
於 2017年8月31日 (四) 14:05 由 Chino討論 | 貢獻 所做的修訂 (暂时把愚蠢的机翻换回英文……以及一些小修改)
Robin building.png
— 羅賓


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最後編輯Chino於2017-08-31 14:05:15.

建造成本 完成茶水間收集包






建築內部提供了10×12的格子來給農作物生長, 以及一個水槽來灌滿你的噴壺









If you intend to use automated sprinklers to water crops, some soil tiles must be sacrificed to place the sprinklers. The growing area is too large for any sprinkler to water the center from any edge. In addition, the 12-by-10 shape of the farmable area cannot be covered only with the square shapes of sprinkler watering.

The many possibilities yield various optimal sprinkler placements that cover the soil tiles while using the fewest possible sprinklers in plantable locations. Some sprinklers are inevitably placed on the wooden border. With iridium sprinklers, only 4 crop spaces (3.3%) must be taken, while with quality sprinklers, 12 crop spaces (10%) are occupied.


Fruit trees can be grown in the tiled area outside of the wooden border that surrounds the soil. This tiled area is two tiles thick, consisting of an inner rectangle next to the wooden border, and an outer rectangle next to the Greenhouse wall. The outer rectangle includes the outermost corners, which are complete tiles even though the wall appears to slant through them. Unlike farmland tiles, neither the building edge nor the wooden border hinder the growth of fruit trees. Even the furniture items (like planters and barrels), purely decorative, do not crowd out the trees and stall their growth. In fact, fruit trees can be planted and grow right on top of a visual decoration (on the same tile), if so desired. (It is difficult to imagine why it would be desirable to plant a tree on top of the water trough, even though it would not hinder one from filling the water can.)

Therefore, the only considerations to be made when planting trees are their proximity to one another, and to any sprinklers that might be placed on the wood border. The trees will stall and refuse to grow if a sprinkler is occupying the 8-tile prohibited zone around the tree before it reaches maturity. As such, it may be necessary to temporarily move sprinklers for one season while the tree grows to its full size, or instead, to plant some of the trees in the outer rectangle, away from the sprinklers.

With this in mind, it is possible to grow as many as 18 fruit trees inside the greenhouse. One possible optimal configuration is displayed in the image that follows.


You may notice that the given optimal configuration places one tree so that it blocks direct access to the right side of the watering can. One must go around the tree to get water. The image of the filled Greenhouse below, however, opens the access by placing only five trees in the north (top) row, reducing the total number of trees to 17. An alternative placement puts one tree in the outer rectangle, one tile away from the right side of the watering trough. Moving the next tree east one tile east, and the last tree into the corner, completes a reconfiguration that allows both easy access to the watering can and the maximum 18 trees in the Greenhouse, all without planting on top of any visual objects.



  • 1.0:加入
  • 1.07:不能再在土壤周圍的周邊地板上種植樹木。
  • 1.1:樹木再次可以種植在外圍的地板上。