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添加212字节 、 2024年8月22日 (星期四)
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: Stardew Valley 1.3.37 on Xbox One was released on 08 November 2019, and reflects {{version|1.3.36|PC version 1.3.36}}. (There are no official release notes; these were created based on the equivalent PC releases.)
: Stardew Valley 1.3.37 on Xbox One was released on 08 November 2019, and reflects {{version|1.3.36|PC version 1.3.36}}. (There are no official release notes; these were created based on the equivalent PC releases.)
:; New content
:; 新增内容
::* Added [[:fr:Stardew Valley Wiki|French]], [[:ko:Stardew Valley Wiki|Korean]], [[:it:Stardew Valley Wiki|Italian]], [[:hu:Stardew Valley Wiki|Hungarian]], and [[:tr:Stardew Valley Wiki|Turkish]] language support
::* 游戏语言新增:[[:fr:Stardew Valley Wiki| 法语]] [[:ko:Stardew Valley Wiki| 韩语]] [[:it:Stardew Valley Wiki| 意大利语]] [[:hu:Stardew Valley Wiki| 匈牙利语]] ,和[[:tr:Stardew Valley Wiki| 土耳其语]]
::* Added [[合作]]. This includes chat with custom emotes, and new [[联机小屋]] buildings.
::* 新增[[合作]] 玩法。这包括可以使用自定义表情进行聊天,以及添加[[联机小屋]] 这一新建筑。
::* Added [[夜市]] event.
::* 新增[[夜市]] 活动。
::* Added Community Upgrade to [[木匠的商店]].
::* [[木匠的商店]] 新增社区升级的选项。
::* Added buildable shipping bins to Carpenter's Shop.
::* 可以在[[木匠的商店]]建造出货箱了。
::* Added [[阿比盖尔]] encounter at level 20 in [[矿井]].
::* 在矿井20层新增了[[阿比盖尔]] 的邂逅事件。
::* Added new heart events for [[贾斯]] [[莱纳斯]] [[潘姆]] [[文森特]] 以及[[威利]].
::* [[贾斯]] [[莱纳斯]] [[潘姆]] [[文森特]] [[威利]] 添加了新的爱心事件。
::* Added new heart events when player has given a [[花束]] to all bachelors or bachelorettes.
::* 新增玩家给予所有单身男性或所有单身女性[[花束]] 后的群体10心事件。
::* Added rare treasure chest rooms in [[骷髅洞穴]].
::* [[骷髅洞穴]] 中新增稀有的宝藏房间。
::* Added new monsters in the [[骷髅洞穴]]: [[石碳幽灵]], [[蝙蝠|铱蝠]], and [[铱蟹]].
::* [[石碳幽灵]] [[蝙蝠|铱蝠]] [[铱蟹]] 将会出现在[[骷髅洞穴]]。
::* Added [[秘密纸条]] and related quests.
::* 新增[[秘密纸条]] 及其相关任务。
::* Added new items: [[自动采集器]], [[仙人掌种子]],[[花盆]],[[木牌]],[[石牌]],[[刘易斯黄金像]], [[珍珠]], [[结婚戒指]], [[家具#夜市画|新的挂画]], and decorative items sold at shops and festivals throughout the year.
::* 添加了新物品:[[自动采集器]] [[仙人掌种子]],[[花盆]],[[木牌]],[[石牌]],[[刘易斯黄金像]] [[珍珠]] [[结婚戒指]] [[家具#夜市画|新的挂画]] 以及全年在商店和节日里出售的装饰性物品。
::* Added [[熊的知识]], [[特殊的魅力]], [[青葱技术]].
::* 新增[[熊的知识]] [[特殊的魅力]] [[青葱技术]] 等特殊能力。
::* Added [[不确定雕像]] to change professions.
::* 新增[[不确定雕像]] 以改变职业。
::* Added different stationery for letters from [[桑迪]] and the [[法师]].
::* [[桑迪]] [[法师]] 的来信添加了不同信纸。
::* Added horse [[帽子]].
::* 可以给马戴[[帽子]] 了。
::* Added a new Credits menu to replace the "About" menu on the title screen, and removed the <samp>/credits</samp> chat command.
::* 添加了一个新的“Credits”菜单用于替换标题画面上的“关于”菜单,并移除了 <samp>/credits</samp> 聊天命令。
:; Balance changes
:; 平衡改动
::* Increased purchase price of wood, stone, ores, and coal in the year 2+. The gold received for selling them is unchanged.
::* 从第二年开始,增加木材、石头、矿石和煤炭的购买价格,它们的售出价格没有变化。
::* Reduced price of [[一簇鲜花]] from 1000g to 250g, and recipe from 2000g to 1000g.
::* [[一簇鲜花]] 的价格从1000g降为250g,其配方的价格从2000g降为1000g。
::* Breaking small tree stumps now provides +1 foraging XP.
::* 现在破坏小树桩可提供一点采集经验值。
::* Once the player reaches the mine bottom...
::* 如果玩家到达矿井底部,那么
::** [[五彩碎片]] and [[钻石]]s may rarely drop from any monster;
::** [[五彩碎片]] [[钻石]] 可能以极小的概率从任意怪物身上掉落;
::** gems and [[紫蘑菇]] may be found when searching trash bins;
::** 翻找垃圾桶时可能会发现宝石和[[紫蘑菇]]
::** gems and purple mushrooms may be requested in NPC quests;
::** 村民的任务中可能会需要宝石和紫蘑菇;
::** some monsters will be stronger.
::** 部分怪物会更加强大。
:; Other changes
:; 其他改动
::* Once the player reaches the mine bottom, the [[矮人]] will attend weddings.
::* 当玩家到达[[矿井]]底部时,[[矮人]] 将会参加婚礼。
::* [[黄金南瓜]] is now a universal love (instead of universal hate).
::* 现在[[黄金南瓜]] 是一件普遍喜爱的礼物了(而非普遍讨厌)。
::* Tweaked several seed packet sprites.
::* Tweaked several seed packet sprites.
::* Tweaked Mr. Qi dialogue portrait.
::* 调整了齐先生的对话肖像。
::* You can now add Mayor Lewis' shorts to the [[夏威夷宴会]] soup.
::* 现在可以将刘易斯的幸运紫色短裤添加进[[夏威夷宴会]] 的汤中了。
::* You can now put [[火水晶]] in the [[熔炉]] to produce [[精炼石英]].
::* 现在可以将[[火水晶]] 放进[[熔炉]] 以生产[[精炼石英]] 了。
::* You can now refill a Watering Can at the kitchen sink.
::* 现在可以在厨房水槽处重新装满喷壶了。
::* Fireplaces are now furniture, so you can move them around and buy different fireplaces.
::* 现在壁炉属于家具了,所以您可以移动并购买不同的壁炉。
::* Fruit Trees cannot be planted on top of decorations in the [[ 温室]] border, or in the corners of the Greenhouse.
::* 现在果树不能种植在 温室 边界的装饰物或着角落了。
::* Improved Chinese translations.
::* 改善了中文翻译质量。
::* Improved some item descriptions.
::* 改善了部分物品的描述。
::* Improved performance in locations with lots of light sources (''e.g.,'' torches).
::* 改善了在具有大量光源(例如:火把)的地方的性能表现。
::* Improved performance on farms with lots of animals.
::* 改善了在农场上饲养大量动物时的性能表现。
::* Centered [[小屋]] door.
::* Centered [[小屋]] door.
:; Bug fixes
:; 错误修正
::* Fixed [[玩家角色#漏洞|item spawn codes]] allowed in character names.
::* 修复了[[玩家角色#漏洞| 物品生成代码]] 被允许用作角色名称的错误。
::* Fixed crops harvested with a [[镰刀]] not giving XP.
::* 修复了使用[[镰刀]] 收割农作物不提供经验的问题。
::* Fixed [[蜂房]] always giving wild honey when used on custom farms.
::* 修复了[[蜂房]] 在自定义农场总是产出野蜂蜜的问题。
::* Fixed seeds planted out of season disappearing.
::* 修复了过季的种子种植时消失的问题。
::* Fixed player collapse being cancelled when they open the journal.
::* 修复了玩家无法打开日志的问题。
::* Fixed animal mood & happiness bugs.
::* 修复了动物情绪和好感度的错误。
::* Fixed crystalarium item swap exploit.
::* 修复了交换宝石复制机内的物品时出现的漏洞。
::* Fixed furniture being usable to complete bundles.
::* 修复了家具可用于完成收集包的问题。
::* Fixed some recipes allowing Milk, but not Large Milk.
::* 修复了部分食谱不能使用大瓶牛奶的问题。
::* Fixed crash that occurred after 596 hours of gameplay.
::* 修复了游戏时长超过596小时后发生崩溃的问题。
::* Fixed staircase being spawned on [[矿井]] level 120 when a placed object is destroyed.
::* 修复了在[[矿井]]120 层放置物体并破坏会生成楼梯的问题。
::* Several grammar/spelling fixes.
::* 修正了几处语法/ 单词拼写的错误。
::* Fixed [[小麦种子]] and [[小白菜种子]] descriptions in Brazilian-Portugese.
::* 修复了[[小麦种子]] [[小白菜种子]] 的巴西葡萄牙语描述。
::* Fixed spring sign on bathhouse in Chinese.
::* 修复了温泉的中文春季标志错误的问题。
::* Fixed save files potentially getting overwritten if you start a new file after using exit to title.
::* 修复了使用”退出至标题“选项后加载新存档时保存的存档可能被覆盖的问题。
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::* Fixed bug preventing buildings from being placed where there would be a path/flooring tile in front of the door.
::* 修复了阻止建筑物被放置在门前有小径或地板的地方的问题。
::* Fixed music not playing at the Luau festival and in town.
::* 修复了参加夏威夷宴会和位于鹈鹕镇时音乐无法正常播放的问题。
::* Fixed clients occasionally crashing in rainy weather.
::* 修复了游戏在雨天偶发崩溃的问题。
::* Fixed the load menu showing 'no saved games' while searching for files.
::* 修复了搜索存档时加载菜单显示“未找到游戏存档”的问题。
::* Fixed crash that occurred if you collided with a monster on the first frame you entered a new location.
::* 修复了进入新区域的第一帧时,玩家与怪物发生碰撞,导致游戏崩溃的问题。
::* Fixed furniture rotation graphical glitch.
::* Fixed furniture rotation graphical glitch.
::* Fixed a German localisation issue with '%Farm' appearing in text instead of the farm's name.
::* 修复了德语无法正确显示农场名称的问题。
::* Fixed slimes not pouncing correctly.
::* 修复了史莱姆无法正确扑向目标的问题。
::* Fixed an audio-related crash often caused when using bombs.
::* 修复了使用炸弹时令与音频相关的内容崩溃的问题
::* Fixed Junimos dropping crops on the floor instead of collecting them.
::* 修复了祝尼魔收集作物时会将作物掉在地上的问题。
::* Fixed NPCs walking through the saloon doors.
::* 修复了村民穿过餐吧门的问题。
::* Fixed eye color being reset to brown after reloading.
::* 修复了重新加载游戏后,玩家角色眼睛重置为棕色的问题。
::* Fixed inability to use rod / slingshot in festival minigames.
::* 修复了节日小游戏中无法使用钓竿/ 弹弓的问题。
::* Fixed the title menu back button being hidden behind submenus.
::* 修复了标题菜单退出按钮被隐藏在子菜单后面的问题。
::* Fixed inability to move after receiving a gift at the [[冬日星盛宴]].
::* 修复了在[[冬日星盛宴]] 收到礼物后无法移动的问题。
::* Fixed crash when saving after the game adds Lewis's shorts to Marnie's house.
::* 修复了系统将刘易斯的短裤添加到玛妮的卧室后,保存进度时发生崩溃的问题。
::* Fixed crash viewing the map when another player is in certain events.
::* 修复了当其他玩家在特定事件中时,查看地图会崩溃的问题。
::* Fixed "double sound" when using singing stone.
::* 修复了点击唱歌的石头会发出“回声”的问题。
::* Fixed a Geneva Convention violation (by replacing red crosses in graphics).
::* 修复了违反《日内瓦公约》的问题(通过更换图形中的红十字)。
::* Fixed the potential for overnight events to cancel or skip a wedding event.
::* 修复了玩家可通过熬夜以跳过或取消婚礼的问题。
::* Fixed the inability to place donated items on the bottom two rows of the museum.
::* 修复了玩家无法将捐赠物品置于博物馆展座底部两排的问题。
::* Fixed farmhands being unable to pick up items they dropped in festivals.
::* 修复了玩家无法捡起他们在节日掉落的物品的问题。
::* Fixed Pam's upgraded house interior event not happening.
::* 修复了潘姆升级后的房屋内不会发生事件的问题。
::* Fixed softlock caused by mistaken ability to use daggers during events.
::* 修复了在事件中因可使用匕首的错误出现软锁的问题。
::* Fixed softlock when you play the Journey of the Prairie King past 2am.
::* 修复了凌晨 2 点后玩《草原之王之旅》时出现软锁的问题。
::* Fixed duplicate songs in the jukebox.
::* 修复了点唱机中出现重复歌曲的问题。
::* Fixed bug where music doesn't correctly play in the morning.
::* 修复了音乐在早上无法正常播放的错误。
::* Fixed bug where giving a gift to an NPC caused the gift action to happen twice in rapid succession.
::* 修复了向村民赠送礼物时会触发两次送礼动作的错误。
::* Fixed furniture rotation bug for "stools".
::* 修复了“凳子”的家具旋转问题。
::* Fixed Junimos not disappearing after the final goodbye.
::* 修复了祝尼魔在最终告别后不会消失的问题。
