15 for iOS was released on 15 December 2018.
:; Changes
:; 改进
::* Minor cosmetic updates.
::* Minor cosmetic updates.
:; Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
::* Fixed [[The Player#Notes|item spawn codes]] allowed in character names.
::* Fixed [[ 玩家角色# 漏洞|item spawn codes]] allowed in character names.
::**''Note that this glitch reappeared sometime between 1.15 and 1.26.''
::**''Note that this glitch reappeared sometime between 1.15 and 1.26.''
::* Fixed characters stuck in scenery after backup restore.
::* Fixed characters stuck in scenery after backup restore.
第1,145行: 第909行:  
: Stardew Valley 1.14 for iOS was released on 9 December 2018.
: Stardew Valley 1.14 for iOS was released on 9 December 2018.
:; Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
::* Fixed fishing and planting bugs in 1.13.
::* Fixed fishing and planting bugs in 1.13.
第1,152行: 第916行:  
: Stardew Valley 1.13 for iOS was released on 7 December 2018.
: Stardew Valley 1.13 for iOS was released on 7 December 2018.
:; Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
::* Fixed green slimes occasionally causing issues.
::* Fixed green slimes occasionally causing issues.
第1,160行: 第924行:  
: Stardew Valley 1.12 for iOS was [https://community.playstarbound.com/threads/stardew-valley-mobile-known-issues-and-fixes.149599/page-34#post-3319338 released on 6 December 2018].
: Stardew Valley 1.12 for iOS was [https://community.playstarbound.com/threads/stardew-valley-mobile-known-issues-and-fixes.149599/page-34#post-3319338 released on 6 December 2018].
:; Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
::* Fixed crashes in very specific cases.
::* Fixed crashes in very specific cases.
第1,168行: 第932行:  
: Stardew Valley 1.11 for iOS was [https://community.playstarbound.com/threads/stardew-valley-mobile-known-issues-and-fixes.149599/page-33#post-3319301 released on 6 December 2018].
: Stardew Valley 1.11 for iOS was [https://community.playstarbound.com/threads/stardew-valley-mobile-known-issues-and-fixes.149599/page-33#post-3319301 released on 6 December 2018].
:; Changes
:; 改进
::* Added backup save button in options menu, to save anytime (see [[Mobile Saves]]).
::* Added backup save button in options menu, to save anytime (see [[ 手机存档]]).
::* Improved auto-attack.
::* Improved auto-attack.
::* Improved error logging (now sends crash details to developers automatically).
::* Improved error logging (now sends crash details to developers automatically).
:; Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
::* Fixed buildings disappearing on move.
::* Fixed buildings disappearing on move.
第1,187行: 第951行:  
: Stardew Valley 1.10 for iOS was [https://community.playstarbound.com/threads/stardew-valley-mobile-known-issues-and-fixes.149599/page-31#post-3318399 released on 29 November 2018].
: Stardew Valley 1.10 for iOS was [https://community.playstarbound.com/threads/stardew-valley-mobile-known-issues-and-fixes.149599/page-31#post-3318399 released on 29 November 2018].
:; Changes
:; 改进
::* Added button in options to swap to the previous save file (and back again).
::* Added button in options to swap to the previous save file (and back again).
:; Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
::* Fixed not adapting for notch on newer iPhone models.
::* Fixed not adapting for notch on newer iPhone models.
第1,199行: 第963行:  
: Stardew Valley 1.09 for iOS was [https://community.playstarbound.com/threads/stardew-valley-mobile-known-issues-and-fixes.149599/page-29#post-3317854 released on 25 November 2018].
: Stardew Valley 1.09 for iOS was [https://community.playstarbound.com/threads/stardew-valley-mobile-known-issues-and-fixes.149599/page-29#post-3317854 released on 25 November 2018].
:; Changes
:; 改进
::* Added option to restore or ignore auto-save on restart (for players stuck after a save gets corrupted).
::* Added option to restore or ignore auto-save on restart (for players stuck after a save gets corrupted).
:; Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
::* Fixed auto-save only happening when you quit the game.
::* Fixed auto-save only happening when you quit the game.
第1,212行: 第976行:  
: Stardew Valley 1.08 for iOS was [https://community.playstarbound.com/threads/stardew-valley-mobile-known-issues-and-fixes.149599/page-27#post-3317602 released on 23 November 2018].
: Stardew Valley 1.08 for iOS was [https://community.playstarbound.com/threads/stardew-valley-mobile-known-issues-and-fixes.149599/page-27#post-3317602 released on 23 November 2018].
:; Changes
:; 改进
::* Re-enabled auto-save when changing location.
::* Re-enabled auto-save when changing location.
:; Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
::* Fixed issue preventing recovery from save errors.
::* Fixed issue preventing recovery from save errors.
第1,225行: 第989行:  
: Stardew Valley 1.07 for iOS was [https://community.playstarbound.com/threads/stardew-valley-mobile-known-issues-and-fixes.149599/page-24#post-3316659 released on 17 November 2018].
: Stardew Valley 1.07 for iOS was [https://community.playstarbound.com/threads/stardew-valley-mobile-known-issues-and-fixes.149599/page-24#post-3316659 released on 17 November 2018].
:; Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
::* Fixed issues opening/closing gates.
::* Fixed issues opening/closing gates.
: Stardew Valley 1.06 for iOS was [https://community.playstarbound.com/threads/stardew-valley-mobile-known-issues-and-fixes.149599/page-20#post-3316401 released on 15 November 2018].
: iOS 版《星露谷物语》1.06 于 2018 年 11 月 15 [https://community.playstarbound.com/threads/stardew-valley-mobile-known-issues-and-fixes.149599/page-20#post-3316401 日发布]
:; Changes
:; 改进
::* Game now only auto-saves on exit.
::* 游戏现在仅在退出时自动保存。
:; Bug Fixes
:; 错误修正
::* 修复了自动保存问题。
::* 修复了从地窖上楼时的崩溃问题。
::* 修复了使用 MFI 控制器退出菜单时的崩溃问题。
::* 修复了备份保存重置马并删除其帽子的问题。
::* 修复了社区中心的崩溃问题。
::* 修复了婚礼前一天晚上的时间冻结问题。
::* 修复了钓鱼 UI 的比例、位置和重叠。
::* 修复了所有语言都以英语显示的捆绑文本。
::* 修复了初冬时的崩溃问题。
::* 修复了从第 3 年开始时的时间冻结问题。
::* 修复了与玛妮互动后的崩溃问题。
::* 修复了放置鸡然后退出放置时的崩溃问题。
::* 修复了在温室内砍伐树木时的崩溃问题。
::* 修复了关闭应用程序并重新打开时刷新草料浆果的问题。
::* 修复了玩家在自动攻击时被卡住的问题。
::* 修复了过场动画后锁定的控件问题。
::* 修复了节日期间不显示手柄按钮的问题。
::* Fixed auto-save issues.
::* Fixed crash when coming upstairs from cellar.
::* Fixed crash when exiting menu using MFI controller.
::* Fixed backup save resetting horse and deleting its hat.
::* Fixed crash at community center.
::* Fixed freezing on night before wedding event.
::* Fixed fishing UI scale, position, and overlapping.
::* Fixed bundle text displayed in English for all languages.
::* Fixed crash at beginning of winter.
::* Fixed freezing when starting year 3.
::* Fixed crash after interacting with Marnie.
::* Fixed crash when placing a chicken then exiting placement.
::* Fixed crash when chopping trees inside greenhouse.
::* Fixed forage berries refreshing when closing app and re-opening.
::* Fixed players becoming stuck while in auto attack.
::* Fixed controls locked after mine cutscene.
::* Fixed joypad buttons not displayed during festival.
: Stardew Valley 1.05 for iOS was [https://community.playstarbound.com/threads/stardew-valley-mobile-known-issues-and-fixes.149599/page-15#post-3316016 released on 14 November 2018].
: iOS 版《星露谷物语》1.05 于 2018 年 11 月 14 [https://community.playstarbound.com/threads/stardew-valley-mobile-known-issues-and-fixes.149599/page-15#post-3316016 日发布]
:; Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
::* Fixed crash when interacting with silo.
::* 修复了与筒仓交互时的崩溃问题。
::* Fixed missing slider bar in fishing UI.
::* 修复了钓鱼UI中滑块缺失。
: Stardew Valley 1.04 for iOS was [https://community.playstarbound.com/threads/stardew-valley-mobile-known-issues-and-fixes.149599/page-13#post-3315876 released on 13 November 2018].
: iOS 版《星露谷物语》1.04 于 2018 年 11 月 13 日发布。
:; Changes
::* 新的控制系统选项和改进 (见 [[移动操作方式]]):
::** 添加了虚拟操纵杆和隐形操纵杆选项。
::** 添加了动作/攻击按钮选项。
::** 自动攻击目标得到改进,始终面对最近的敌人,并且更容易逃离怪物。
::** 手柄调节器工具 - 完全自定义屏幕控件。
::* 添加了 MFi 控制器支持。
::* 您现在可以上下滑动工具栏来访问整个背包。
::* 游戏现在会自动保存,因此即使您的应用程序被终止或卸载(节日/过场动画期间除外),您也可以从上次中断的地方继续。请注意,只有当日结束时的存档才可以加载到其他平台上。
::* 现在,当您退出某个区域时,游戏会保存可选的备份。
::* 添加了增加 UI 中数字大小的选项。
::* New control system options and improvements (see [[Mobile Controls]]):
:; 错误修正
::** Added virtual joystick and invisible joystick options.
::** Added action / attack button option.
::** Auto-attack targeting improved to always face the nearest foe, and make it easier to flee from monsters.
::** Joypad adjuster tool - complete customization of your onscreen controls.
::* Added MFi controller support.
::* You can now slide toolbar up and down to access whole inventory.
::* Game now auto-saves so you can continue where you left off, even if you app is killed or unloaded (except during festivals/cutscenes). Note that only end-of-day saves can be loaded on other platforms.
::* Game now saves an optional backup when you exit an area.
::* Added option to increase the size of numbers in UI.
:; Bug fixes
::* 修复了在矿井中使用梯子时的崩溃问题。
::* 修复了收集珍珠后夜市崩溃的问题。
::* Fixed crash when using ladder in the mines.
::* 修复了 UI 隐藏的赌场货币栏。
::* Fixed crash during night market after collecting a pearl.
::* 修复了白天在荒野农场出现的怪物。
::* Fixed casino currency bar hidden by UI.
::* 修复了玩家建造的运输箱并不总是可以使用的问题。
::* Fixed monsters appearing during day on wilderness farm.
::* 修复了其他小问题。
::* Fixed player-constructed shipping bins not always accessible.
::* Fixed other minor issues.
: Stardew Valley 1.03 for iOS was [https://community.playstarbound.com/threads/stardew-valley-mobile-known-issues-and-fixes.149599/page-8#post-3314121 released on 30 October 2018].
: iOS 版《星露谷物语》1.03 于 2018 年 10 月 30 日发布。
:; 改进
:; Changes
::* Can now tap/hold to move/cast fishing rod.
::* 现在可以点击/ 按住来移动/ 投掷鱼竿。
:; Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
::* Fixed pantry bundle not opening when tapped.
::* 修复了点击时水间收集包时无法打开的问题。
::* Fixed iPhone XR resolution issue.
::* 修复了 iPhone XR 分辨率问题。
::* Fixed spring onion event incorrectly positioned.
::* 修复了葱事件位置不正确的问题。(可能翻译有误)
::* Fixed magnetic ring removal causing difficulty collecting items.
::* 修复了磁铁戒指移除导致收集物品困难的问题。
::* Fixed crash inside mines.
::* 修复了矿井内的崩溃。
: Stardew Valley 1.02 for iOS was [https://community.playstarbound.com/threads/stardew-valley-mobile-known-issues-and-fixes.149599/page-5#post-3313487 released on 26 October 2018].
: iOS 版《星露谷物语》1.02 于 2018 年 10 月 26 日发布。
:; Changes
:; 改进
::* Can now play audio (''e.g.,'' music or podcasts) in the background.
::* 现在可以在后台播放音频(例如音乐或播客)。
::* Tap and hold movement now lets you exit the side of the screen.
::* 点击并按住移动现在可以让您退出屏幕一侧。.
::* Added left/right orientations on iPhone.
::* 在 iPhone 上添加了左/ 右方向。.
::* Added vibration support when fishing on supported devices (enable via options page).
::* 在支持的设备上钓鱼时添加了振动支持(通过设置页面启用)。
::* Made mounting/dismounting the horse easier.
::* 使上马、下马更加容易。
:; Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
::* Fixed potential crash when upgrading buildings.
::* 修复了升级建筑物时潜在的崩溃问题。
::* Fixed potential crash when starting combat in a save imported from PC.
::* 修复了在从 PC 导入的存档中开始战斗时潜在的崩溃问题。
::* Fixed potential crash when when opening the quest journal in a save imported from PC.
::* 修复了在从 PC 导入的存档中打开任务日志时潜在的崩溃问题。
: Stardew Valley 1.01 for iOS was [https://community.playstarbound.com/threads/stardew-valley-mobile-known-issues-and-fixes.149599/page-3#post-3313346 released on 25 October 2018].
: iOS 版《星露谷物语》1.01 于 2018 年 10 月 25 日发布
:; Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
::* Fixed blacksmith menu not exiting properly.
::* 修复了铁匠菜单无法正常退出的问题。
::* Fixed players not able to hold to chop hardwood stumps and the [[Secret Woods]] log.
::* 修复了玩家无法砍伐硬木树桩和[[ 秘密森林]] 原木的问题。
::* Fixed virtual joystick conflicting with hold to move when auto-attack is off.
::* 修复了自动攻击关闭时虚拟操纵杆与按住移动发生冲突的问题。
::* Fixed bug where the left two tiles on a barn door would open it, but the right two would not.
::* 修复了谷仓门上左边两块瓷砖可以打开但右边两块却打不开的错误。
::* Fixed other attack joystick bugs.
::* 修复了其他攻击操纵杆错误。
: Stardew Valley 1.0 for iOS was [https://stardewvalley.net/stardew-valley-coming-to-mobile/ released on 24 October 2018].
: 星露谷物语1.0 的iOS版[https://stardewvalley.net/stardew-valley-coming-to-mobile/ 发布] 于2018年10月24日
:; Changes
:; 改进
::* Initial release, with all single-player content up to {{version|1.3.28|computer version 1.3.28}} (except multiplayer and Chinese language).
::* 游戏的最初版本, 拥有相当于{{version|1.3.28|computer version 1.3.28}} 单人游戏的全部内容 ( 不包含多人和中文).
::* Rebuilt for touch-screen gameplay (new UI, menu systems, and controls).
::* 为手机游戏体验对游戏做出了改变 ( 新的UI, 菜单栏, 以及游戏控制).
::* Added support for iPhone and iPad.
::* 支持iPhone和iPad设备

