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於 2017年2月17日 (五) 10:35 的修訂

Robin building.png
— 羅賓


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最後編輯Hanse於2017-02-17 10:35:39.

新手指南 玩家角色 遊戲設置 操作方式 移動端
生命值 能量值 技能 遊戲內時間
Getting Started - Wiki.png



具體參見: 玩家


  • 有24種膚色,32種髮型,112款T恤以及20件配飾可供選擇。
  • 可自定義眼睛、頭髮以及褲子的顏色、色調、飽和度和亮度。
  • 寵物的選擇決定了日後出現在農場的寵物。
  • 性別不對遊戲中的婚姻產生影響。
  • 「喜好」的內容將出現在星落里。如果玩家填入ConcernedApe,當吃下星落時,會出現以下彩蛋:

ConcernedApe Favourite.png



具體參見: 農場地圖



名稱 描述 適合技能
Standard Farm Map Icon.png 標準農場 地圖的大部分都是可耕地,是種植農作物和飼養動物的理想選擇。 Farming Skill Icon.png 耕種
Forest Farm Map Icon.png 森林農場 森林環繞,種植用土地較少。但是左側有持續刷新的樹樁,並且採集物品也會出現。這裏有一種特殊的「野草」,收割後會掉落混合種子。 Foraging Skill Icon.png 覓食
Hilltop Farm Map Icon.png 山頂農場 峭壁叢生,農場西南方有一個持續刷新礦石的採礦地,這裏的石頭中包括晶洞。 Mining Skill Icon.png 採礦
Riverland Farm Map Icon.png 河邊農場 川流不息,限制了莊稼畜牧可用面積。這裏景色優美,而且可以直接在農場裏釣魚。這裏能釣到的里河中的一樣。 Fishing Skill Icon.png 釣魚
Wilderness Farm Map Icon.png 荒野農場 西南有一片湖,東南方向有懸崖。怪物會在晚上出現,荒野石怪只在這裏出現。怪物們的屬性與玩家戰鬥技能等級相關。 Combat Skill Icon.png 戰鬥


具體參見: 操作方式


Key Description
W 往上走
A 往左走
S 往下走
D 往右走
鼠標左鍵, C 使用選中的工具
鼠標右鍵, X 查看或操作
鼠標滾輪, X 快速切換物品欄
Esc, E 打開菜單
F 查看任務清單
M 打開地圖
左Shift鍵 跑步(默認自動跑步)
1 - 0,  - ,  +  物品欄快捷鍵
F4 截屏


  • 使用斧頭十字鎬鐮刀除去農場中的木材、石頭,割去雜草和灌木,清理出大約15個地格。
  • 使用鋤頭耕地,然後將劉易斯鎮長提供的防風草種子種下。
  • 使用噴壺來給種子和土壤澆水。
  • 繼續澆灌農作物,直至他們成熟。4天之後,收穫第一波防風草。


具體參見: 噴壺



升級噴壺的最佳時機是下雨的前一天,因為雨水也可以澆灌作物。或者是當的倒數第二天。 鐵匠升級任何工具都需要兩天的時間,包括升級噴壺。



Main page: Energy

Energy limits productivity. One of the main ways to overcome this is by eating food. Eating food is an action, for which default controls are Right Click or type X with the food highlighted in your inventory and then click Yes in the confirmation dialogue to eat the food. Most crops and many foraged items can be eaten in order to regain energy.

Sleeping at the end of the day will restore the players' energy. After 12:00AM, the player won't restore 100% of the energy. If the player is exhausted when they go to bed or forced sleep at 2:00AM, they'll wake up in the morning with their energy level about half restored.

On the third day of summer, an earthquake will remove the rocks that block the path leading to the Spa (north of the Carpenter's Shop). The Spa will fully restore energy over a short period of time.


Main page: Skills

To level up skills, the player must complete certain actions related to that skill. Farming XP is earned by fully growing a crop. Foraging XP is earned by foraging or chopping down trees. Mining XP is earned by breaking rocks and ore deposits. Fishing and using crab traps will increase fishing XP. As the skill level increases, the player will earn crafting recipes (every level except level 5 and 10) or professions (on level 5 and 10).

Professions (level 5 and 10) can give the player a boost on yielding products, including more products gained, additional selling price, using less inventories and others. The players choice of a level 5 profession will determine which profession choices are available at level 10.

Villagers and Friendship

Main page: Villagers and Friendship
See also: Marriage, and List of All Gifts.

Giving gifts to villagers will increase their friendship rating. You can give a gift by highlighting it in your inventory or selecting it by typing its hotkey number and then left clicking on the person to whom you wish to give the item. As friendship is earned villagers will send cooking recipes or food through the mail, give you access to their bedrooms, and treat you differently in dialogue. Unique cutscenes and interactions can also occur as friendship is earned. The player must also earn a high level of friendship in order to date, and eventually marry, an eligible villager.


Main page: Television

The television provides useful information, such as weather forecasts, fortune telling, free cooking recipes, and other general tips. All players will have one inside their home when beginning a new game. zh:入門