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— 罗宾


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最后编辑Licer于2017-03-06 20:12:38.

Quests are set objectives that provide rewards when completed. They're kept track of in the quest journal, which can be brought up by clicking the small icon at the bottom of the UI panel or using the hotkey F. Quests are listed in the journal by title, and each quest can be expanded to read the text and requirements for completion. Clicking the X at the top of the window will close it and there's a button under the journal window to cancel the selected quest. Quests can be completed at any time after receiving them, there is no time limit or expiration date.

There are two major types of quests, story quests and Help Wanted quests. Story quests are typically received in the mail, but a few are automatically accepted at the beginning of the game to help teach the player about the game.


Example of a randomly generated Help Wanted quest

Every day the bulletin board outside Pierre's General Store may have a randomly generated Help Wanted quest that you can complete in exchange for money and sometimes increased friendship with the quest giver. When a new quest is available, the bulletin board will have a yellow exclamation point floating above it. Rewarded money depends on the number of items/monsters involved, the player's skills, and sometimes a bit of randomness. Once you have accepted a Help Wanted quest you will have 2 days to complete it, the current day and the next.


There are 2 Achievements associating with completing Help Wanted Quests.

  • Gofer (Complete 10 'Help Wanted' requests)
  • A Big Help (Complete 40 'Help Wanted' requests)


There are 4 types of Help Wanted quests that can be posted:

Gathering Clint will ask you collect ores, usually 20-40, or coal for him to inspect, or Robin will ask you to gather wood or stone.
Slay Monsters Requires access to the Mines.

Clint, Lewis, Demetrius, or the Wizard will ask you to slay a random number of a specific monster.

Fishing Willy will ask you to catch any number of a specific fish from the current season either as a challenge or to lower the population of that fish.
Delivery This is the most common type of Help Wanted quest. Any villager that the player has met and can earn friendship with will ask for a random item for various reasons.

This item can be:

Villagers will usually reward the player with three times the item's normal value, which may make quests a more efficient method of earning money from lower value items.


In addition to quests posted on the "Help Wanted" board, there are several Story Quests unlocked during gameplay.

任务名称 内容 触发条件 需求 奖励
Template:Anchor 跟镇子上的人自我介绍是很重要的。有些人会很好奇想认识新来的农夫。 Introductory quest 28 people greeted
Template:Anchor 送礼物是增进友谊的好办法。了解每个人的个人喜好,你快就会人见人爱了。 Complete 'Introductions' 给某个人一份礼物 data-sort-value="100">Gold.png100金
Template:Anchor 想要成为农夫,就要从基本开始学习。使用你的铲子铲松泥土,然后在泥土上使用种子袋以播种。每天浇水直到农作物成熟为止。 打开房间里的包裹 播种并收割防风草 data-sort-value="100">Gold.png100金
Template:Anchor 一位叫威利的人邀请你前往镇子南方的沙滩。他说有东西要给你。 信箱 在下午5点之前抵达镇子南方的沙滩。 Bamboo Pole
Template:Anchor 本地的木匠罗宾就住在镇子北方。只要给她充足的原材料和金钱,她就会替你在你的农场里建造新的建筑。你需要让她帮你建造鸡舍和畜棚来饲养动物。 Finish Getting Started 建造一个鸡舍
Template:Anchor 随着你的经验增长,你会发现新的配方可用于增加收入和改善生活。比如说稻草人可以防止乌鸦来偷吃你的珍贵农作物。 Finish Getting Started 达到耕种 1级,打造一个稻草人 data-sort-value="100">Gold.png100金
Template:Anchor 子北方山脉处有一座旧矿场。里面也许有珍贵的矿物,但是马龙说那里可能有危险。 Enter the mines. 矿井中达到5层。
Template:Anchor 看来矿场的升降机依然能用。你能够通过它快速回到你之前发现过的任何升降机门口。现在可以更加深入矿场了。 矿井中达到5层。 矿井中达到40层。
Template:Anchor 当前依然未发现地底最深处。这到底有多深啊? 矿井中达到40层。 抵达矿井底。
Template:Anchor 冈瑟询问你是否能考虑把新发现的古物或矿石捐献给博物馆。他说他会回报以一些稀有的货物。 Enter the Museum with a mineral or artifact in inventory 向博物馆捐献一个古物或矿石。 data-sort-value="250">Gold.png250金
Template:Anchor 如果你想要继续采矿,就需要建造一个熔炉。 Morning after gathering ore in the mines 打造一个熔炉
Template:Anchor 你的熔炉既然打造好了,那么就可以开始打铁了。根据克林特的指示,置放5块铜矿石和1块煤炭进熔炉,应该就能生产出铜锭 Complete 'Forging Ahead' 使用熔炉打出一个铜锭
Template:Anchor 只要击杀10只史莱姆,你就有资格进入探险家公会. Mailbox, morning after reaching level 5 in The Mines 10 Slimes slain. Get to enter the Adventurer's Guild
Template:Anchor 罗宾 弄丢了她最珍爱的斧子。她记得上次用它时,是在玛妮牧场的南边伐木。 找到罗宾 丢失的斧子。 Can be found near Sewer Pipe. data-sort-value="250">Gold.png250金
Template:Anchor 乔迪 需要用一株新鲜的花椰菜做菜。她让你带给她一株。 带给乔迪 一株 花椰菜 data-sort-value="350">Gold.png350金
Template:Anchor 镇长刘易斯找不到他的紫色 \"短裤\" 了。他托你寻找并交还……还要谨慎行动。 信箱 on 3rd of Summer 找到并交还镇长刘易斯的紫色短裤。Can be found in Marnie's house (her room) data-sort-value="750">Gold.png750金
Template:Anchor 又到了黑莓生长的季节,但莱纳斯找不到他的篮子了!他请你帮他找找。他也不知道丢在了哪里。 信箱 It's lying near the entrance to the tunnel, which is to the left of the bus stop.
Template:Anchor 潘姆 想喝淡啤酒 普通的老啤酒不会有用的。如果你有啤酒花酿造桶,就可以自己酿一杯了。 信箱 on 13th of Summer (or any day of Summer?) 带给潘姆一瓶淡啤酒 data-sort-value="350">Gold.png350金, 1 友谊 heart
Template:Anchor 巫师 想让你下 矿井 找一个 虚空精华他要用来准备一种黑暗魔法。 Day after reaching level 80 in mine data-sort-value="1000">Gold.png1,000金
Template:Anchor 玛妮 想给她的奶牛一份特殊奖励。她需要一捆苋菜。 信箱 带给 玛妮 一捆 苋菜. data-sort-value="500">Gold.png500金
Template:Anchor 你在矿场地底发现了一条奇怪的钥匙。 Reach the bottom level of The Mines. 寻找头骨钥匙的用途。 Access to the desert mine
Template:Anchor 德米特里厄斯 需要一个新鲜的 甜瓜 做实验。 信箱 on 20th of Summer (or any day of Summer?) 带给德米特里厄斯一个 甜瓜 data-sort-value="550">Gold.png550金, 1 友谊 heart
Template:Anchor 乔治 需要一个辣椒 来给膝盖镇痛。 信箱 on 25th of Summer (or any day of Summer?) 带给乔治 一个辣椒 data-sort-value="200">Gold.png200金, 1 友谊 heart
Template:Anchor 你被要求在头骨山洞里达到25层。成功的话能够获取丰厚的奖励。 Given after entering the Skull Cavern. 头骨山洞里达到25层。 data-sort-value="10000">Gold.png10,000金
Template:Anchor 在一个隐秘的加密箱里,你发现了一张写着指示的纸条。署名者是齐先生 放一个电池组在巴士站旁边通道的加密箱里 在火车站台的箱子里留下一个 彩虹贝壳
神秘的齐 你又发现一张齐先生的纸条。这次的要求更加非比寻常。 Complete "The Mysterious Qi" first quest 将10个甜菜根放在镇长刘易斯的冰箱中。
神秘的齐 You've found yet another strange note within the Mayor's fridge. This time, the instructions are more cryptic. Complete "The Mysterious Qi" second quest "给沙之巨龙它的最后一餐。" (Put a Solar Essence in the sand dragon's mouth)
神秘的齐 You found another note in the sand dragon's eye. It seems Mr. Qi's strange scavenger hunt has come to an end. Complete "The Mysterious Qi" third quest 检查你房子旁边的木材堆。 Club Card, which gives him/her access to the Casino.
Template:Anchor 卡洛琳 想为她的女儿刻一个南瓜头。她请你从农场带给她一个。 信箱 during Fall 卡洛琳一个南瓜. data-sort-value="500">Gold.png500金
新鲜水果 艾米丽想尝尝春天的味道。她想要一个新鲜的杏子 信箱 during spring(2nd year) 艾米丽一个杏子.
水产调查 德米特里厄斯 正在调查本地河豚的毒性。他希望你给他拿一条。 信箱 德米特里厄斯 一个河豚. data-sort-value="600">Gold.png600金
士兵的星星 肯特 想送一个杨桃给妻子当结婚纪念礼物。 信箱 肯特 一个杨桃. data-sort-value="500">Gold.png500金
镇长的需求 镇长刘易斯想要一瓶松露油。他没说是用来做什么的。也许你不该多管闲事。 信箱 刘易斯一瓶松露油. data-sort-value="500">Gold.png500金
征集:龙虾 格斯 发通知说他想要一只新鲜龙虾。 信箱 格斯 一个 龙虾. data-sort-value="500">Gold.png500金
潘姆需要电池 潘姆 的电视遥控器没电了。她在沙发和电视控制面板之间来来回回地走太累了。 信箱 潘姆 一个 电池组. data-sort-value="400">Gold.png400金
砂锅魚 乔迪 来到农场邀请你在晚上7点去陪她吃晚餐。她的唯一的要求是你得带一条大嘴鲈鱼去给她制作砂锅鱼。 Event - Jodi at 4 Hearts\Fall 15 or Winter 1, Year 1 在晚上7点带着一条大嘴鲈鱼前往乔迪的家。 Event Scene
捕条鱿鱼 威利 挑战你捕一条 鱿鱼 。他告诉你可以在冬天晚上的海里找到它们。 信箱 威利 一个鱿鱼. data-sort-value="800">Gold.png800金
烩鱼汤 格斯 要做烩鱼汤,但他需要一条青花鱼 信箱 格斯一个青花鱼. data-sort-value="400">Gold.png400金
Template:Anchor 皮埃尔会给带给他一盘生鱼片的人\"上等报酬\" 。很明显,他十分想吃生鱼片啊。 信箱 皮埃尔一个生鱼片. data-sort-value="1000">Gold.png1,000金
Template:Anchor 克林特想让你送艾米丽一个紫水晶.。并告知她是他送的。 信箱 艾米丽一个 紫水晶.
Template:Anchor 克林特弄了把新锤子,他想用不同的金属试试手感。 信箱 克林特 一个 铁锭. data-sort-value="500">Gold.png500金
Template:Anchor 巫师正在制作一把拥有惊人力量的法杖。没人知道这是干什么用的。他还差一个铱锭才能制作完成。 信箱 (5 Winter, Year 2) 巫师 一个铱锭. data-sort-value="5000">Gold.png5,000金
Template:Anchor 艾芙琳想给她丈夫一个惊喜的礼物。 信箱 (15 Spring, Year 2) 艾芙琳一个 韭葱. data-sort-value="500">Gold.png500金
Template:Anchor 格斯想作椰子奶酒,但还差一个主要素材。 信箱 格斯一个椰子. data-sort-value="600">Gold.png600金
Template:Anchor 威利挑战你抓一条蛇齿单线鱼. 信箱 威利 一个 蛇齿单线鱼. data-sort-value="550">Gold.png550金
Template:Anchor 法师要我从他前妻家取回魔法墨水,…但是我需要一个暗黑护身符才能获得去往他前妻家的路。进入下水道,询问科罗布斯 有关暗黑护身符的事情。 Railroad cutscene (after completing Community Center or Joja Warehouse tasks) Speak to Krobus and then venture through to the Mutant Bug Lair to retrieve the talisman. Return to the cave at the Railroad with it once it's collected.
Template:Anchor 有一个哥布林阻塞了去往女巫小屋的路。必须要想办法让他移开……或许我应该找出更多有关哥布林的信息。 Through the cave by the Railroad after completing the Dark Talisman quest. Speak to the Henchman outside the Witch's hut and give him Void Mayonnaise as a gift. Wizard buildings available. Dark shrine's accessible in Witch's Hut.