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删除9字节 、 2017年5月9日 (二) 16:13
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|4 Summer, Year 1<br />8 Summer, Year 2
|4 Summer, Year 1<br />8 Summer, Year 2
|Here's a rundown/reminder of the [[fish]] you can only find in summer: [[Dorado]], found in forest rivers during the day. [[Rainbow Trout]], found in forest rivers and in the mountains during the day. [[Pufferfish]], found in the ocean in the early afternoon. And [[Octopus]], found in the ocean during the morning. Catch them while you can!
| 下面这些[[ ]] ,你只有在夏天才能找到:[[ 麻哈脂鲤|剑鱼]] ,可以在白天的森林河流中找到。[[ 虹鳟鱼]] ,可以在白天的森林河流和山涧找到。[[ 河豚]] 鱼,可以下午时分的大海中找到。还有[[ 章鱼]] ,可以在早晨的大海中找到。可以的话,就抓住它们!
|8 Summer, Year 1
|8 Summer, Year 1
|Let's talk [[corn]]. It's an unusual crop because it lasts for two seasons! That's right, while most crops die when the season changes, corn lives on. You can grow it in both [[summer]] and [[fall]]. Now, get out there and plant some [[corn]]!
| 我们来说说[[ 玉米]] 吧。这是一种非同寻常的农作物,因为它可以生长两季。没错,季节变迁的时候,很多农作物都会枯萎,可是玉米能够继续生长。你可以在[[ 夏季]] [[ 秋季]] 种植玉米。现在,行动起来,去种一些玉米吧!
|11 Summer, Year 1
|11 Summer, Year 1
|Starting tomorrow, an unusual amount of [[Foraging#The_Beach|shells and corals]] are expected to wash up on beaches all around the world. I'm no scientist, but I've heard it's something to do with crab mating season. At any rate, you could make some good coin combing your local beach.
| 从明天开始,大量的[[ 觅食# 海滩| 贝壳和珊瑚]] 会被冲到全世界的海滩上。我不是一位科学家,但是,我听说这和螃蟹的交配季节有关系。不管怎么样,你可以利用当地的海滩挣到一大笔资金。
|15 Summer, Year 1
|15 Summer, Year 1
|Got a [[spa]] in your town? Relax and hold still in the steaming hot water to replenish your [[energy]]. Ahh... feels good, don't it?
| 要在镇上做一次[[ 温泉|SPA]] ?静静地躺在冒着热气的泉水中,放松自己,补充[[ 能量]] 。啊……感觉真美好啊,不是吗?
|18 Summer, Year 1
|18 Summer, Year 1
|Summer's known for its lightning storms. If you know how to craft a [[Lightning Rod|lightning rod]], you can harvest the electricity and create [[Battery Pack|battery packs]]. These can be sold or used for [[crafting]]!
| 夏天肯定出现闪电风暴。如果你知道如何制作[[ 避雷针]] ,那么你可以收集闪电来制作[[ 电池]] 。这些电池可以出售或者用于加工制作!
|22 Summer, Year 1
|22 Summer, Year 1
|Most towns have a seasonal [[calendar]] in front of the general store. It's a good idea to check on that now and then to get a feel for what's going on in the community. Make sure to check for any job postings as well!
| 大多数小镇上的杂货店门口都张贴了[[ 日历|季节历]] 。时而看一下季节历,确实不错的,你可以了解到社区里的一些时事。同时,一定要看一下有么有招聘广告!
|25 Summer, Year 1
|25 Summer, Year 1
|[[Fall]]'s almost here! It's arguably the most lucrative season for farmers, so make sure you're saving some money to buy new [[Crops|seeds]]. If you haven't upgraded your [[Watering Can|watering can]] by now, it's probably a good idea.
|[[ 秋季|秋天]] 就快到了!毋庸置疑,秋天对于农民来说,是一个丰收的季节,所以,一定要存下一些钱来买新的[[ 农作物| 种子]] 哦。如果你还有更换过你的[[ 工具| 喷壶]] ,那么,这次可是一个好时机啊。
|1 Fall, Year 1
|1 Fall, Year 1
|Let's talk [[sunflower]]s. When you harvest them you'll not only get a nice flower, but you'll likely get some [[Crops|seeds]] as well. You can replant those [[Crops|seeds]] or sell them. I'm sold!
| 我们来说说[[ 向日葵]] 吧。当你收割向日葵的时候,你不仅获得漂亮的花朵,还可以获得一些种子。你可以再次种下这些种子或进行出售。我心服口服!
|4 Fall, Year 1<br />4 Fall, Year 2
|4 Fall, Year 1<br />4 Fall, Year 2
|It's [[blackberry]] season! Bushes across the countryside are overflowing with ripe fruit. Just go outside and see for yourself!<br />''(Note that blackberry season actually runs from Fall 8-11.)''
|[[ 黑莓]] 成熟的季节到了! 乡村的所有草丛中都布满了成熟的果实。你可以出去自己看看!<br />''( 请注意,黑莓季实际上是秋季8-11 日。)''
|8 Fall, Year 1
|8 Fall, Year 1

