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删除84字节 、 2024年7月17日 (星期三)
第86行: 第86行:  
*If placed within proper range of a [[蜂房#范围|蜂房]] (5 squares in any cardinal direction), a Sunflower will cause the [[蜂蜜]] produced to become more profitable.
* 如果被放置在[[蜂房#范围|蜂房]] 的适当范围内(任意方向上的五格),向日葵将使[[蜂蜜]] 生产变得更加盈利。
*Since both sunflowers and their seeds can be processed into oil using an [[产油机]], when processing sunflowers into oil it is more profitable to first process the crop into [[ 向日葵种子]] using a [[种子 生产器]]. This will yield on average 2 seeds, producing on average 2 oil for 1 sunflower instead of only 1 oil.
* 由于向日葵及其种子均可以使用[[产油机]] 加工成油,因此在将 向日葵 制成油时,先用[[ 种子 生产器]] 将向日葵加工为[[ 向日葵 种子]] 会更加盈利。这将平均生产2个种子,平均每朵向日葵生产2份油,而非1份。
