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添加4,588字节 、 2023年7月6日 (四) 16:32
{{Quote|感谢您收听 F.I.B.S. 钓鱼信息广播服务。请您相信,我们绝不是来钓鱼的,我们只会向您提供本季节捕鱼时机的最可靠的消息。}}
'''钓鱼信息'''是一个[[电视|电视频道]],全称为钓鱼信息广播服务,简称为 F.I.B.S.(Fishing Information Broadcasting Service),该频道会提供当前季节可捕获鱼类的相关信息,包括钓鱼的时间、地点、天气和位置的要求。在完成[[潘姆]]的特别任务[[任务#The Strong Stuff|“烈酒”]]并触发后续的“土豆果汁”动画后,潘姆会在第二天寄来一封信,在信中潘姆提到了该频道。之后,玩家便可收看此频道。

{|class="wikitable roundedborder" style="min-width:500px;"
!style="min-width: 130px;"| Season
! Information
|[[Anchovy]]...... 6:00am-2:00am, ocean

[[Smallmouth Bass]]...... 6:00am-2:00am, river

[[Carp]]...... 6:00am-2:00am, lake

[[Catfish]]...... 6:00am-12:00am, rainy days, river

[[Sunfish]]...... 6:00am-7:00pm, sunny days, river

[[Herring]]...... 6:00am-2:00am, ocean

[[Eel]]...... 4:00pm-2:00am, rainy days, ocean

[[Flounder]]...... 6:00am-8:00am, ocean
|[[Pufferfish]]...... 12:00pm-4:00pm, sunny days, ocean

[[Tuna]]...... 6:00am-7:00pm, ocean

[[Rainbow Trout]]...... 6:00am-7:00pm, sunny days, river, lake

[[Carp]]...... 6:00am-2:00am, lake

[[Pike]]...... 6:00am-2:00am, river

[[Sunfish]]...... 6:00am-7:00pm, sunny days, river

[[Red Mullet]]...... 6:00am-7:00pm, ocean

[[Octopus]]...... 6:00am-1:00pm, ocean

[[Red Snapper]]...... 6:00am-7:00pm, rainy days, ocean

[[Super Cucumber]]...... 6:00pm-2:00am, ocean

[[Flounder]]...... 6:00am-8:00am, ocean

[[Sturgeon]]...... 6:00am-7:00pm, lake

[[Tilapia]]...... 6:00am-2:00pm, ocean

[[Dorado]]...... 6:00am-7:00pm, river

[[Shad]]...... 9:00am-2:00am, rainy days, river

[[Halibut]]...... 6:00am-11:00am, ocean
|[[Anchovy]]...... 6:00am-2:00am, ocean

[[Smallmouth Bass]]...... 6:00am-2:00am, river

[[Salmon]]...... 6:00am-7:00pm, river

[[Walleye]]...... 12:00pm-2:00am, rainy days, river, lake

[[Carp]]...... 6:00am-2:00am, lake

[[Catfish]]...... 6:00am-12:00am, rainy days, river

[[Eel]]...... 4:00pm-2:00am, rainy days, ocean

[[Red Snapper]]...... 6:00am-7:00pm, rainy days, ocean

[[Sea Cucumber]]...... 6:00am-7:00pm, ocean

[[Super Cucumber]]...... 6:00pm-2:00am, ocean

[[Midnight Carp]]...... 10:00pm-2:00am, river, lake

[[Tilapia]]...... 6:00am-2:00pm, ocean
|[[Tuna]]...... 6:00am-7:00pm, ocean

[[Walleye]]...... 12:00pm-2:00am, rainy days, river, lake

[[Perch]]...... 6:00am-2:00am, river, lake

[[Catfish]]...... 6:00am-12:00am, rainy days, river

[[Pike]]...... 6:00am-2:00am, river

[[Red Mullet]]...... 6:00am-7:00pm, ocean

[[Herring]]...... 6:00am-2:00am, ocean

[[Red Snapper]]...... 6:00am-7:00pm, rainy days, ocean

[[Squid]]...... 6:00pm-2:00am, ocean

[[Sea Cucumber]]...... 6:00am-7:00pm, ocean

[[Midnight Carp]]...... 10:00pm-2:00am, river, lake

[[Sturgeon]]...... 6:00am-7:00pm, lake

{{Quote|孩子,你好:<p>感谢你的“果汁”。它的确有一种……“独特”的风味</p><p>顺便问一下,你有没有看过 736 频道?是一个季节性捕捞节目,你可能感兴趣。<p>多多保重。</p>——潘姆}}

*The channel displays information only for fish that can be caught in the river (in [[Cindersap Forest]] and [[Pelican Town]]), [[The Mountain|the mountain lake]], or the ocean at [[The Beach]]. Fish that can be caught during all seasons are not listed.
**Even fish that satisfy these two restrictions for appearing on the channel may not appear on the channel in one of more of its respective seasons. Information for 8 fish is provided during spring, 16 during summer, and 12 during fall and winter.
*[[Fish#Legendary Fish|Legendary Fish]] are not listed. The information on how to catch those fish is instead provided in the Lost Book ''[[Lost Books#Secrets of the Legendary Fish|Secrets of the Legendary Fish]]''.
*The channel states that [[Halibut]] can be caught during 6am-11am during Summer, which is true. However, it can also be caught during nighttime, from 7pm-2am.



[[en:Fishing Information Broadcasting Service]]
[[fr:Infos pêche]]
[[ko:낚시 정보]]
[[hu:Horgász A Pácban]]
[[pt:Informação de Pesca]]

