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== 体力值==
:''Main page: [[Energy]]''
:'' 具体参见: [[ 体力值]]''
Energy limits productivity. One of the main ways to overcome this is by eating [[food]]. Eating food is an action, for which default controls are Right Click or type X with the food highlighted in your inventory and then click Yes in the confirmation dialogue to eat the food. Most crops and many foraged items can be eaten in order to regain energy.
没体力就没法干活,补充体力的主要方法就是吃[[食物|东西]]。默认操作下,选中食物,然后点鼠标右键或按X键就可以吃东西了。许多[[农作物|作物]]和[[ 觅食|在外收集]] 的食材都可果腹充饥。
Sleeping at the end of the day will restore the players' energy. After 12:00AM, the player won't restore 100% of the energy. If the player is exhausted when they go to bed or forced sleep at 2:00AM, they'll wake up in the morning with their energy level about half restored.
睡觉也可以恢复玩家的体力。但是如果超过12:00AM 还没入睡,就不能恢复全部体力了。如果入睡时已经精疲力尽,或者在2:00AM 被强制累晕了,那第二天早上醒来的时候,只会恢复一半的体力。
On the third day of summer, an earthquake will remove the rocks that block the path leading to the [[Spa]] (north of the [[Carpenter's Shop]]). The Spa will fully restore energy over a short period of time.
在夏季的第三天,会有一场地震移开通往[[ 温泉]] (在[[ 木匠店]] 的北边)路上的阻碍物。[[温泉]]可以在短时间内完全使你恢复体力值。

