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删除80字节 、 2024年4月4日 (星期四)
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 当玩家第一次 与joja 家具目录互动时,会显示一份来自Joja的服务条款。
 当玩家第一次 与Joja 家具目录互动时,会显示一份来自Joja的服务条款。
{{Quote|服务条款:<p>By activating this item, the user hereby agrees not to hold Joja Co. responsible for any damage to life or property resulting from the use of Joja THRIVE Furniture.</p><p>The user is aware that there may be untested plastic materials present in one or more THRIVE furniture pieces, and waives any right to hold Joja Co. liable for adverse health outcomes attributable to contact with said plastic materials.</p><p>The user hereby waives any right to hold Joja Co. liable for so-called "shoddy workmanship", and agrees that any and all bodily harm resulting from breakage, cracking, powdering, bending, clamping, pinching, impaling, or any other unintended effect of using Joja THRIVE Furniture, is solely the result of voluntary user action.</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-- 加入我们 拥抱成功--}}</p>
{{Quote|服务条款:<p>Joja 用户激活此物品即视为同意,使用Joja“拥抱成功”家具如果造成人身或财产损害,Joja公司不承担任何责任。</p><p> 用户理解并同意,“拥抱成功”家具中可能包含未经测试的塑料材料,如果因接触上述塑料材料造成不良健康后果,Joja 公司不承担任何责任。</p><p> 用户理解并同意,Joja 公司对所谓“劣质工艺”不承担任何责任,使用 Joja “拥抱成功”家具时如果因为破损、开裂、粉末化、弯曲、被夹、挤压、刺穿或任何其他意外情况造成人身伤害,属于用户自愿行为,后果由用户自行承担。</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; —— 加入我们 拥抱成功 ——}}</p>

