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添加11,590字节 、 2024年4月24日 (星期三)
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[[User:Sizau|时舟]]([[User talk:Sizau|讨论]] | [[User:Sizau#讨论群|群组]]) 2024年3月25日 (一) 13:23 (UTC)
==Translation of sell price==
==Translation of sell price==
Hello Sizau! I have a question for you about your recent correction to the translation of "sell price". Should ''all'' instances of "售价" be replaced with "售出价格"? For example, in [[:Template:Recipes]], the heading for sell price remains "售价". Should it be changed? If so, I have admin tools that can help do the task more quickly. Thank you very much! [[User:Margotbean|margotbean]]([[User talk:Margotbean|讨论]]) 2023年1月15日 (日) 20:08 (UTC)
Hello Sizau! I have a question for you about your recent correction to the translation of "sell price". Should ''all'' instances of "售价" be replaced with "售出价格"? For example, in [[:Template:Recipes]], the heading for sell price remains "售价". Should it be changed? If so, I have admin tools that can help do the task more quickly. Thank you very much! [[User:Margotbean|margotbean]]([[User talk:Margotbean|讨论]]) 2023年1月15日 (日) 20:08 (UTC)
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[[User:ParadoxLeech|ParadoxLeech]]([[User talk:ParadoxLeech|讨论]]) 2023年3月26日 (日) 23:12 (UTC)
[[User:ParadoxLeech|ParadoxLeech]]([[User talk:ParadoxLeech|讨论]]) 2023年3月26日 (日) 23:12 (UTC)
:其实这个问题应该问 [[User:Margotbean|Margotbean]](不过他看不懂中文)。我刚看下了下对应的[[Template:Infobox_fish|鱼类的模板]],模板会自动把 size 英寸换算成厘米,应该是以前翻译的时候没注意到单位,所以我直接把英寸改成厘米啦。
:另外,可以注意一下链接的井号(#),有些是用 ID 定位的,修改的话要看一下页面能不能自动跳转,比如说[[任务#剧情任务]]的第一个任务是介绍,源代码里是<samp>|id="Introductions"|介绍</samp>,那么跳转的话就要写成[[任务#Introductions]],[[User:Sizau|Sizau]]([[User talk:Sizau|讨论]]) 2023年3月27日 (一) 04:08 (UTC)
Do you know which version of the game on WeGame added gambling back to the Casino? I'd like to add it to the version history section of the [[赌场]] page...
Thanks! [[User:Margotbean|margotbean]]([[User talk:Margotbean|讨论]]) 2023年3月31日 (五) 18:12 (UTC)
:Gambling-related content is banned in mainland China, so the game's related content was cut before. Also, SDV has an age rating of 8+ in mainland China. The content is more like secretly added back (after the game is approved, unless someone reports it, the government departments will not review)
:I did try to find relevant information before I updated the page, but there was nothing. What is known is that in November 2017 the content is still missing. in February 2019 there are some posts indicating that the content has been restored.
:WeGame (a League of Legends launcher) is a beautifully packaged pile of shit. There is no notification when the content of Casino is deleted (as well as when restored). The game's update records are only copies of the original content, and only machine translated. Now the platform is still stuck in version 1.5.4, no update. And it doesn't have the function to download the history version, making it impossible to verify.
:Based on the facts (the relevant post and the update record), '''I assume that the content was restored in the "multiplayer" version (Updated August 01, 2018 on WeGame)''', [[User:Sizau|Sizau]]([[User talk:Sizau|讨论]]) 2023年4月1日 (六) 16:45 (UTC)
::Wow! Your response made me laugh and feel sad at the same time.
::I think it would be best not to mention it on the page, so as not to draw attention to it. If the game is updated, and the content is removed again, we should add that to the page.
::I appreciate the research you did into the history of it! Thank you very much! [[User:Margotbean|margotbean]]([[User talk:Margotbean|讨论]]) 2023年4月2日 (日) 18:29 (UTC)
==Fish size question==
On fish pages like [[河豚]], should the wiki say "3~94" or "3–94"? Or "3 ~ 94"? Please advise! Thank you, [[User:Margotbean|margotbean]]([[User talk:Margotbean|讨论]]) 2023年4月10日 (一) 19:07 (UTC)
:Actually, all three are acceptable:
:*Spaces are generally needed for aesthetic reasons, and it's okay not to keep them.
:**in large passages where Chinese characters, numbers and English characters appear at the same time, keeping spaces can minimize the stress of reading
:*Stereotype: Chinese people are good at math [[File:Emojis004.png|16px|link=]]:
:**the symbol "-" looks especially like a minus sign, especially without any spaces or units of measure.
:**the whole looks very much like an equation, for example... Eyes: 10-43, Brain: I know I know, it's -33!
:**Based on the above situation, it's more common to use the wavy line "~" to represent the range. Both symbols will be used and both are common.
:Hope it helps, [[File:Emojis073.png|16px|link=]] [[User:Sizau|Sizau]]([[User talk:Sizau|讨论]]) 2023年4月10日 (一) 20:00 (UTC)
::Yes, very helpful, thank you (again)! [[User:Margotbean|margotbean]]([[User talk:Margotbean|讨论]]) 2023年4月11日 (二) 21:10 (UTC)
== <nowiki>[[2柳巷|缝纫机]]</nowiki> ==
我觉得既然已经有单独的[[缝纫机]]的页面了,再用<samp><nowiki>[[2柳巷#缝纫机|缝纫机]]</nowiki></samp>有点多余。因为2柳巷也不完全是关于缝纫机的内容,而且上面对缝纫功能的介绍也只有一句话。把[[缝纫机]]页面写详细点,再把<samp><nowiki>[[2柳巷#缝纫机|缝纫机]]和[[2柳巷|缝纫机]]</nowiki></samp>都换成<samp><nowiki>[[缝纫机]]</nowiki></samp>会不会好点?--[[User:Shirotsuki|Shirotsuki]]([[User talk:Shirotsuki|讨论]]) 2023年4月17日 (一) 11:13 (UTC)
:(小吐槽:其实缝纫类的页面我没怎么动。中文英语单词词性和含义差别非常大,Tailoring 翻成裁缝老让我觉得怪怪的,改成缝纫也不太搭调,因为这里的 Tailoring 主要还是指“衣物的定制”)
:之前其他页面也有类似的问题,[[User:Margotbean|margotbean]] 的观点是基于[[:en:Stardew Valley Wiki|英语wiki]],基本保持'''十二种'''语言下总体内容的一致性(属于是要么全改要么别改)。'''缝纫机'''相关的页面在其他语言里面也挺乱的,如果要改的话还是问问 [[User:Margotbean|margotbean]] 吧,看看他什么想法;要是改的话工作量不小,之前我发现内容乱七八糟所以就暂时搁置了没动,[[User:Sizau|Sizau]]([[User talk:Sizau|讨论]]) 2023年4月18日 (二) 08:34 (UTC)
::好吧,那我也暂时搁置了,大家一起偷个懒∠( ᐛ 」∠)_--[[User:Shirotsuki|Shirotsuki]]([[User talk:Shirotsuki|讨论]]) 2023年4月18日 (二) 13:23 (UTC)
Hello Sizau! I see that you added images to the large table at the bottom of [[染色]] in all languages. Thank you for thinking about all 12 languages!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There's just one small problem -- if the header is combined with "colspan=2" then the table sorts by the name of the image, not the name of the item. So, all pages sort by English order now, since the names of the images are in English.
I know you did a lot of work on this project, so I'm really sorry. But, could you find existing translations for "image" and "name" in the other languages and split the column header into two headers instead of one? [[User:Margotbean|margotbean]]([[User talk:Margotbean|讨论]]) 2023年5月7日 (日) 18:14 (UTC)
:No problem! There are two options, and I wonder which one you think would be better:
:{|class="wikitable sortable roundedborder"
!colspan="2"|Item!!rowspan="2"|Color<br />Name!!class="unsortable" rowspan="2"|Color at full<br />saturation (RGB)!!rowspan="2"|Dye Strength&nbsp;
!class="unsortable"| !!Name
|[[File:Acorn.png|24px|link=]]||[[橡子|Acorn]]||brown||style="background-color: rgb(130,73,37); color: white;"|130,73,37||
|[[File:Aerinite.png|24px|link=]]||[[青泥石|Aerinite]]||cyan||style="background-color: rgb(0,255,255);"|0,255,255||
:{|class="wikitable sortable roundedborder"
!colspan="2"|Item!!Color<br />Name!!class="unsortable"|Color at full<br />saturation (RGB)!!Dye Strength&nbsp;
|data-sort-value="Acorn"|[[File:Acorn.png|24px|link=]]||[[橡子|Acorn]]||brown||style="background-color: rgb(130,73,37); color: white;"|130,73,37||
|data-sort-value="Aerinite"|[[File:Aerinite.png|24px|link=]]||[[青泥石|Aerinite]]||cyan||style="background-color: rgb(0,255,255);"|0,255,255||
:- [[User:Sizau|时舟]]([[User talk:Sizau|讨论]]) 2023年5月8日 (一) 04:03 (UTC)
::Well, what I was thinking was option 3:
::{|class="wikitable sortable roundedborder"
!Image!!Name!!Color<br />Name!!class="unsortable" rowspan="2"|Color at full<br />saturation (RGB)!!rowspan="2"|Dye Strength&nbsp;
|[[File:Acorn.png|24px|link=]]||[[橡子|Acorn]]||brown||style="background-color: rgb(130,73,37); color: white;"|130,73,37||
|[[File:Aerinite.png|24px|link=]]||[[青泥石|Aerinite]]||cyan||style="background-color: rgb(0,255,255);"|0,255,255||
::But that looks ''terrible'', so option #1, please! 100%, option #1. Don't add data-sort-values if you don't have to. It's a lot of extra work, and it's not necessary. ;) Thank you so much, [[User:Margotbean|margotbean]]([[User talk:Margotbean|讨论]]) 2023年5月8日 (一) 18:14 (UTC)
== 讨论一下Feeding Bench的翻译^ ^ ==
我正打算更新[[畜棚]],发现这个Feeding Bench的翻译也是百花齐放……
我之前更新[[喂料斗]]的时候直译成了“喂食台”,后来才看到您上传的[[:File:Chickens fed ZH.png]]里面的翻译是“送料台”,其他的还有[[干草]]页面上的“喂食斗”……
想问问您在翻译“送料台”时是怎么考虑的呢?我是感觉这个词有点偏向工厂流水线的意思了🤣--[[User:Shirotsuki|Shirotsuki]]([[User talk:Shirotsuki|讨论]]) 2023年5月16日 (二) 16:59 (UTC)
:“喂料斗”在文件里是有名称的:<samp>BigCraftablesInformation.zh-CN.xnb</samp>, Line 82: <samp>"99": "Feed Hopper/0/-300/Crafting -9/可以轻易进入饲料筒仓。/true/false/0/喂料斗"</samp>
:不过 Feeding Bench 确实没有官方名称,我之前更新图片的时候[[喂料斗]]页面上写的是送料台,所以就直接拿来用了(
:我觉得的话这种没有官方翻译的你就选一个觉得比较贴切的统一一下下吧?[[User:Sizau|时舟]]([[User talk:Sizau|讨论]]) 2023年5月16日 (二) 17:53 (UTC)
::那[[:File:Chickens fed ZH.png]]这个文件咋办呀?喊管理员删了,然后重新传一份?--[[User:Shirotsuki|Shirotsuki]]([[User talk:Shirotsuki|讨论]]) 2023年5月16日 (二) 18:31 (UTC)
:::在[[:en:File:Chickens fed ZH.png|这个页面]]点“上传该文件的新版本”覆盖上传就行,[[User:Sizau|时舟]]([[User talk:Sizau|讨论]]) 2023年5月16日 (二) 18:43 (UTC)
::::救命😭😭我把图片上的字改成了“饲料槽”,然后点了“上传该文件的新版本”,结果它在文件页面显示的还是“送料台”,我以为是我传错了文件,又重新传了一次,结果旧版本变成“饲料槽”了,新文件还是“送料台”,然后我又点了恢复文件,发现它还是改不过来,咋会这样啊😣😥--[[User:Shirotsuki|Shirotsuki]]([[User talk:Shirotsuki|讨论]]) 2023年5月18日 (四) 13:34 (UTC)
:::::网站有缓存,一般来说要等几个小时让他刷新,我这边现在看已经更新了,[[User:Sizau|时舟]]([[User talk:Sizau|讨论]]) 2023年5月18日 (四) 15:30 (UTC)
同志,我这边有霜瓜的一部分图片,还有“年轻斑点(绿色的远古斑点)”的GIF,我上传不了,咋办QAQ [[User:Fresh shroom|Fresh shroom]]([[User talk:Fresh shroom|讨论]]) 2024年3月21日 (四) 15:16 (UTC)
:因为只有英语wiki能上传图片,图片在[https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Special:Upload 这里]上传,上传之后在所有语言里都能用,[[User:Sizau|时舟]]([[User talk:Sizau|讨论]]) 2024年3月22日 (五) 00:37 (UTC)
::谢谢~ [[User:Fresh shroom|Fresh shroom]]([[User talk:Fresh shroom|讨论]]) 2024年3月22日 (五) 05:09 (UTC)

