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删除53字节 、 2023年3月11日 (六) 10:50
→‎对话 chinese (partly)
第529行: 第529行:     
{{Quote|If I could come help you, I would... but I'll do my best to keep the house in order.}}
{{Quote| 要是我能过去帮你的话,我一定会的,可惜……不过我还是会尽力保持室内整洁。}}
{{Quote|I'm happy here, in the house. I like to spend all my time in a good spot... I don't need to "get out" like humans do. But I understand that you need to! Please don't feel like you have to stay here with me.}}
{{Quote| 我在屋子里很开心。我喜欢在一个好地方呆很久……我没有人类“出门”的需要。不过我理解你需要出门的!不用非得一直和我呆在一起,没事的。}}
{{Quote|I'm considering spending my day all balled up and wedged in the corner... What? You mean you don't do that?}}
{{Quote| 我在想要不要在角落里蜷起来呆一天……啥?你说你不会这么干?}}
{{Quote|On Fridays, I like to stay quiet out of respect for Yoba. I hope you don't mind.}}
{{Quote| 星期五的时候我喜欢保持安静,表示对由巴的尊敬。希望你不会介意。}}
{{Quote|I wish I could help you on the farm, but I can't go out in the sun...}}
{{Quote| 我很希望能到农场上帮你,但是我没法呆在太阳底下……}}
''Giving gift''
''Giving gift''
{{Quote|I tried my best to make human food... You can eat it later, don't worry about it...}}
{{Quote| 我尽力做了人类吃的菜……
''In his side room''
''In his side room''
{{Quote|We're so physically different that it's a challenge to live together, isn't it?}}
{{Quote| 我们身体的差别太大了,一起生活是不是也挺有挑战的?
{{Quote|I hope the humidity here isn't bothersome to you. We both have to compromise in order to live together!}}
{{Quote|I'll stay out here for just a bit, but we've got to be careful... if anyone approaches I'll need to hide!}}
{{Quote| 我会在外面呆一会儿,但是还是得小心……万一有人来了我得藏起来!}}
{{Quote|It's rare that I can step outside!}}
{{Quote| 我能到外面来真是稀罕!}}
{{Quote|What a beautiful day!}}
{{Quote| 天气真好!}}
{{Quote|Wide open spaces make me nervous...}}
{{Quote| 在开阔的空间里我会紧张……}}
{{Quote|Please go about your day, I'll just stay here and guard the house.}}
{{Quote| 你去忙着,我还是呆在这里看着房子吧。}}
{{Quote|I'll wait here for a bit, and see if any bugs come my way. I haven't had breakfast yet!}}
{{Quote| 我会在这里等着,看看有没有虫子过来。我还没吃早饭呢!}}
{{Quote|On a day like this, I can enjoy the outdoors with you. This is really nice! Just let me know if you see anyone coming, so I can hide.}}
{{Quote| 只要是这样的天气,我就可以和你一起享受户外生活。这可真棒!只要你看到有人来就告诉我,这样我就可以躲起来了。}}
{{Quote|I cleaned all the bugs out of the house today... Sorry, I didn't save you any! *smack*}}
{{Quote| 今天我把屋子里的虫子都除掉了……抱歉,一个都没给你留!(啪)}}
{{Quote|You feel solid... sometimes I wish I had bones, too...}}
{{Quote| 你很结实的样子……有时我也会想,要是我也有骨头就好了……}}
{{Quote|Sometimes I wonder if humans and shadow people could really ever co-exist... It's a lovely idea, but is it realistic? I hope so...}}
{{Quote| 有时我会怀疑人类和暗影人是否真的能够共存……想法听起来很棒,但是这符合实际吗?我希望如此……}}
{{Quote|Sometimes I pause and think of all that I've learned about humans from you... I wish all my fellow shadow people could know this feeling.}}
{{Quote| 有时我会停下来,回想我从你这里了解的人类的事情……要是我们同族的暗影人都能理解这种感受该有多好。}}
{{Quote|I want to be a good housemate for you, but I never know if I'm doing well... *groan* I have a hard time understanding human expression. B... but... you're happy living with me? Okay!}}
{{Quote| 我想尽可能好地与你同居,但是我不知道我做的是不是够好……(咕哝)想要理解人类的表达挺难的。不……不过……你和我一起住觉得开心吗?好的!}}
{{Quote|Hi, [Player]. Welcome home. You look like you've been working hard out there!}}
{{Quote| 嗨,@。欢迎回家。看起来你干活挺辛苦的!}}
{{Quote|Do you like rainy days as much as I do, [Player]?}}
{{Quote| 我很喜欢雨天,你呢,@?}}
{{Quote|We're different in so many ways... but that's alright.}}
{{Quote| 我们各方面都不太一样呢……不过这不要紧。}}
{{Quote|I wonder if the wizard knows about... this? I hope he can keep a secret.}}
{{Quote| 不知道法师是不是知道……这个?我希望他能保密。}}
{{Quote|As much as I try to be civilized, I have the urge to be mischievous sometimes... They say it's a condition of my people.}}
{{Quote| 尽管我努力让自己保持礼貌,有时我还是有恶作剧的冲动……他们说这是我种族的通病。}}
{{Quote|Ah, It's more humid today with the rain... I feel a lot more comfortable.}}
{{Quote| 啊,今天下了雨,空气更潮湿了……我感觉更加舒服了。}}
''Giving gift''
''Giving gift''
{{Quote|Good morning, [Player]. I went out early and found this for you. I hope it's not too strange.}}
{{Quote| 早上好,@。我早起出门给你找到了这个。
{{Quote|On nights like this, those who gaze out windows sometimes see shadowy figures. To think... it might've been me.}}
{{Quote| 在这样的夜晚,向窗外眺望的人有时会看见影子一样的人形。仔细想想……大概是我吧。}}
{{Quote|If the other shadow people knew about our living arrangement, they would... 'punish' me. Most of them despise humans, you know.}}
{{Quote| 假如别的暗影人听到我们的居住方式,他们会……“惩罚”我的。要知道,他们大多看不起人类。}}
{{Quote|You're sopping wet, and cold! Isn't that dangerous to your species?}}
{{Quote| 你湿透了,还冰凉冰凉的!这对你们的种族来说不是很危险吗?}}
{{Quote|I already had dinner, but it wasn't something you'd be able to eat... sorry.}}
{{Quote| 我已经吃过晚餐了,不过那些不是你能吃的东西……抱歉。}}
{{Quote|Ever since I left my people, I've been searching for a new home... now I belong somewhere. That means everything to me.}}
{{Quote| 自从我离开我们一族之后,我一直在寻找一个新家……现在我有归属了。这对我来说就是一切。}}
{{Quote|It's said that my people came here long ago, when a great catastrophe allowed spirits from the void to cross into the physical plane.}}
{{Quote| 听说很久以前发生了一场巨大的灾难,幽灵都能从虚空穿入物质世界。我们一族就是那个时候来到这里的。}}
{{Quote|The sound of the rain reminds me of the sewers... it's comforting. The sewers were my refuge... I felt safe there. But don't worry... I feel the same way about my new home, too.}}
{{Quote| 雨点的声音让我想起了下水道……那里真的很舒适。下水道曾是我的避难所……我在那里有安全感。不过别担心……我在新家里也是同样的感受。}}
{{Quote|I feel a sensation in my body... is this... 'platonic love'? ... Oh, wait... I'm just shedding my skin.}}
{{Quote| 我身体里有一种感觉……这……是不是“柏拉图式爱情”?……哦,等等……我只是在蜕皮。}}
{{Quote|I've learned to overcome my bias against humans... but Dwarves still disgust me.}}
{{Quote| 我已经能克服我对人类的偏见了……不过我还是对矮人反感。}}
{{Quote|You started nibbling on me during the night, and mumbling about 'black lick or ish'... what did you mean by that?}}
{{Quote| 你晚上的时候开始啃我,嘴里还咕哝着“黑甘炒糖”……那是什么意思?}}
{{Quote|We're making progress, and I feel really hopeful.}}
{{Quote| 我们有所进展,而且我感觉很有希望。}}
{{Quote|I was just admiring this lovely house... what a wonderful place.}}
{{Quote| 我刚刚只是在欣赏这间可爱的屋子……真是个好地方。}}
{{Quote|I won't ever grow old, but you will. Sometimes it makes me sad... but that's okay.}}
{{Quote| 我不会变老,但是你会。有时这会让我有点伤感……不过也不是什么大事。}}
{{Quote|Do you think your Grandpa would approve of a monster living in his house?}}
{{Quote| 你觉得你爷爷会同意让怪物住在他的房子里吗?}}
{{Quote|Do you think we could get in trouble for living together?}}
{{Quote| 你觉得我们同住会惹上麻烦吗?}}
{{Quote|It's so bright in here... I might close my eyes for a few hours.}}
{{Quote| 这里头好亮……我得闭上眼几个小时。}}
{{Quote|I can't go outside, I can only eat certain food, I need the temperature a certain way... I hope it's not too much of a bother to live with me, [Player].}}
{{Quote| 我没法外出,我很挑食,我对温度也有要求……但愿你跟我同住时没有感到很烦恼,@。}}
{{Quote|Welwick says I'm cursed today.}}
{{Quote| 维尔维克说我今天被诅咒了。}}
{{Quote|I'll tell you a secret... I don't actually sleep, I just lay there with my eyes closed...}}
{{Quote| 告诉你个秘密……实际上我是不睡觉的,我只是躺下来眯着……}}
{{Quote|You're a strange one, to want to live with a creature like me.}}
{{Quote| 你还真是奇特呢,想和我这样的生物一起生活。}}
{{Quote|I'm going to clean the house all day! This is fun.}}
{{Quote| 今天一天我都要做家务啦!这很有意思。}}
{{Quote|I wonder if we'll live here our entire lives? Moving would probably be too dangerous for me.}}
{{Quote| 我们一生都会住在这里吗?搬家对我来说可能太危险了。}}
{{Quote|*sigh*... Maybe I should've stayed with my own kind.}}
{{Quote| 唉……也许我就该跟我的同族一起呆着。}}
{{Quote|...Do you still like me?}}
{{Quote| ……你还喜欢我吗?}}
{{Quote|Are you still happy, living with me?}}
{{Quote| 你和我一起生活还开心吗?}}
{{Quote|I think you'd be happier living with another human...}}
{{Quote| 我想你和别的人类一起生活也许会更开心的……}}
{{Quote|I've detected a change in your behavior... what does it mean? *groan*}}
{{Quote| 我感觉你的行为有些变化……是什么含义呢?(咕哝)}}
{{Quote|You only have one short life to live... are you certain you want to spend it with a hideous creature like me?}}
{{Quote| 你只有短暂的一生……你确定要和我这种可怖的生物度过它吗?}}
{{Quote|Maybe a relationship like this is destined to fail...}}
{{Quote| 也许这样的关系注定是要失败的……}}
{{Quote|You seem unhappy lately...}}
{{Quote| 你最近看起来挺丧气的……}}
{{Quote|I miss the sewers.}}
{{Quote| 我想念下水道了。}}
{{Quote|I'm not sure how, but Yoba has blessed this house with a 'child'...}}
{{Quote| 由巴给这间屋子赐下了一个“孩子”的祝福,不过我不知道是怎么样……}}
{{Quote|Don't worry... I already made <child's name> and [child] a void egg omelet.}}
{{Quote| 别担心……我已经给%kid1和%kid2做了虚空煎蛋卷。}}
{{Quote|I worry about the future of the children... But I trust that Yoba has a plan for them.}}
{{Quote| 我很担心孩子们的未来……不过我相信由巴已经有规划了。}}
{{Quote|This house has been blessed with two children, now... Does that mean Yoba approves of our unconventional living arrangement?}}
{{Quote| 这间屋子现在被赐下两个孩子的祝福了……是不是说由巴认同了我们不同寻常的居住方式呢?}}
{{Quote|It's 'spring' now, isn't it? I can smell the peppery aroma of wild horseradish.}}
{{Quote| 是到“春天”了吧?我能闻到野山葵发出的辛辣香味了。}}
''Spring 1''
''Spring 1''
{{Quote|What's your plan for the new year, [Player]?}}
{{Quote| 你的新年计划是什么,@?}}
''Day before the Flower Dance''
''Day before the Flower Dance''
{{Quote|You should go to the flower dance tomorrow! Don't worry about me.}}
{{Quote| 你明天去花舞节吧!别担心我。}}
{{Quote|You call this time of year 'summer', right? The warmth and humidity is nice, but I wish it wasn't so sunny.}}
{{Quote| 你们把一年的这个时候称作“夏天”,是吗?这湿热的天气不错,不过要是没那么晒就好了。}}
''Summer 1''
''Summer 1''
{{Quote|I get sunburnt very easily, so I need to be careful this time of year.}}
{{Quote| 我很容易晒伤,所以这个季节得小心。}}
''Summer 8''
''Summer 8''
{{Quote|Mmm... what's that lovely smell? You must've been sweating all night...}}
{{Quote| 嗯……这香味是什么?你肯定一晚上都在出汗吧……}}
''Summer 15''
''Summer 15''
{{Quote|It's summer... that means the house is full of flies. Don't worry, I'll take care of them. It's good protein!}}
{{Quote| 到夏天了……于是屋子里会有很多苍蝇。别担心,我会处理掉的。这可是优质蛋白!}}
{{Quote|It's been feeling a bit cooler lately, with a musty smell. You call this time of year 'fall', correct?}}
{{Quote| 最近感觉更凉快了,而且空气中有发霉的味道。这个时节你们是叫做“秋天”,没错吧?}}
''Fall 8''
''Fall 8''
{{Quote|I don't feel like doing anything today.}}
{{Quote| 我今天啥都不想干。}}
''Day before the Fair''
''Day before the Fair''
{{Quote|Have you figured out what you're going to use for your grange display tomorrow?}}
{{Quote| 明天的农庄展览你要用什么确定好了吗?}}
''Fall 24''
''Fall 24''
{{Quote|If I showed up to the Spirit's Eve festival they'd put me in a cage...}}
{{Quote| 如果我去万灵节的话他们肯定会把我关到笼子里的……}}
{{Quote|The darkness this time of year is very soothing. If only it were warmer!}}
{{Quote| 这个时节天气阴沉,令人心神镇定。要是能暖和一点就好了!}}
''Winter 28''
''Winter 28''
{{Quote|Thanks for letting me stay here, [Player]. I'm looking forward to another great year!}}
{{Quote| 谢谢你能让我住在这里,@。希望明年能更好!}}
第648行: 第650行:     
'''After defeat in the Mines'''
'''After defeat in the Mines'''
{{quote |You were gone so long I started to get worried about you! I started crying when I saw your limp body...}}
{{Quote| 你已经去了那么长时间,我不由得担心起你来!当我看到你柔弱的身体时,我哭了起来……}}

