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增加 408 位元組 、 2023年2月23日 (四) 14:36
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{{Quote|Keep it up, kid. I think you're gonna be a star. Just ask me if you need anything.}}
{{Quote| 继续努力,孩子。你一定会功成名就的。需要什么东西的话,只管告诉我就是了。}}
{{Quote|I knew you'd end up here someday. Of course, I had to make it a little difficult so you'd have an incentive to achieve excellence.}}
{{Quote| 我就知道你总有一天会到这里。当然,为了能让你更加努力,我稍微提升了一点难度。}}
{{Quote|I was born an ordinary boy, but I made a decision early in life that I would become extraordinary.}}
{{Quote| 我出生时也只是个普通的男孩子。但我从小就下定主意,要变得更加出色。}}
{{Quote|Hey. Don't tell anyone about this place, okay? I want to keep it... exclusive. You'd keep a secret for your friend Mr. Qi, wouldn't you?}}
{{Quote| 嘿。你可不要到处跑来跑去,宣扬这个地方,知道吗?这里可是我的……秘密基地呢。就请你为了我,保守这个秘密吧?}}
{{Quote|Never stop striving to achieve perfection. Settle for nothing less than excellence in everything you do.}}
{{Quote| 永远不要放弃努力。做什么事情都要做到尽善尽美。}}
{{Quote|Stop by whenever you wanna relax.}}
{{Quote| 想要放松的时候,就来这里吧。}}
{{Quote|Keep working hard and maybe you'll end up like me someday.}}
{{Quote| 继续努力,总有一天你也会像我一样。}}
{{Quote|Wherever you go... I'm always behind the curtain, making sure the show is interesting. Hahaha... Or... am I?}}
{{Quote| 孩子,世界并不只有视力所及的范围。总有一天,你会明白的。现在,你只要在做每一件事情时精益求精就好。}}
{{Quote|Set your eyes on the furthest star, and let that be your goal. It's always within your power to go one step further than you used to believe.}}
{{Quote| 孩子,我是通过纯粹的意志力来到我所处的位置的。你看……头脑是一件十分强大的工具。事实上,它是整个现实世界中最为强大的工具……甚至不仅仅止于现实世界。}}
{{Quote|Some things transcend time and space, kid. It's a unique feeling in the heart... a whisper of things beyond.}}
{{Quote| 我惊讶于你的顽强,孩子……想要到这里可是需要很多核桃的。}}
{{Quote|There's more to this world than meets the eye, kid. Some day, you might understand. For now, just keep striving for excellence in everything you do.}}
{{Quote| 无论你走到哪……我总会在帷幕之后,确保好戏在上演。哈哈哈……不过……是这样吗?}}
{{Quote|I got to where I am through the force of pure willpower, kid. You see... The mind is a very powerful tool. In fact, it's the most powerful tool in all of reality... and beyond.}}
{{Quote| 将你的目光落在最遥远的星星上,然后把它当作你的目标。你总是能够百尺竿头更进一步,超出你原本以为的极限。}}
''After unlocking the [[Casino]]''
'' 解锁[[ 赌场]]''
{{Quote|It's good to finally meet ya, kid. Welcome to my exclusive clubhouse. You've got the 'spark'... that's why I singled you out. What spark? Ah... The conduit of mystery, of art... People like us have a responsiblity [sic] to keep the world alive, to give folks a taste of the extraordinary. You see, kid... The world's like a bowl of rice. It's got substance, but it ain't worth nothin' without a good, zesty sauce. That's where we come in. Didn't you ever wonder who put those treasure chests in the old mineshaft? I like to give people surprises. You'll understand someday. Just keep doing your best and never give up.}}
{{Quote| 终于见到你了,孩子,真好啊。欢迎来到我的专属会所。你已经得到了“火花”……这就是为什么我挑中了你。什么火花?啊……就是通往神奇彼岸,通往艺术的通道……像我们这样的人有责任让世界保持活力,给乡亲们非凡的味道。明白吗,小子……这个世界就像一碗饭。它有食材,但是如果没有好的、刺激的酱料,便索然无味。这就是为什么这个地方会存在。你难道不想知道是谁把那些宝箱放在老矿井里?我喜欢给人们惊喜。总有一天你会明白的。尽力做到最好,永不放弃。}}

